DAY 5 - Text

My phone's screen lit up.

-Another manga notification?..-

-Wait, I had no wifi now!-

I grabbed my phone next to me and sprung up.


It was a message from a friend of mine, Elliott, or as I liked to call him: Elidiot.

-Elidiot...- As I stared at his question asking how I had been, I threw my phone in a fit (on my bed as I couldn't afford to break it).

You see, I couldn't reply because my messages still wouldn't send!

Elidiot- I'm really worried about you. It's been two weeks now since you just left and stopped talking to everyone.-

Elidiot- No reply huh..It's ok, I'll let you rest so come back soon.

I'll be waiting.-

-It's not like I want to ignore you!-

Tears starting welling up in my eyes as I shut my phone completely so I wouldn't have to deal with something like this again.

I pulled my knees close and rested my head on them, now looking at the at the sky.

I met Elidiot two years ago online.

I don't remember exactly how It went but he was quite the nerd and i wouldn't understand half the things he would talk about but...somehow, we clicked.

He taught me how to build my own PC while i taught him (surprisingly?) how to build a better relationship with people and to open up.

For me to teach someone how to get along and make friends... Seems weird, right?

Yet there was a time i didn't think twice for the consequences of my actions and jumped to the first fun thing i saw, looking for thrill.

Greedily, i wanted all life could offer.

-Maybe I should go out again?..-

The scenery that just a few minutes ago i was admiring from inside my room was something out of a picture book.

Grass greener than green if that could be and the bluest sky only changing for the sun to set.

As i admired It all, i saw the field expand into the "nothing", slowly, and on to my right a path made of stone seemed to lead to what looked like a Town.

My eyes lit up in excitment.