A Shift of Breeze

The curtains of yellow and orange is already wrapping the sun's reign when they finally reached the capital of Algernon. Luminescence of the moss lamps slowly assisted its departure together with the stars and the round moon.

By now, Nicolas is already tired of seeing the place and the excitement he had when it's his first time is now only a memory. He was already tired of the enchanting streets that wakes up in the evening as if every night is a feast. He was already used to Algernon's castle that's towering the palace, standing tall atop of highest peak of the capital's hilly demography. It looked as extravagant with their flag gallantly waltzing with the gentle nightly breeze, he would admit to himself that it looked way better than theirs but being exposed to this jewel with almost half of his life, it no longer tickles his attention.

Per usual, they we're greeted warmly by the servants in front of the castle gate. King Ferrol and Queen Herina lead them in front with a smile.

"Should I formally greet you once again, King Frederick?" Ferrol jokingly greeted as he watched them descend the carriage.

"Please don't we're already in your care almost every month, just your assistance from all these years is already enough for us to feel welcome."

"You really do know how to flatter."

"Of course, it's one of the negotiation techniques that I'm proud to have."

"I know, even Nicolas here has that trait," Ferrol turned to the prince, "I'm pleased to see you're growing into a fine man. Did your father bared fangs at you during the journey?" he laughed.

Subtly taking a glimpse at his father, he returned a smile to Algernon's King, "I am pleased to see you doing well too, King Ferrol, Queen Herina. We'll be in your care for the following week. Once again, I am extending my gratitude—," he let his eyes wander behind the Queen's side searching for the usual bothersome princess.

"If you're looking for Meriane, she's in her room, unwell and in a bad mood. She's already at that age after all, if you know what I mean," Herina chuckled, covering her laughter with her fan. "Anyway, let's head inside before the supper gets cold."

He's not looking forward to meeting her, most of the time ever since they were kids, she did nothing but bother the prince. He's just surprise and hopeful that for the first time in his visiting days, he can have a peaceful night.

The halls are still the same as usual. Almost every wall was filled with paintings and family crest of the Algernon's. He had already memorized each and every portrait of the Royal family. Criticizing the brush strokes was his pass time whenever Meriane has him by the throat, glued to a chair, trying not to upset her and incur his father's anger. Never again, since that almighty slap after he left the princess crying during a game of hide and seek scarred him for life.

"Meriane aside, I don't think I've been seeing Edmund and Darius lately," Frederick asked finishing the last drop of wine from his glass. His cheeks pinkish like Ferrol.

"Those kids? They are busy looking for a wife. Now that you mentioned it, isn't Nicolas at that age too?"

Nicolas's throat and the turkey meat had a tango from what he had heard. Desperately reaching for the glass of water, the queen helped him out. "Are you okay Nicolas? Is something wrong with the food?"

He just shook his head before smiling and expressing his gratitude. With his eyes evading the gazes of his elders, he replied, "I don't think I am yet prepared for such relationships King Ferrol. I do acknowledge the idea, but Gregoria is still far from stable, and it would be convenient for me to maintain my current status."

Ferrol can't help but be impressed, "I told you Frederick, your son is quite calculative. Very much like you, he would be a splendid ruler in the future."

"Aren't you two putting too much pressure on the child's shoulders," Herina pointed out, "Edmund and Darius are three years older, let Nicolas be. If not, I will tell this to Natalia at once, although the letter might take a while to get there," she jokingly added which caused the table to burst in laughter.

Despite the statement only passing for a joke, he already knows that this is a matter that he would need to face sooner or later. His father beside him, throwing sharp side gazes did not help ease the uneasiness he is feeling.

"But you know—," the queen started once again, "Next time, bring Natalia with you. I'm starting to feel envious that only you and Ferrol gets to see each other. I have so much to share with her."

Seeing this as an opportunity to escape their pressing eyes, he bid them goodnight and headed for his room. With nothing to do but lay down, he loosened his necktie and freed his buttons before letting the fatigue of the last three days wash over him. "Wish me luck Alisa. This will be another long week."

