Meriane Algernon

They zoomed through the castle as if they have no time to spare. Selene however, together with the fact that she can't keep up, strayed away from them, and prepared the lunch that Meriane had been looking forward to. Pass the corridors then the garden where Nicolas seemed so rushed that Meriane almost lost her balance. Although it's a shame that they can't have lunch on what should have been a perfect place, she had never entered Nicolas's room before and it's still as equally exciting for her.

"Forgive me if it seems like I dragged you here," Nicolas apologized as they reached his room. "I hope you don't mind but could you wait outside for a bit, I just need to tidy up some things."

She agreed, fidgeting with her fan while trying to fix her hair and dress as much as she could. Despite refusing to get her hopes high, there is still a tickle of thought and expectation on why Nicolas would present his room for the venue.

"All done, you can enter now. I can't guarantee that I did a good job, but I did my best."

His room does not deviate much with the other guest rooms, the paintings had not been touched ever since then. Even most of the displays showed no signs of displacement. Everything is the same and the only evident changed is the bookshelf that through the years had now been filled.

"How you read all of this already?" she examined the shelves a bit closer. "I assume you have gained your knowledge from these."

"Yeah, I don't have much of a desire and this are the only things I fancy. Want to borrow some? I don't mind if it's you," he reached for one of the books and handed it to her.

Meriane just stared at him and the book before laughing, "Don't you have anything else? This one in particular—," she accepted it and opened a few pages, "It's quite you know, technical. Perhaps you have something that warms the heart and does not hurt the brain?"

In some peculiar way, it made Nicolas laugh which brough delight to the princess. Thinking if she keeps this up, then her dream will not be so far to accomplish.

"If you're looking for things close to the types you read, this is the only thing close I have," he pulled another book from the shelf, this time about monster and a sort of fantasy.

"I don't think any girl would be reading this, but since you recommended it, I'll give it a try," her thoughts are running differently though. All she could do is laugh as she realized something, "This is so you. A bit dense, but that's why I like you," she whispered to herself when Selene suddenly called through the door.

"It looks like they're here," Nicolas took note and went to the other side of the room where a table is set. He pulled one of the chairs and offered it to the princess, "You can wait here, I'll let them in."

The smell of roasted chicken and steak filled the room as Nicolas opened the door. He expected a simple lunch, simple dishes, and a bit of desert. To his surprise, it looked way more like a feast for five. The only thing that put his heart at ease was the freshly squeezed orange juice that was last placed at the table

"Seems like they prepared too much, I barely have space for dessert. Do you want some juice?" she asked, Selene already holding the pitcher ready to pour.

"Oh, thanks. I'm stuffed myself," an awkward reply from the awkward prince who's not well verse in a one on one. The last time he had someone to talk like this, Alisa was still alive.

"If you don't mind me asking. Why the sudden change of place, I know how much you like to spend time in that corner of the garden."

Nicolas was caught in a deep thought, should he tell her what happened, by doing so, how much would it impact his future movements. It was a contradictory thought, he already accepted that he would be facing the princess head on but he's still unsure if she's the kind of person that could keep a secret.

"Nothing, I just thought you might feel a bit cold there since the wind is a bit chilly since you left."

How thoughtful, it was Meriane's thoughts, not even questioning if it's a lie or not. "I would have been fine though, although I look like this, I'm not that delicate you know. I might even beat you in a sword fight," she flexed her arm, adjusting her clothes to show her futile attempt.

"PRINCESS," Selene shrieked as she down pulled her sleeve.

It caught the princess in a daze. Embarrassed by what she did, she remained silent. The room was stagnant and suffocating for her before the prince broke the silence with a laugh.

"I guess we're even now," he continued laughing.

"You don't have to cackle at our princess, your majesty," Selene also followed the celebration sinking Meriane deeper in the depths of embarrassment.

In an attempt to regain her composure, she excused herself to the comfort room. It no longer surprised her when the bath and the toilet is as bare as a bald man's head. She washed her face, asking herself what she's doing. What if Nicolas hated what she did? Did she ruin the lunch? She was so distracted by this thought until she faced another problem.

She left her handkerchief at her seat. "What should I do, I can't go out there looking like this. What if I just wiped with my dress— Am I out of my mind, it would look like I soiled myself," in the midst of her panic, her eyes we're drawn in a white towel hanged beside the bath.

She could not take her eyes off of it; her breathing is getting heavier as she inched towards it little by little. Is it used? Should she wipe her face with it as her last resort? There is also the option of the curtains, but it has a rough fiber, she knows because she already tried once, and her delicate skin could not take it.

