Chapter 9: Setting Off

David and Yuna stood just outside the entrance of the shelter, bathed in the early morning light. The air was cool and crisp, a stark contrast to the foreboding journey that lay ahead. David adjusted the straps on his backpack, making sure everything was secure. Yuna, ever-efficient, had already checked and rechecked their supplies.

"Are you ready, David?" Yuna asked, her eyes scanning the horizon.

David nodded, feeling a mix of excitement and apprehension. "As ready as I'll ever be. Let's review the route one more time before we go."

Yuna activated a small holographic map, projecting it in mid-air. The map detailed their planned journey from the shelter to the Neo York Wastelands, once known as New York City. The route avoided known hotspots of monster activity, instead favoring the old highways that were now overgrown and dilapidated.

"We will follow this path," Yuna explained, tracing a line with her finger. "The journey to the Neo York Wastelands will take approximately five days, provided we encounter minimal resistance. The first day should be relatively safe, but we must remain vigilant."

David studied the map closely. "Got it. We'll make our way through the old highways, camp at safe spots, and avoid any place that feel like danger zone. How far do you think we can get today?"

"With a steady pace, we should reach the outskirts of the old industrial zone by nightfall," Yuna replied. "We'll find a secure place to camp there."

David took a deep breath. "Alright, let's do this."

With their plan set, they began their journey, leaving the safety of the shelter behind. Each step took them further into the unknown, but their resolve remained unshaken.

As they walked along the remnants of an old highway, the landscape gradually changed from the familiar surroundings of the shelter to a more desolate and eerie environment. The once bustling roads were now cracked and overgrown with vegetation. Rusting cars and crumbling buildings lined the route, silent witnesses to a world long gone.

David glanced around, taking in the sights. "It's eerie seeing the world like this. Hard to believe it was once so full of life."

Yuna walked beside him, her senses on high alert. "Stay alert, David. This is first part of our journey even if it feals relatively safe, we cannot afford to let our guard down."

The sun climbed higher in the sky as they continued their trek. Birds occasionally chirped from the trees, and the rustle of leaves created an ever-present background noise. Despite the serene appearance, David knew danger could lurk around any corner.

They walked for hours, covering significant ground. Along the way, they encountered remnants of old life—abandoned homes, broken streetlights, and faded billboards advertising products that no longer existed. Each sight served as a reminder of the world that once was and the harsh reality of the present.

Around midday, they stopped to rest and have a quick meal. David sat on a fallen log, opening a pack of dried rations. "It's amazing how much has changed," he said, taking a bite.

Yuna nodded. "Indeed. The world has transformed drastically since the cataclysmic events. Many of the places we pass through were once thriving communities."

David looked at the map again. "We're making good progress. How much farther to the industrial zone?"

"About six more hours of walking," Yuna replied. "We should reach it by evening."

David finished his meal and packed up. "Alright, let's keep moving."

As evening approached, the landscape shifted once more. The highway led them to the outskirts of an old industrial zone, marked by the skeletal remains of factories and warehouses. The air was thick with the smell of rust and decay.

"We're here," Yuna said, scanning the area. "Let's find a secure spot to set up camp."

They explored the ruins, eventually finding a relatively safe area that provided some shelter. It had once been a place where workers took breaks, but now it served them as a potential safe haven for the night. The rest area included a few intact walls and an overhang that offered some protection from the elements.

"This will do," David said, dropping his backpack and stretching his tired muscles.

Yuna immediately went to work, setting up their portable shelter and perimeter alarm system. "I'll take first watch," she said. "Get some rest, David. You'll need your strength for tomorrow."

David nodded, grateful for her vigilance. "Thanks, Yuna. I'll sleep for a bit, then take over."

He unrolled his sleeping bag and lay down, the hard ground a stark contrast to the relative comfort of the shelter. Despite the discomfort, exhaustion soon took over, and he drifted off to sleep.

Hours later, David awoke to find Yuna still on guard, her eyes scanning the darkness for any signs of danger. He sat up, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "My turn," he said quietly.

Yuna nodded and took a seat beside him. "Nothing unusual so far. The perimeter alarms are set. If anything approaches, we'll know."

David took a deep breath, feeling the weight of the journey ahead. "We made good progress today. Any idea what we can expect tomorrow?"

"The road ahead takes us through a series of old industrial zones," Yuna explained. "It's likely we'll encounter some hostile creatures there. We'll need to stay alert and move quickly."

The night passed slowly, with David and Yuna taking turns keeping watch. The sounds of the night—distant howls, the rustle of leaves, and the occasional creak of old structures—kept them on edge. But as dawn approached, they felt a sense of accomplishment. They had successfully navigated the first day of their journey and were one step closer to their goal.

As the first light of morning broke over the horizon, David and Yuna packed up their camp and prepared to move on. The challenges of the previous day had strengthened their resolve, and they were ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Let's get going," David said, slinging his backpack over his shoulder.

Yuna nodded, her eyes sharp and focused. "Stay close and keep your guard up. The journey is just beginning."

With a renewed sense of determination, they set off once more, the ruins of the industrial zone looming ahead like silent sentinels. They knew the path to the Neo York Wastelands would be fraught with danger, but their journey had begun, and there was no turning back.