
The cock crowed for the fourth time that morning and Hazel shifted to a comfortable position on her small bed "stop crowing and let me sleep" she grumbled then fell back to sleep, not long a loud knock sounded on her door and she almost flipped her lamp in anger, "what the hell is wrong, cant i have a peaceful morning sleep" she cried and stormed to the door, yanked it open and almost screamed at the knocker then she noticed it was Gabriel standing outside, "what?, mrs Janet didn't bombard you with work this morning?, is that why you are here disturbing my sleep" she questioned as she walked to the sofa in a coner of the room and plopped her self lazily on it "where is the mug you stole" Gabriel questioned straight fowardly with a glum face and Hazel's expression turned clueless and confused "what mug?, the jade mug?, was it stolen?, how is it my business?" she questioned and he frowned "you came to the house last night to steal the mug, you think i didn't see you run out" he said "hey are you accusing for what i didn't do, as soon as i got home yesterday i went straight to bed, how am i suddenly a thief this morning" Hazel cried and his frown deepened, he was getting confused "you took the house key last evening before heading home" he said "you told me you easily misplace keys, and I took it to help you keep it, there is your stupid key on the cabinet" she said as she pointed to the key on the dressing cabinet, Gabriel looked at her deeply for a while and she had no change in her angry expression, he silently picked the key with deep confusion then he remembered something, "why then did you ask about the mug yesterday" he asked "I was just curious, goodness!" she exclaimed and he went silent "I am sorry" he muttered and she suddenly burst out laughing making him confused "look how good my acting is, if I should venture into acting ,I would surely make alot" she muttered and picked her self up, walked to open the drawer by her dressing cabinet and picked the jade cup out, "I knew it, God!, you got me so confused" he cried as he walked to pick the mug but she dodged him, "no, no, I took this so it's mine now, keep your hands to yourself, moreover it's fake so what would madam Janet need it for" Hazel said "hey give...., wait, it's fake?" he asked "of course it is, can't you see it" she said "but..., I don't care just give it back, madam Janet musn't notice its missing else I would be dead" he said and she sighed "because you are my friend, I would teach you what to say" she muttered and pulled his ear, he hissed in pain but she ignored it and instead whispered a few words into his hear, "would that work" he asked as he rubbed his hurting ear "all she cares about is her reputation it would work" Hazel said, slipped the mug back into her drawer and went back to bed, "so what would you do with it" Gabriel asked "sell it to another stupid person" she muttered with eyes closed "wait! it doesn't seem like this is the first time you are doing this" Gabriel exclaimed "since I was fourteen" she muttered "wo...." "get out, I want to sleep" she yelled as she threw her pilow at him and he fled, "stupid" she mumbled and threw the bed cover over her head.

He steped into the house quietly and sighed faintly when he noticed that there was no one around and the house was just the way he left it, he silently shut the door and tiptoed to his room, "Gabriel" he suddenly heard from the kitchen and he almost tripped, he fixed himself immediately and stood up straight to face Mrs Janet who was just coming out of the kitchen, looking all messed up with coffee powder and with a black looking cup of coffee, "where have you been you fool?, i had to make my self coffee and where is my jade mug?" she yelled and he cleared his throat "hope you didn't sell it?" she asked with squinted eyes "no, no, that didn't happen, Mr David the expert in artifacts and ceramics visited this morning, he said he heard a lot about your jade mug..." "did he see the mug?, what did he say" Mrs Janet cried in excitement as she dropped her bitter coffee and Gabriel laughed awkwardly "he said it was fake and he threatened to get us reported, so I had to grab the mug and tell him that one was mine and I didn't know where you kept the real jade mug" he said and Mrs Janet's excited expression dropped, her face morphed into an ugly frown "fake?, I bought a fake mug for eight hundred gold coins" she yelled and Gabriel sighed in his head "that stupid auction house, I should have listened to my husband" she yelled and turned her focus to Gabriel who became stiff "you did well, hope you trashed the mug" she asked "yes madam" Gabriel replied, he felt so happy and relieved at the moment, "then get your stupid self out of there and make me a better coffee" she suddenly yelled and stormed to her room huffing while Gabriel sighed, picked the cup of coffee and strolled to the kitchen