
Sabrina sat quietly by Madam Quinn's bedside, her hands clasped in her lap. The faint beeping of the heart monitor filled the room, blending with the sound of her soft breathing.

Madam Quinn's face was pale, her slender frame swallowed by the hospital bed, but her sharp eyes sparkled with their usual energy as they rested on Sabrina.

"Where is Alex?" Madam Quinn asked, her voice a little hoarse but steady. "I thought you'd be here together."

Sabrina sighed and adjusted the blanket over Madam Quinn's legs. "He's busy handling his business."

"Is that so?" Madam Quinn asked, narrowing suspicious eyes at Sabrina, "Or did you end things with him?"

"End things with him so that you would just find another way to hook me up with someone else? No, thanks," she said, and Madam Quinn chuckled lightly, though it quickly turned into a cough.