
Her head thumped in pain as she opened her eyes to welcome the bright light coming from the lantern by her bed side, she shut her eyes slightly until she could handle the light then she opened it wide, sluggishly she sat up straight and what happened before she passed out came rushing into her head, extreme hotness then darkness, that was all she could remember, she looked at her surrounding and she suddenly became panicked, she was in the same room she stayed when she visited the estate of death but the door wasn't locked, she walked out of bed in panick and dashed for the door just at that moment Melvin appeard and she almost collided with him, "hey where are you off too, go back to bed you aren't well" he said as he stabled the bowl of soup he almost dropped, "why am I here, did you cause the hotness or was it him, wha...." "calm down, you had your first power burst, that was what caused the extreme hotness and it caused your home and many other houses close by to be destroyed" Melvin explained and Hazel frowned, "then why am I here?" she asked "I brought you here, i saw the wave from the window here and i knew i had to get there, you got so affected by the power burst that you could have suffocated if I hadn't gotten there, there is enough medication here to nurse you till you get better" Melvin said "I want to go back home, i can't..." "Ezra wouldn't disturb you, he has gone into seclusion, you just have to stay here till tomorrow" Melvin said and Hazel paused, "why should I trust you?" she muttered "I saved you, moreover you are a lythrix like me so why should I hurt you" Melvin said "you work for a vampire who wants my blood" she retorted and he sighed "I could do nothing those times but don't worry you are safe during your stay here" he said and slightly pushed her back into the room "get into bed and drink this" he said as he opened the green coloured soup in his hand, a nice scent of buttercups filled the air but the soup wasnt looking good, she frowned "what's this for?" she asked "to strengthen your body" he said and she took another look at the soup "come on, don't tell me you have phobia for medicines" Melvin said "no, I am not a baby" she retorted immediately and he sighed in relief, "get into bed then" he told her and she finally did as she was told.

Morning came so fast and Hazel opened her eyes, her body felt so good and refreshed and she smiled, she yawbed slightly and sat up straight, just then she remembered the news that dominated the city before she became unconscious and her mood plummeted, Melvin walked in at the same moment "hey, are you still not fine?" he asked with furrowed brow "I am fine, but I would die soon" she muttered dully and he raised his brow "witches would be invading Guttric city soon, that means death to all vulnerable orphans who can't protect themselves, like me" she said "you are a ly.." "I don't have my abilities, even if I do what about the other orphans" she said and Melvin went silent "you and Ezra were doing a ritual to stop the witches from invading Guttric city right?" she asked and Melvin frowned deeply "how did you know that" he asked "I was once approached by a witch, she told me, she said she and her sisters were trying to use the ritual to their own benefit but since Ezra took my blood the ritual was spoilt" Hazel said but Melvin's frown didn't relieve "i think Ezra knows already that's why he doesn't want to continue the ritual" he said "please, is there no way that the ritual could be held without the witches hijacking it, every body's life is in danger" Hazel pleaded "there is but it depends on Ezra, he has locked himself up, I can't even get in" Melvin said "there should be a way to bring him out" Hazel muttered "that is you" Melvin said and her mood went down even more "my blood" she said and Melvin said nothing, "if that's what he wants, but can I have that pill you gave me the last time?" she muttered "it would kill you, you can only take it after not before" Melvin said and she took in a long breath "what should I do" she asked as she picked herself up "nothing, just stand in front of the door, he would open the door" Melvin said and she frowned "I thought I needed to get a cut, the blood would make him open the door" she said "no, your scent is enough" Melvin said and she said nothing more "follow me" he said and she obediently did.