Mood flip

She stood in front of the room nervously, her fingers locked, interlocked and unlocked, she was standing in front of a lion's den waiting to be picked up with less possibility that she might survive, she had been waiting for a long time now and there had been no reaction and as the time walked by she began to feel, hopeless and at the same time a slight relief, hopeless that the witches would bring down the city, relief that she would keep her life till then, but her relief didn't last long, the long awaited Ezra suddenly appeared in front of her and in the next second she was in a very spacious and luxurious room, she didn't get the time to admire the place because he suddenly put his hands into her clothes and began to run his hands naughtily around her bare body, as he greedily inhaled her scent, "stop" she cried in panick as she immediately moved away from him since he wasn't holding her tight in the first place "all you want is my blood, can you please take what you want and help me with the repelling ritual" she begged and he suddenly moved close to her with an unnoticed speed and pulled her closer, grabbing her by her waist "I want something else now" he whispered his cold and calming voice running into her ear, all what she felt was the alarm bells in her brain going off, "I am no..." suddenly her mouth was forcefully invaded and her eyes widened in shock, she began to struggle violently but she had never been able to fight against his strong clutches, his tounge wrestled with her restless one then he bit and nibbled her plump lip till he has had enough, he then moved to her neck bititing, licking and sucking it, only then did she realise the one mistake she committed, agreeing with Melvin to go to Ezra for help, he was a devil, one who does whatever he wishes, was it even possible to negotiate with him about helping the one city he had once caused a nightmare, suddenly the ripping sound of cloth dominated the room, he tore her cloth and the camisole she wore underneath and her breast bounced out, his gaze became more intensified and he became wilder with his kisses while his hand grabbed her breast feeling every part of it, her struggling became furious as tears poured out of her eyes, the realisation that she would end up getting raped made sadness coupled with fear creep into her heart, he threw her on the bed and she took that opportunity and ran for the door but unfortunately it was locked, she immediately grabbed an iron rod close by and waved it to stop him from coming closer, while her second hand tried to cover her exposed upper body with the ripped cloth, "stay back you beast, I won't hesitate to hit you if you come any closer" she yelled fiercely and he made an interesting smile, his robe was loosened revealing his strong and beautifully sculpted abs, he suddenly appeared in front of her at an alarming speed and threw the rod out of her hand, picked her up and threw her back to bed, he straddled her holding her down and suddenly she stabbed him in the stomach with a small shard of glass he hadn't noticed and his gaze became dark, he silently took out the glass and the place healed immediately making Hazel horrified, "you would stop at nothing to have me dead" he whispered hoarsely and dived in for another round of tormenting her body with his lips, this time even wilder, he tugged at her lower clothing and suddenly stopped, his face turning dark, he climbed off her body and she tried to run to the farthest coner of the bed but he pulled her back and shifted up her skirt to see the scratch she obtained from falling when she went unconscious on her thigh a little above her knee, it was a long scratch but there was no blood on it, Melvin had only applied a small treatment to stop the blood and to stop it from aching, "how did you get this?" he asked with a stormy expression and Hazel looked at him in confusion, but her fear could hardly go away, she couldn't understand the sudden mood flip "I, it might.. have been after the fall.., I fell when I slipped out of consciousness be..cause of my first the burst.. of power yesterday" she stuttered but his frown didn't ease, he touched the scratch slightly and his expression eased a little when he saw that she had no pained reaction, he raised his head and briefly kissed her lips "only i can hurt you and bully you, no one else is allowed to, only I can touch your body and kiss you no one else is allowed to" he whispered as he leaned into her and ran his hand around her waist, there were many expression on her face and thoughts in her head, confusion, dissatisfaction, fear and anger, she couldn't understand where his sudden and brief care came from, she wondered if it was his power that gave him the ability to make baseless decisions, suddenly he picked her up in a princess style and strolled to the bathroom, he dropped her in the bathtub and proceeded to pull her clothes but she almost scurried out of the tub and instead of his usual force, he let her be "I would leave you to take your bath, I would be outside" he said and strolled out of the bathroom , her confusion grew, she waited for a while and he really didn't come back then she picked her self up and walked to the door to securely lock it before she peeled off her ripped clothes and dived into the tub of warm water, she looked at the scratch on her leg and she couldn't help but get happy for having it, hopefully she had escaped from getting raped. Not long a knock sounded on the door and she hadn't even answered before the door was simply pushed open, she immediately submerged herself in the water and Ezra walked in, hanged the cloth in his hand on the hanger then walked out like he never came in, she breathed a sigh of relief and frowned at the soft lock, it came off with a push.