He opened his eyes to the seeping daylight, pass the swaying white curtains that's covering the window. Laying there under the covers, he sighed, trying to garner the strength to stand, "Do I really need to attend that meeting," he asked himself looking directly at his reflection on the mirror on his left.

"Are you stupid, you already know what would happen if you failed to attend," Anton startled him with an unsolicited entry to his door, causing the prince to jump out of the bed and assumed a fighting stance.

"Would it kill you if you knock at least once?" he sighed, easing up as he recognized his butler.

"You're forgetting that I'm also tasked to train you with the sword and every weapon in existence, this too is also part of your training."

"Don't go crying to my father if I somehow snapped your neck one day out of self defense."

"That's the spirit, but for now your duty comes first. Go and change your clothes, your majesty," Anton made his way for his cabinet of clothes and picked his suit for him. "You know how to tie your tie now do you?"

"I'm no longer a child, I can do this by myself," he forcefully took the change of clothes from Anton to which the man only laughed off.

"Really? The last time I remember, you can't even take a bath on your own," the butler smirked.

Annoyed and turning red, Nicolas marched his way to the bath, "Shut up, tell my great Father, Frederick, that I'll be there in a second," before Anton could even reply, he already slammed the door shut.

The table is already decorated with delegates and merchants that will participate in the meeting, he had known most of them for a while now and did his best to interact. He found it hard to do so but like of most of his unwanted experiences in life, getting used to it did not take long. A simple half-hearted smile and mirroring is already enough to coat his disinterest.

Among them is the Princess Meriane, sitting on her chair beside the window, waving at him with both modesty and a hint of excitement. She's wearing her best dress of pastel blue, complimenting her light brown hair. Selene, her attendant is still with her, makings sure that she's perfect in any angle. Calming himself with a deep breath, he fixed his tie and gently smiled, accepting that this, will once again be a long tiring week.

"Do you still feel sick, your majesty?" he greeted her, kneeling with Anton on the floor with their right hands to their left chest.

"As courteous as always, but would you quit being formal, I told you to call me by my name, Prince Nicolas," she sighed before Anton arranged the prince's chair. "On a different note, I'm glad the journey went well, good morning to you and Anton."

"Good morning too Princess, please take care of our prince during the meeting."

"And take care of my Selene as well," they both laughed before settling down. "Going back to you, you, are, early, what's the occasion? You're usually ten minutes late."

"Nothing much, just got tired of being scolded by a certain someone whose just about to walk through that door. Right about now"

"Oh really, I thought you really liked being scolded."

"Very funny, very, very funny," he stared at him to the point of uncomfortable before taking it all back. "Just kidding—," he inched in closer to her, "Don't you think this change is for the best?"

"Well—," flustered, Meriane hid behind her fan and whispered, "Well, I am not against it."

The meeting started as soon as the Kings entered the room. Nicolas could only mutter to himself seeing that they are the once that are late. When Meriane heard a gist of it, he just brushed it off with how much he would rather take a walk outside that sit there and idle. The princess did not take it seriously though, for she knows what kind of person Nicolas is during these kinds of meetings. She herself knows that the prince is a person with few words, she's well aware, they have been together most of their childhood, but that is why she knew this is no more than an idle chat for him.

The first topic is about the supplies that Gregoria will receive, with the new route created between them and Algernon, things should have been much cheaper to transport. It should have been, but Meriane can already feel the itch in Nicolas's throat and the anger in King Frederick's eyes when the merchant demanded more gold for his usual delivery. She can only cover herself with her fan when Nicolas suddenly spoke while Federick slammed the parchment he is holding.

There was a brief truce as the father and son debated on who should voice out their dismay. As Meriane predicted, Nicolas won. These are the only times when their dispute is put aside.

