
Strangely Hazel met no other danger on the way, instead she was guided to the largest mansion by a dark coloured owl which suddenly appeared in front of her but that on its own was danger, her dagger remained tightly held in her hand and it was held in a position that was ready to strike, the mansion looked very ancient and sinister it looked even older than any of the mansions in the estate, she pushed the old door and it creaked open then she took a long breath and stepped in, the place was very dark, lifeless and silent, she decided to believe that the lord of the estate, Ezra, was dead and no body occupied any of the mansions, she brought out a small lantern from her sack and lighted it, immediately the place became illuminated, the mansion was sure built with ancient luxury and elegance, it had such lovely interior decoration but the silence in the house was murdering just then Hazel noticed something strange there was no speck of dust on any part of the house, she held her dagger tightly and strengthened her gut, even if there was someone she was ready to put up a fight Ezra on the other hand was standing in a corner watching the whole scene with an interesting smile. Hazel stopped checking the place and focused the light on the stairs, she needed to get what she was there for and leave the estate immediately, she silently walked up the stairs checking all the rooms she passed but all was empty she began to doubt her decision of coming to the house, suddenly a shadow dashed across the hall in front of her and she became alert, she put the light up and positioned her dagger very well "who is there" she called but there was no reply instead her voice echoed back at her, she frowned and wondered if she was seeing things, just then she noticed a painting of a glum land scape on the wall and when she saw the inscription under it she became overly excited she touched it feeling the texture of the painting and it was indeed original, the house indeed had artifacts, she excitedly took down the painting and suddenly a stone figure appeared in front of her, roared furiosly and began to attack wildly, she attacked back but her dagger was too weak on such creature, she immediately put her dagger away and dashed down the hall with the painting in her hand and the stone like figure followed after her still trying to attack, "a thief" Ezra muttered watching the scene an evil smile on his face "she is fast, stone won't get her" the young boy said as he watched the scene with dissatisfaction and Ezra disappeared while the boy sighed in frustration, Hazel got to the door and she tried to push it open but it won't budge she hit the door in anger and faced the stone figure, "if I am to die here tonight, I would bring you with me" she muttered with her eyes blazing with fury, she dropped her lantern and the painting and picked her dagger which gleamed under the dim light and sprang at the stone creature angrily swinging her dagger at it and the creature retaliated sending it's strong fist towards Hazel, she dodged, her agility strengthened by her anger, she struck back, her dagger scraping against the creature's arm and sparks flew into different direction, Unyielding the creature struck with a massive blow sending Hazel crashing on the floor and she let out a faint cry and immediately sprang up again her chest heaving up and down and with stronger fury in her eyes she struck harder with all she had in her at the creatures chest and it let out a loud cry as it shattered into dust and disappeared into the air, in a coner of the room the owl boy had a face filled with blazing anger but he did nothing, Hazel on the other hand fell to the floor panting heavily her dagger still in her hand, she was already almost drained out but she soon picked her self picked her lantern and when she wanted to pick the painting she got pushed the wall and held down by a pale skined green eyed figure who had a sinister smirk on his face, her heart dropped to her stomach, someone was in the house and there was every possibility that he was the same, Ezra de La rue, "hi" he muttered as he took off her viel and traced his cold fingers on her face, his voice as calm and soothing as the night's lake but Hazel only felt looming death she tried to push him off with all her strength but she couldn't even move a bit while Ezra didn't even look like he was using any strength, "your blood smells so good" he muttered his voice still the same but his eyes had turned horrifyingly red and long scary fangs were protruding out his mouth, for a long time in years fear gripped Hazel, the creature in front of her made her heart cold with fear, his faced moved to her neck and he inhaled deeply with satisfaction it only made the hair on Hazel's body stand she wished a miracle could happen to get her out of there, suddenly she felt a painful and sharp pierce on her neck, she let out a pained cry and suddenly there was a burst of power separating Ezra from Hazel and the owl boy appeared, Ezra had an ugly frown on his face about being interrupted as his face turned back to its original form, he looked at Hazel who had fallen unconscious as a result of the power burst and turned to the owl boy "why did you interrupt my meal?" Ezra questioned angrily, and the boy looked at Hazel in shock "she isn't human" he said and Ezra frowned "is that why you interrupted the only good meal I was going to have in a long time?" he asked "she is a creature like me, a Lythrix, it would only spoil the ritual if you take her blood" the owl boy muttered and Ezra took a longer look at Hazel, "she doesn't look like a lythrix, moreover all the surviving lythrix were wiped out years ago except you so how is it possible?" Ezra asked without easing his frown "she hasn't morphed, she is still a child and is still growing, it's only surprising that one of us is in this part of the world and hasn't been discovered" the owl boy said and Ezra hit the wall in anger that a large hole appeared in it, "lock her up, anyone who gets into my abode especially to steal my things can't go freely" Ezra said and disappeared with so much disappointment on his face.