Tread Carefully

Hunter sat on the chair in his balcony, one leg propped up on the coffee table, flipping through a sports magazine he'd already read twice.

He wasn't really paying attention to the glossy pages. His mind kept wandering back to the crazy events of the past week— it had started with Delilah's disappearance, and then the revelation of Alex's true identity, then his grandmother's collapse, follows by the family drama wit Claudia and Chloe. But even now something kept nagging at the back of his mind— the flowers which Delilah had received from an anonymous source.

His phone vibrated on the table, pulling him from his thoughts. Hunter reached for it, curiosity replacing his idle boredom when Damon's name flashed on the screen.

"Hey, Damon," Hunter greeted, leaning back into the chair.

"Where are you?" Damon's voice carried an undertone of excitement and Hunter could immediately tell that Damon was in a good mood.

"Home. Why?"