
She opened her eyes slightly and she let out a pained cry, her body hurt like hell, it felt like she just got runned over by a carriage and she hissed loudly as she sat up straight and suddenly became alert, she just remembered her situation, all the memories of the previous night flooded her head and she touched her neck, she only remembered being pierced by those long horrifying fangs, a burst of power and darkness shrouded her sight, she examined her sorrunding and frowned, she was in a small, old but luxurious room, on a soft and large bed, the room had no windows, only a small opening by the door to allow wind, a sofa was in a corner with a small cabinet right beside it and there was nothing else, not even her belongings, she sat on the bed for a while trying to ease the pain on her body then she picked her self up and gave the door a good hit but it didn't budge, "damn" she cursed and hit the door again, "open this door and let's talk Mr beast" she cried and hit the door again but there was no reply, "are you really going to lock a poor girl in, I am so hungry" she cried, her voice morphing into one that was almost in tears but still there was no reply, "God!!, you are a very very not nice beast" she yelled but still there was no reply then she decided to continue hitting the door, in another part of the mansion Ezra dropped the scroll in his hand in frustration and looked at the window grimly, "silence that noise maker" he said to the owl boy "the spell would affect her growth" the boy said "that's none of my business, I am only waiting for the ritual to end so I can take her blood" Ezra said with an irritated expression and the owl boy went silent, "young master, I want to use my last wish" he said and Ezra looked at him with a frown as he picked the mug of red liqud on the table, "spare the girl, with her we would make two surviving lythrix, I promise she would be useful" the owl boy said and Ezra crushed the mug, the atmosphere became colder as blood spilled all over the floor but he was less bothered, "are you going to make babies with her Melvin?, are you going to make babies with my meal?" Ezra muttered "no no, I have no such thoughts, I just want to preserve a lythrix like me, young master she would be useful" the owl boy, Melvin said and Ezra said nothing, he picked himself up, deeped his already healed hand into his pocket and strolled out, he walked to the room where Hazel was locked in and kicked it open causing her to fall heavily on the floor, she hissed in pain as she raised her head her heart pounded with fear but she looked at him with a fierce glare, "hi there Mr beast" she muttered provocatively and he grabbed her by her neck and threw her on the bed, fear filled every part of her as he trapped her on the bed with his body but her gaze remained fierce, she suddenly swung her hand at him trying to stab him with the blade she always had in her coat but he was faster he caught her hand and looked at her with an evil smile, her fear became even more visible as his green eyes switched to blood red, she struggled furiously but he managed to keep her at bay without exerting any strength, he sluggishly leaned into her "you came into my abode, killed two of my favourite pets, tried to steal my belonging and you want to kill me, aren't you magnanimous?" he whispered into her ears and greedily inhaled her scent, in the next minute his fangs cruelly pierced her neck and she cried in pain, outside the door, Melvin heard the scream and he had been trying to open the door but Ezra casted a spell to repell him, he paced nervously outside the door, if Ezra took Hazel's blood, the ritual that had been going on for several months won't be able to continue until after two red moons and if he took excessive blood from her, Hazel won't survive that would definitely kill another lythrix taking it back to only one lythrix which was him, just then the door flung open and Ezra strolled out coldly, there was a hint of satisfaction in his eyes but one could easily tell he didn't take what wanted to his satisfaction, "young master you've ruined the ritual" Melvin cried, "there is nothing bad in waiting for some months" Ezra muttered and strolled off while Melvin sighed in frustration, the repelling spell had been taken away and he easily strolled into the room, inside Hazel lay weakly on the bed, she felt she was going to lose her life in any minute, her breathing was turning weak and her sight was getting blur, Melvin moved close to her and slipped a pill into her mouth and after few minutes she felt her lost strength returning back to her, her vitality returned and she sprang up immediately to see Melvin beside her, she immediately became alert taking a fighting stance, "who are you?" she asked "a lythrix like you" he replied and she looked at him in confusion, "a supernatural creature" he said and Hazel scoffed "you think i would buy that, I am human and not a beast like you and and that crazy blood sucker" she said and a dagger hurtled past her face, the wind from its passage whispering a deadly melody into her ear and she dodged causing some strands of her hair blowing to her face, her eyes widened in shock as she watched the dagger embed itself in the wall right beside her and Melvin laughed akwardly, "he his a vampire, he has strong hearing ability and can hear us clearly" he said and Hazel's face changed to that of horror "vam.., he his a vampire?, vampires are real?" she stuttered, and Melvin took a sit "yes they are just as witches and lythrix are" he said "Ezra is of mixed blood, a vampire and a witch which makes him unique but also unsafe, let's stop talking about Ezra and focus on what you are.