Chapter 7 How is your skill

Upon reaching the top floor, Chu Yi had just exited the elevator when a crisp voice sounded beside him.

"Are you Mr. Chu Yi?"

Chu Yi looked over and couldn't help but be dazzled.

A face that scored seventy, a body that scored ninety!

Although the girl was wearing a serious business suit that covered even her legs, her chest was about to burst forth, straining the white blouse taut.

If she had a child, it definitely wouldn't go hungry.

Diverting his appreciative gaze, Chu Yi nodded: "Yes."

"Please follow me."

The girl, seemingly oblivious to Chu Yi's gaze, walked ahead to lead the way.

Chu Yi followed closely behind, coming to a slightly ajar exquisitely carved huanghuali wood door.

"Chairman, Mr. Chu has arrived."

"Come in!"

A deep male voice came from inside.

Chu Yi stepped in and looked around.

The office was more than two hundred square meters, antique in appearance, primarily wooden, with a faint scent of sandalwood lingering about, creating a calming and focusing effect akin to the special jade incense made by his master.

Two women with a sharp aura sat on the sofa, sizing up Chu Yi without a word.

Behind the office desk, a refined middle-aged man in Tang attire rose to his feet and gestured towards a chair in front of him with his right hand.

"Chu Yi, is it? Please, take a seat."

Chu Yi gave a slight nod, and as he walked over, information about the middle-aged man flashed through his mind.

The current Chairman of Han Corporation, Han Likuo! A star entrepreneur, his stomp could cause domestic tremors, a heavyweight figure.

"Have some tea."

Han Likuo personally poured a cup of tea for Chu Yi, then sat back down to get down to business.

"Chu Yi, I'll skip the pleasantries. Do you know why I asked you here?"

Chu Yi shook his head: "I don't. My master only kicked me down the mountain; she didn't say anything else."

Han Likuo couldn't help but laugh: "That is indeed her style."

"Chairman, are you close with my master?"

"Don't call me Chairman, you can call me Uncle Han if you don't mind," Han Likuo waved his hand, continuing, "As to whether I'm close with your master... what do you think built those pavilions and towers on your mountain?"

Chu Yi promptly stood up, leaned forward, and enthusiastically grasped Han Likuo's hand.

"Uncle Han, so it was you who financed it! My apologies for not realizing!"

Han Likuo chuckled: "It was just a little money."

"No! It's not a matter of money!"

Chu Yi said seriously.

If it wasn't for him, who had financed the construction without setting up any men's toilets or men's baths, where would he have gotten all his fun from?

"Uncle Han, just tell me, why did you want to see me? I wouldn't hesitate to go through fire and water for you!"

Han Likuo was taken aback by Chu Yi's enthusiasm.

Lin Qingying didn't lie to me, did she? Is her disciple really a master?

"Chu, don't be hasty, sit down, let's talk slowly."

It took a while to calm Chu Yi down, and then Han Likuo asked directly, "Chu, how are your skills?"

Chu Yi scratched his head: "Not too sure, I can beat all my sisters, but my master can thrash me."

Han Likuo raised an eyebrow and smiled: "That's normal; in Hua Country, there aren't many who can rival your master."

"So that means I'm pretty awesome too?"

Chu Yi was somewhat surprised.

Having grown up on the mountain, he'd seldom sparred with outsiders and never had a clear concept of his own abilities.

"Won't you know if you try?"

Han Likuo gave a meaningful look, and the two women on the sofa immediately stood up.

"You want me to fight them?"

Chu Yi hesitated.

Han Likuo soothed him: "Don't worry, they will hold back."

"Uh... okay then."

Chu Yi stood up, constantly reminding himself.

This isn't my sister, don't touch where you shouldn't!

The three of them walked to an open space, and the two women gave Chu Yi a cupped fist salute.


Chu Yi returned the gesture and examined them closely.

They were only a few years older than himself, with wheatish skin, agile figures, and rough hands covered with calluses—clearly they were well-trained.

However, their figures were incredibly curvaceous, with tight-fitting clothes that highlighted their stunning curves.

So wild.

The two women frowned slightly, obviously unhappy with Chu Yi's gaze.

What a pervert!

Instantly, the two moved at the same time, pushing off the ground like leopards, reaching for Chu Yi's shoulders with raised hands.

Just as they were about to succeed, Chu Yi sidestepped, narrowly evading their grasp.

Immediately after, he swept out a foot while simultaneously smacking down with an open hand.

The woman on the left immediately lost her balance and fell forward, but she propped herself up with her hands and rolled to dissipate the force.

"You guys are a bit slow to react, and not flexible enough with changing your moves," Chu Yi said nonchalantly.

The two women didn't argue; from that momentary exchange, they too understood that this young man was extraordinary.

"You take the left, I'll go right!"

As the words dropped, they attacked from both sides.

Chu Yi swept his gaze and, just as their fists neared, suddenly raised both hands.

Slap! Slap!

He clamped their fists in his palms.

The expressions of the two women changed, and immediately one of them aimed a sweeping kick at Chu Yi's lower body while the other tried to punch him in the ribs.

Chu Yi's mouth quirked slightly, unruffled. Holding onto their fists, he gave a fierce tug.


Both women tumbled forward and collided with each other in front of Chu Yi.


Han Likuo spoke up, nodding slightly to the two women: "You've worked hard."

The women obviously felt unsatisfied but still complied with Han Likuo's word and silently returned to the sofa.

"Does this mean I've passed?"

"Of course!"

Han Likuo nodded with satisfaction.

"So, can you tell me what you called me here for?"

"Well, it's nothing much, just to protect my daughter."

Chu Yi was taken aback, "You want me to be a bodyguard?"


Han Likuo took a file from a drawer and pushed it towards Chu Yi.

Chu Yi opened it to see a photograph—the first thing he saw.

In the photo was a girl with a delicate face, ponytail, and a sweet smile at the camera, brimming with youthful vigor.

Unfortunately, the photo was only up to her shoulders, so it didn't reveal her figure.

Even so, it caught Chu Yi's eye.

"Han Lingyue, 20 years old, currently studying at Binhai University..."

The file contained basic information about Han Lingyue as well as details on her frequented classmates and friends.

After Chu Yi finished reading, Han Likuo tapped on the desk and asked, "Got all that?"


"Then from now on, you'll be responsible for my daughter's safety, including her time at school. As for your identity, the school will only consider you a student, so there's no need to worry."

Chu Yi understood perfectly—it must be a paid deal.

"Additionally, take this card. The password is six zeroes. I will deposit one million into it every month. Any questions?"

Chu Yi's hand trembled.

One million?!

"Don't worry, Uncle Han! With me here, I absolutely..."

Just as Chu Yi was making his pledge, suddenly, an unexpected change occurred.

The girl beside Han Likuo with the tight-fitting top suddenly drew a tiny knife from her sleeve and stabbed towards Han Likuo's neck!