"Don't you think you're over pricing us more than usual," it echoed around the room, once again proving the princess's point. "We are indeed in your favor, since our Kingdom is nowhere near its former state. We are incapable of transporting large quantities of supplies. That doesn't mean that you can exploit our weaknesses just because you can."

Once the prince had his fill, the king followed. "We have already lowered tariffs for your entry in our territory, what more do you want," if only the merchant was a lamb, he might have been already grilled from their gazes.

The whole table went in an uproar. It was a heated round of hot potato for whoever speaks gets flamed with no mercy, an open fire free for all where even friendly fire is free to fly. A suggestion here, objection there, they're like buzzing bees swarming a hive, though bees have more harmony than them. Another notion, another complaint. No one was prepared to back out not until King Ferrol nailed the coffin with his words.

"Gregoria has a point with this one," he said, silencing the merchants before turning to Frederick and Nicolas, saying his own concerns. With everything sorted by the strongest piece on the board, the meeting ended with everyone getting what they want in a reasonable price. No complaints as they shook hands.

Nicolas was quick on his feet and immediately left the room. Among the trees and the plants, a balcony on the far side of the garden just before his room, situated over the glistening town painted by the colorful stalls, cheerful folks, and the mid-day sun that highlights them. If there is something that he enjoyed during his visits, it would be this simple place that gives peace to his soul.

"Do you mind if I join you?" a familiar voice asked from behind. Turning around to meet her with a smile, he stood up, offering the seat opposite of him.

"There you go again, being formal. I though you're up for the changed but you just cruised out the door without notice. Have you had your lunch?" she thanked him with a curtsey before sitting down.

"Sorry, you know how those meeting always go. I needed to cool myself immediately," he tried to loosen his tie.

"What are you— NICOLAS—"

It was already late when he realized what he was doing. He quickly turned around and fixed it back. Meriane tried to hide her face, but her peeking eyes failed. With both of them flustered, he tried to pull back the conversation to its initial course. "Did you mention lunch? I haven't even had breakfast," he tried to laugh the awkwardness off.

"Well then, I'll ask Selene to bring the food here," she did the same.

"No no no, just sit here. I'll go ask Anton to call her," they both stood up and search for their attendants but none of them can be found in sight. "That said, where are they exactly?"

"They are being awfully close this pass months they might be together," she opened her fan and whispered, "I wish we were too," soft enough for the prince to hear a sense of it but when she folded it back, Nicolas is already at the other side of the garden. Waving his hands shouting that he found them.

"Did our prince gave you trouble, princess?" Anton asked finally separating from Selene.

"No, not at all, we're just wondering where the both of you had gone. We would like to have our lunch under this majestic tree, can you make the arrangements?" she pertained to her attendant to which she did not complain.

"Are you sure about this?" Nicolas halted them, "I don't think my father would approve of this."

"Trust me, he'll be approving without much thought," Anton grinned.

"How can you be so sure"

"Just a guess. Don't you believe your butler?"

"How about you try guessing my answer."

Anton took a minute to think, after all, if he was the only one to ask, Frederick might consider it as another one of Nicolas's schemes. He turned to the princess, "We are quite hesitant with this your majesty, you know how up tight our king could be. For this to be granted, a lot more than convincing needs to be done, the one who's going to ask would bring great—"

"I'll go ask them then," Meriane replied without hesitation. "Don't go strolling somewhere again till we get back okay," she quickly grabbed Selene by her hand and insisted on going, "We'll be back," she waved as they vanished into the corridors.

As soon as Anton and Nicolas had the garden to themselves, the words that the prince has been holding on finally erupted. "What is wrong with you?" he lousily sat on the table, his right foot on the seat.

"More like what is wrong with you, don't you want to see where she's going with this?"

"Not because I can tolerate her better now, doesn't mean I have to."

"Woah, make sure no one hears that or it's the end of you," Anton sighed and leaned against the tree. "You see my solitude seeking apprentice, life is about interacting with people. Meriane especially is the once you should have good terms with. Don't go hating on her just because who she was as a child. Everybody changes, even you, give her a chance."

