Chapter 10: The Industrial Zone

The morning sun cast long shadows across the ruins of the industrial district. David and Yuna navigated through the skeletal remains of factories and warehouses, the air thick with the smell of rust and decay. The once-bustling area was now a silent graveyard of twisted metal and broken machinery.

"Stay close," Yuna advised, her voice low. "This area might be more dangerous than what we faced yesterday."

David nodded, gripping his weapon tightly. "I know."

They moved cautiously, their eyes scanning for any signs of movement. The buildings loomed overhead, their windows shattered and walls crumbling. Vines and other vegetation had taken over, adding an eerie touch to the desolation.

"This place feels like a ghost town," David said quietly. "Do you think there's anything useful left here?"

"Possibly," Yuna replied. "We should keep an eye out for any intact technology or supplies we can scavenge."

They continued their search, moving through the ruins with deliberate steps. Occasionally, they paused to investigate a promising structure, but most of the buildings were too unstable to enter.

As they ventured deeper into the industrial district, the silence was broken by a faint sound—voices. David and Yuna exchanged a wary glance.

"Did you hear that?" David whispered.

"Yes," Yuna replied. "We need to approach carefully. It could be other survivors if anyone still alive or something more dangerous."

Following the sound, they soon came upon a group of scavengers huddled around a makeshift campfire inside an abandoned warehouse. It was shocking for Yuna and David that even after that kind of disaster, people managed to survive.

The scavengers were rough-looking individuals, their clothes patched and dirty, their eyes hard and suspicious.The atmosphere was tense as both sides assessed each other. David and Yuna stood their ground, ready to defend themselves if necessary.

"Who are you, and what are you doing here?" the leader of the scavengers demanded, stepping forward with a hand on his weapon.

David raised his hands in a gesture of peace. "We're just passing through, looking for supplies. We don't want any trouble."

The scavenger leader narrowed his eyes. "Passing through? This isn't a safe place for travelers."

Yuna stepped forward, her tone calm and measured. "We can share some of our supplies if you can provide information about this area. We're trying to reach the Neo York Wastelands."

The leader glanced at his companions before nodding slowly. "Alright. We can talk."

The tension eased slightly as the scavengers lowered their weapons. David and Yuna cautiously approached the campfire, keeping their guard up.

The scavengers led David and Yuna to their hideout—a corner of the building that had been fortified with scavenged materials. It wasn't much, but it provided some semblance of security.

"Sit," the leader said, gesturing to a makeshift bench. "I'm Tom, by the way."

David and Yuna took their seats, "I'm David, and this is Yuna," David introduced.

Tom nodded, then looked around at his group. "We've been here for a few weeks, scavenging what we can. It's tough, but we manage."

"We're looking for a way through to the Neo York Wastelands," Yuna said. "Any information you can provide would be helpful."

Tom scratched his chin thoughtfully. "There's a large nest of creatures further down the road. We've been avoiding it for weeks. Dangerous stuff."

Yuna's eyes narrowed slightly. "What kind of creatures?"

"Big, ugly things. Fast and strong. We lost a few good people trying to get past them," Tom replied grimly.

David and Yuna exchanged a look. "Thanks for the warning," David said. "We'll find a way around it."

As they prepared to leave, Tom approached David. "Be careful out there. This world is filled with dangers."

"We will," David said. "Thank you for your help."

With the information and supplies from the scavengers, David and Yuna continued their journey. They decided to take a detour to avoid the creature nest, even if it added time to their journey.

"Stay alert," Yuna advised as they left the warehouse. "We don't know what else might be out here." David nodded "Alright. "

As they moved further away from the scavenger camp, the industrial district became even more desolate. The structures were more decayed, and desolate.

Despite the challenges, David felt a sense of camaraderie with Yuna. They were facing the unknown together, and each step brought them closer to their goal.

"Seems like there are still human left in earth. Anyway we made good progress today." David said as the sun began to set. "Let's find a place to camp for the night."

"I also thought that no one might have survived ofter seening everyone around me dead. It's a good thing there are people, earth isn't dead yet." Yuna said.

Yuna started scanning the area and pointed to a building with intact walls and a roof. "That should do. Let's secure it and set up our perimeter alarms."

They worked quickly, setting up their shelter and making sure the area was safe. As they sat down to share a meal, David felt a sense of accomplishment. They had navigated the first major challenge of their journey and were one step closer to the Neo York Wastelands.

"We've got this," David said, taking a bite of his rations.

Yuna nodded, her eyes scanning the horizon. "We're getting closer. Just a few more days, and we'll reach the Wastelands."

With renewed determination, they settled in for the night, ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring.