Daughter of Rapheal

As soon as Gabriel left the room, the room became filled with ugly scaly figures who had been hiding in the shadows, madam Cecily also changed form and fell in front of the three tailed figure sitting elegantly at the back of the room, her scales were darker and larger, she had sharp thorns on most part of her body especially her spine to her tails which had longer and pointed thorns and her fingers were long and black, her slithered tounge was also longer than every other witch in the room, "I fear this ritual wouldn't be as soft as the last" the witch with the name madam Cecily said and the three tailed witch scoffed, "Ezra can't beat me, he is the son of a stupid little witch and a lousy vampire, I am his queen and I would always conquer him till he bows to me" the three tailed witch said and the others nodded in agreement, "let him play for a while and I would show him who he really is, a rejected vampire and witch, a rejected soul who would never have peace" the three tailed witch said and turned to madam Cecily, "ask that fool of a mayor to see me, we need to prepare for the big ritual" she said and madam Cecily nodded then slid away from the room, "the rest of you go get yourselfs prepared, we would bring down Guttric city like we have done to the rest of the cities, we would do the ritual and we would rule all living creatures, the witches would rule like we are meant to and we won't have to hide in the shadows anymore" the three tailed woman said and the witches screamed in agreement "elder, what about Hazel?, doesn't she deserve to pay for killing my sister?" a young witch asked with fury in her eyes "why don't you sit and watch my dear Fiona, let that thief play for a while and I would grant you the honour of killing her" the three tailed witch said and Fiona smiled in satisfaction then slid away with the other witches.

It was another day again and Hazel visited Sunny's with Gabriel, she bit on her potatoes and looked around the store then frowned "don't you think something is wrong?, it's been a while I have seen Fiona" she said and Gabriel stiffened but recovered immediately, "she already left for Tommin city" he said and Hazel frowned deeply "so fast, I thought she said as soon as winter begins" Hazel said "well, winter is in few days and she had to go immediately because of the witches sudden attack" Gabriel said and Hazel smiled "it seems your relationship has gone far than I thought, for her to have told you all her movements" she muttered and Gabriel forced a smile "it's nothing, eat your food and quit talking about it" he said and Hazel sighed "fine then" she muttered. Not long a young man in dirty clothes stepped into the store, he bought little food and sat very close to Hazel, as he ate he gazed at Hazel sneakingly, Hazel felt it but she said nothing until Gabriel left the restaurant then she dropped her spoon and turned to the man, "were you also sent to kill me?" she asked dully and the man flinched "I am sorry, I am very sorry" he pleaded with fear on his face and Hazel frowned "you have been watching me sneakingly and now that I am questioning you, you are acting like I am going to eat you" she said and the man muted himself immediately, "please help Verga city, please" he cried and her frown deepened, a few people in the restaurant were already watching them and she didn't like that, "follow me, we can't talk here" she muttered and stood up, the man followed her immediately and her alertness rose, she led him to her house and made him sit under the leafless tree by the house, as soon as he sat he stood up immediately, "he was here" he cried in panick, Hazel's frown only deepened, his behaviour was strange and confusing, "calm down Mr, tell me what you have to say, I can't sit here and watch you display all your dramas" she said and he immediately sat down obediently but he didn't lean on the tree, "Verga city needs the help of his majesty and we discovered you are the only one who we can reach to get to him" the man said "who is his majesty?" she asked in confusion "the young master, Ezra..." "Ezra!!!, who told you, you could get to Ezra through me, I and Ezra are enemies, if you have something that could kill him I would have taken it from you and killed him" she exclaimed in pure anger "according to our divination you are his fated mate, and we discovered he already had at least a close contact with you, our divination told us he would listen to you, please help Verga city" the man pleaded "your divination is terribly wrong, excuse me..." "daughter of Rapheal, a lythrix of cold days, are you really going to let the witches take dominance over all living creatures" the man yelled, his countenance becoming fierce and Hazel frowned "their mass killings has spread through all the cities across the mountains and seas, Guttric city is their last city, and its the city where the ritual would be carried out, Verga city and Tommin city has most deaths because they are the last cities on the east and west respectively, Ezra was born for this war and you were born to be by his side, you have no choice daughter of Rapheal, you have to help us" the man said and suddenly disappeared into thin hair, Hazel trembled slightly and looked around, fate was playing tricks on her, all she wanted was to help the orphans like herself, not get so deeply involved into helping people, she was no Messiah, she had gone through alot before the age of fourteen when she ventured into stealing and thinking about them brought grave sadness to her heart.