It took a while for Nicolas to absorb what he said. He finally left the table and rested his elbows on the railings of the balcony, "I don't hate her. It's just that something feels wrong whenever I try to get close with her, something in here hurts—," he put his hand on his chest.

Anton did not need further explanations to understand what it is he's feeling, "Isn't it about time you let her go, she's—"

"Please stop"

"You need to face it Nicolas, you are not the only one who lost someone dear that night. It's best to let the past go, it's for your own good."

The gentle breeze swayed the trees and brought a melancholic melody to their hearts. Nicolas knew what his butler said was right. He knows that the only path is forward, and he did, as he had always had. Although his feet had always been stuck in the mud of regret and sorrow, he tried his best to crawl, that's why he still stands today.

As the prince finally made his decision to face his current state head on. The wind brought another feeling that brought uneasiness to Anton. When an impeding swish was heard in the air, he quickly pulled Nicolas away from the edge then swung his sword out of instinct.

The prince found himself on the ground, Anton was in front of him cautiously looking down. A bit confused by the event but when he saw an arrow split in two beside him, he already knew what was going on.

"Was it them?" he asked presenting himself back at the edge, but Anton stopped him.

"Probably. For now, tell the princess to find another place to be. I will be investigating this deeper. Don't go anywhere open spaced until I get back, do you understand," he mandated as they made their way to the corridors. "Don't even think about going after me if you value your life."

With the whole castle unaware of the incident, Meriane and Selene are still making their way through the castle. The wide smile and the slight blush on her face shows how much excitement had filled her veins.

"Don't you think he's already opening himself to me Selene? You should have seen how relaxed he was earlier, enough for him to un—," she giggled, barely hiding her laughter with her fan. "Either way it was the first time I've seen him like that."

"So, it makes your heart race, am I correct?" Selene teased her which finally turned her face into a tomato. She did not complain but hid in her fan even more. "Based on you reaction I guess I'm right."

"Well how about you, aren't you being awfully close with the former knight. I don't mean to pry but—," if the princess is weak to teasing, Selene is even worse. She froze on the spot, blushing up to her ears. "Come on, you don't have to be so obvious," Meriane doted on her more.

"At least my affection is being returned properly and not dismissed by some dense cold-hearted prince," her attendant uttered but she made sure the princess heard her.

A bit pissed, she closed her fan, "Could you repeat that my beautiful Selene?" her attendant was quick to quack and immediately praised her relationships development for the day. "Right, that's what I thought."

"I don't want you to get your hopes up that much, princes. Do you remember the time when some children visited the castle. You gave him something right, what was it again?"

"Chocolate, what about it?"

"What did he do with it?" she watched Meriane halt, clearly remembering what happened.

"Who cares if he gave it to the kids. Don't you think that's nice of him, putting the children first. He would be a great father."

"I remember you sulking for whole day because of that. You even cried remember? Too much that you almost cried a river and he just cruised through without much thought," Selene could only cover her mouth as she notices the princess looking upset once again.

"How would you feel if I replaced you as my attendant?"

She could only bow down and ask for forgiveness, "Of course I'm just kidding princess, Prince Nicolas must have changed since then," They were laughing all the way before finally knocking through her father's lounge and letting themselves in.

Sat on opposite chairs are his father and King Frederick, separated by a small table housing a chess board with only a few pieces left. They have a keen look in their eyes, checking every possible action the other could take and his strategy to counter them. Although Meriane had very little knowledge with the game, she can clearly see that in this round, it was his father's loss.

"Check," Frederick declared pinning Ferrol's king with a queen and a rook on the final move.

"That's one to one. Guess the last game would be the deciding match," Ferrol took a sip on his tea.

"I doubt you'll go easy on me like this time. You came from a great line of strategist after all."

"Don't flatter me with those words because we both know you're the same."

