
"Two in the basket till it fills to the brink,

three on the roof till it dries so well,

four in the pot till it cooks so hard,

five in my mouth, watch me grind with my


six in my tummy, i am so filled up,

seven as feaces, smelly smelly sme..." "quit it you noise maker, stop working for me if all you would do is disturb my peace" with head sticking out of the window a middle aged woman yelled and the boy who had beign singing halted immediately, "Lazy, stupid, noise makers" the woman yelled and shut the window then silence dominated the compound, "you would sing it to me later" the girl standing beside the boy whishpered and the boy nodded, the girl raised her head and looked towards the house with squinted eyes then she leaned towards the boy, "i heard madam Janet just got a Jade mug" the girl whishpered "yes, she got it from last night's auction, i helped her to wipe it this morning, its a very beautiful mug" the boy whishpered back with a gaze filled with admiration, while the girl's lips curved into a sly smile "she must have kept it in the kitchen with the other mugs" the girl muttered and the boy's gaze turned slightly irritated "how could you think like that?, a jade mug with those common mugs, she put the mug on the shelf in the sitting room, in that place when any body enters they would immediately sight the mug, and she would become the talk of town" the boy said and the girl slapped her head slightly like she is spanking herself for her stupidity, "just look at me, thanks for your enlightenment, Gabriel" the girl muttered with a smile then faced the flower she was trimming and the boy looked at her with suspicion, he suddenly didn't feel like he did the right thing but there were no proofs, he silently continued with his own Job of cleaning the flower pots with suspision still lingering in his head.

It was another cold night and almost everyone had gone to bed, a nimble figure dressed in all black suit jumped into a flower filled compound and calmly walked to the door, inserted the key in it's hand into the key hole and silently strolled into the house then closed the door, it squinted it's eyes, the only visible part of it's body and soon caught the target, the jade mug on the shelf then it calmly walked to pick it up, felt the cold texture in the dark and slipped it into the ragged bag hanging around it's waist, it turned to walk to the door but there was a loud sound of metal falling on the floor, the figure immediately hid behind the curtain and just then the lights came on "Gabriel are you sleep walking again" a middle aged figure yelled and the figure behind the curtain almost burst out laughing "no madam, i came to check if i remembered to close the jar of honey and i mistakenly made the stainless tray fall" Gabriel muttered with grogginess in his voice "so stupid, just so stupid, get your stupid self out of the kitchen and switch off the light" the middle aged woman cried and stormed off, a sigh came from Gabriel, the brief sound of metal hitting them selves filled the house then the light went off and then the faint sound of footstep going the oppisite direction, immediately the figure behind the curtain slipped out, dashed out of the door and dissappeared through the night, Gabriel who just saw the scene almost screamed in shock, "a thief, a thief" he muttered to himself in disbelief "i locked the door" he muttered again, suddenly his head turned to where the jade mug was kept and he turned angry "Hazel, you tricked me" he muttered hit the sofa in anger and took a long breath to calm himself, "you saw nothing, you told nobody nothing and you gave nobody the house key" he chanted to himself with eyes closed and inhaled deeper, then he walked to the door, locked it, took another long breath and strolled to his room in a coner of the room, "i would so deal with you Hazel, i would so deal with you" he chanted to himself.

In a small cottage some miles away from the house that the jade mug was just stolen, a girl walked out of the bath, the same girl who was with Gabriel in the day, with the mist from the hot bath she just took swirling around her, she had a white towel wrapped around her petite pale white body, and her silky long black hair, wet and upacked cascaded down her shoulder, she looked into the mirror and bit her plump pink lips then looked down shyly, "cute you" she mumbled and looked up then burst out laughing, took a long breath and smiled then picked the jade mug on the table, "Hazel, when would you stop stealing?" she asked her self "probably when the rich decides to help the poor with the money they have and stop wasting it on useless stuff" she replied her self and sighed just then she noticed something about the mug and she frowned, "God!, another fake" she cried and almost threw the mug on the floor, "you would waste your money buying useless stuffs and it always turns out fake" she muttered and after a while of sulking she suddenly smiled again "one stupid rich person bought this so why wont another buy it, little fake mug we would be visiting the market tomorrow" she muttered as she slipped the mug into her drawer, picked the pyjamas that was sitting beside her all black cotume on the cabinet and simply slipped it on her body then walked to bed, "good night Guttric city" she muttered and shut her eyes to sleep.