young Hazel (I)

The night was cold and stormy, a heavy rain descended on the hidden city of Krola, a city which housed millions of Lythrix, the people had gone to sleep all not minding the heavy rain and no one knew about the cloaked figures that slid into the city, they all took one house each and in less than a minute the houses got filled with blood curdling screams then grave silence, this woke some people up but they didn't come out of their houses until the next round of screams, those men with strong guts came out of their houses checking every house to make sure everyone was safe and sound until they noticed the water on the floor was mixed with blood flowing from the houses farther into the city, many got scared and backed away leaving a few to trace the blood to the houses where the blood was coming from, the sight that met them was cruel and gruesome, all members of twenty houses had their heart removed and their neck slayned, the men knew danger was in the city and as lythrix they tried to switch form but strangely they couldn't and no one in the city could neither could they create power surges, everyone became panicked, they began running helter schelter searching for places to hide and at the same time the witches began their mass killing, they killed every lythrix they sighted, young, old, sick, healthy, they killed like they were killing animals, in the depth of the city, a panicked young man led his heavily pregnant wife down the hill, sadly enough she went into labour just after they descended the hill, his long expected child was on the way but at a very wrong time, gently and at the same time filled with fear he led her to the outskirt of the city hoping to find a carriage going to the next city but time passed, the rain fell even heavier and no carriage appeared, he began to feel depressed and more scared, while his wife laboured in pain, with the little he knew, he helped his wife and their little daughter was born, her little cries dominated the forest and he silenced her by putting her mother's nipple in her mouth, his joy and sadness knew no bound, he feared his daughter would die with them that night his wife was already so weak, she was loosing a lot of blood and there was nothing he could do, "Rapheal, hide her behind the bushes at the other side of the road" his wife whispered with the little strength she had, "we can't save ourselves from those creatures but let our little daughter live for us" she whispered and Raphael tucked her wet hair behind her ear with heavy gloom on his, he gently picked the little girl up, removed his cloth and wrapped her with it then looked at his wife, she smiled weakly in encouragement and he ran quickly to the other side of the road with his hands trembling he hid the little sleeping girl in the bushes, then cast a long gaze at his little one, his vision blurring with tears, knowing he might never see her grow up, never hear her laugh, never hold her close again. He then ran back to his wife and lay down silently beside her then held her weak body to keep her company till the last moment, "we didn't name her" his wife whispered "if we had the chance, I would have loved to name her Summer, I wish she would be the brightness to lighten the dark life of everyone she comes across" Raphael muttered and his wife burst into tears, "we did nothing to them, we lythrix have always lived a peaceful life.... why are they killing us....they won't let me watch my daughter grow.... they won't let me watch my little girl grow" she weeped and he patted her in soothingly as tears fell from his eyes, the atmosphere remained sad until the witches appeared, "look who we have here, the couple we have been looking for" one of the witches exclaimed and the rest laughed "well, you have us, give us the death you have brought and let us go" Raphael muttered with head bowed as a sign of giving up and the witch who led the group scoffed "coward, isn't this the same Rapheal, the same lythrix who can switch into a panther now look how lowly his life has become" she said and the others laughed again "give us your new born child and we would let you live" she said and Raphael raised his head while his weak wife put on an angry face "she died and we threw her into the flooded road" Raphael said with sadness, and there was a loud murmuring among the witches suddenly the witch in the front turned to the weak woman on the floor, "Matilda is that true" she asked with as she sprayed her self with a strange fragrance, it deeply affected Matilda and she almost spilled the truth but instead she stabbed her self to death with the small blade in her boot her final gaze mixed with sorrow and apology, Raphael cried out in sadness and agony, his heart was crushed into thousand pieces and tears dropped from his heavy eyes while the witches sighed disappointedly "stupid woman" the one in the front cried and suddenly Raphael attacked her stabbing her chest with the same blade his wife stabbed her self with, her scream dominated the forest as she melted and Raphael's dieing cry followed after immediately, "we couldn't get the girl, let's return back we already lost a sister" one of them addressed the crowd of witches and they disappeared just like they appeared, krola city descended into silence but the sad memories of that night hunted the trees for years