Their laughter filled the room and Meriane finally found the chance to ask.

"Oh, Meriane I see you're feeling well already, I must have been busy, I didn't see you during the meeting," Frederick greeted her.

"Don't worry about it Your majesty."

"Didn't I say to call me Uncle?"

"Oh right, Uncle Frederick, forgive me for forgetting," she repeated her curtsy.

"So, what brought our Princess Meriane here," Ferrol followed up.

She looked for courage in Selene and she provided her just that, nodding her head with a smile. Taking a deep breath, she once again did a curtsy. "I am hoping the both of you, especially Uncle could grant a selfish request of mine."

"Is it to discipline Nicolas, what did my son do this time?"

"No, he did nothing of sort, much more is that he's been opening to me better than before. I am hoping if you could grant us the privilege of having our lunch outside on the garden's balcony. Only if it's possible of course, I won't be forcing this if it would cause any danger or problem—"

The Kings could only look at each other in surprise. Frederick with an evident shock on his eyes while Ferrol with a glistening sparkle in his eyes and smile. No words we're needed as they both remembered a conversation that they so vividly remember.

At that time, it was only a year since the incident and bringing along the emotionally unstable Nicolas was a gamble. Frederick took the bet to try and meet the ends of their deal that night of the feast.

"Bringing him here at such a young age is finally coming into fruition, isn't it?" Ferrol whispered as he fixed the pieces for their last match. "I'm expecting a grandson soon," he teased.

Frederick tried to keep a straight face, but he is more than happy and parts of the guilt he had been carrying since are finally starting to dissipate. "Are you sure this is not him willfully asking you to do his bidding?" he still made sure.

"Nothing of that sort. I promise, this is all on me, Uncle," she finally lifts up her head.

Seeing her daughter happy brought an even brighter expression to Ferrol. She had always been pleased talking with Nicolas, but this time is exceptionally different. Her smile extrudes a different kind of hope, she felt like glowing that she even puts the chandeliers to shame.


"I know, I am not planning to refuse but they should have a guard. You know the risk."

"Of course, don't you underestimate my geniuses," after they deliberated, they turned to the waiting princes. "See to it that your request shall be granted, you can tell the other attendants. Bring some guards with you too."

It was music to her ears and now all that's left is to finally accomplish her plan. She was just about to leave the door after saying her final gratitude when knocks halted her advance. To her surprise it was the prince.

"Good day your majesties," he too showed respects with a curtsy. "Is the princess still here?"

It took the King's by surprise altogether with Meriane herself. Never in their mind have occurred the possibility that Nicolas would be the one seeking the person he spent his childhood trying to dismiss. It favored Frederick even more that Ferrol could not help himself but to tease his friend.

"I'm here Nicolas, I told you to wait for me there. Why are you here?" the Kings kept their mouths shut, waiting for something they themselves is unsure of.

They watched as the prince made his way towards the princess. His face painted with a gentle smile. Halting in front of her, he leaned in and whispered something that to what the kings had observed, flustered the princess.

Not even a second later, they were also caught off guard by Meriane's squeal, "In— IN YOUR ROOM?!"

Ferrol almost choked from his tea while Frederick almost spit it out. What in the world is happening, the both of them thought as they tried to regain composure, drying the pieces of their clothing that fell casualty to their reactions.

"Well then father, we'll be off. King Ferrol—"

"Wait a minute son— I mean Nicolas. From now on please call me Uncle. I don't mind, and it seems proper from where things stand."

Nicolas was puzzled by this sudden improvement in familiarity, but he went on with it. After all, it is a fact that they have known each other for years now, moreover Gregoria and Algernon had a long history. He once again bowed, "If that's your wish, Uncle Ferrol. Well then, let us be on our way, right Meriane?"

He held her by the hand as they both exited the lounge. This time almost shaking them both out of their seats.

"So…," Ferrol forgot about the game. "When and where? Gregoria or Algernon?"


"Stop pretending, I know you know what I mean."