At last, she made it. It's as if her mind is spinning from all the thoughts that's running through her mind. She took it in her hands and felt its dampness on her skin, fairly used but not soaked. Blushing as if every bit of blood was in her cheeks, she tried to stop wondering on what places the simple piece of cloth has caressed, but no matter how much she prevailed, her vivid thoughts won. Especially when she finally ran it over her face and smelled the similar fragrance that's a familiar smell of Nicolas.

Meriane savored the experience much more than her lunch, her heart racing and her face redder than ever. She was too focused that her mind strayed in the deepest colors of green before a knock came to the door.

"Meriane—," it said, it was Nicolas.

She squealed, throwing the towel to the bath. Her hands to her face as she fell to her knees, asking herself as to what she's doing. Enjoying herself with thoughts she could never speak of to anyone including Selene.

"I'll be out in a second," she replied, her voice still high and rushed. Picking up the towel once more, she finally put it back in place and quickly left the door, leaving the shame inside to be sealed, never to see the light of day.

"Did something happen?" she can't look at him in the eyes.

"Nothing much, Selene said she has something to do, so she left."

This did not help her case, there are the only ones in the room now and she had read too many novels that has this kind of plot. "What do you want to do then?" her left hand holding her right arm, shy as she went back to her seat.

"Do you want to stroll around the castle, the garden is not an option though. Anton is somehow forbidding me to stay there, at least until he gets back."

"Is it hard being his apprentice?"

Nicolas smirked, "Not really, he's also my butler so I can make things even."

"I see, you're a cheeky one."

"Praise me more," they both laughed which finally got Meriane thinking straight.

"Say, can you teach me a little bit of swordsmanship? I have always been curious about it, but father won't let me," she poured herself some tea. "He said I don't need to do so and just follow my mother's example."

"I think it would be troublesome if you were to ever be on the battlefield. It would be much better if you stayed as you are. You have Nobles here at Algernon, right? I doubt not anyone from them would let your beauty pass their eyes."

It made her blush, he thinks he's beautiful after all, but that's beside the point. She really wants to learn how to use as sword, "That's true though, but isn't it better if I can stand my ground all on my own?"

"Well, if you think about it, it will really help you—," Nicolas could only think how hard the politics would be in Algernon in the future.

There is only one throne after all, and Meriane has two elder brothers. Both of which who is very much capable. He had only met them a few times during his visits, they even tried each other's skills with the sword before, but their achievements at such a young age shows that they are more future oriented. It might be thinking too much, since based on his observations, both of them are fairly close, but if the ascension to the throne would cause division, even Merinae might be forced to participate.

He knocked thrice at the table, hoping none of his speculation would come true while being thankful that he is an only son.

"Are you okay? You look pale," Meriane took noticed before Nicolas could smile at her.

"Just remembered something I forgot to do back home. I hope I don't get in trouble."

"Do you want me to help ease your punishment? I can ask Uncle to pardon you even for a bit," she laughed, thankful that finally, after years of waiting, Nicolas no longer distances himself. Comfortable enough that he forgets to maintain formal speech.

"Nope, I can handle him. With that aside, you have an enclosed training room here, right? Let the Great Nicolas Gregory teach you the ways of the sword," he proudly said. "You need a change of clothes though; you'll just ruin your dress. Let's go, I'll escort you to your room."

The castle is peculiarly quiet when they cruised through. Nicolas found it interesting since everyone, not even his father can be seen in sight. He got the feeling that they're all avoiding them somehow but it's fine. With him exhausting all the smile to give by talking to the princess, this is more than a gift to him.

They spent the whole noon in the training hall. Meriane expected the prince to be a strict instructor but to her surprise he took note of her weaknesses and built the training as its base.

"Like this?" she swung the sword, but it had little to no force, not even a fly would die. Nicolas who's trying so hard no to laugh finally broke. "Don't laugh at me," she pouted, "I told you I have no experience in any of this."

"It's just a wooden sword, I thought you'd have an easier time with it."

"Yeah, it's wood—," she swung it towards Nicolas. He was quick to dodge and caught it. "A black ironwood that is."

"And that's why it's a great practice sword. As long as you can grip it, you're good to go, the other factors are with your stance. Of course, we'll still need to work with that," he stood behind her took her hand.

Rattled, Meriane can't help but be embarrassed. "What are you—"

"Shushed," Nicolas whispered in her ears. He's directly behind her and assisting her hand. "Listen, you should hold it like this. If you can't do it in one hand, two is a good starting point, as for your stance—," his lecture went on and on until none of them notice that the sun is already finished with its reign. If not for Selene who found them tired on the floor, they would have not made them for dinner.

The dinner is far more colorful than their lunch, the only difference is that this time there is enough people to devour everything. The kings and the queen were eager to ask what happened, but Nicolas survived thanks to Meriane who's more than willing to share. Surprisingly, the sharp gazes that his father gives off had toned down into a slight poke.

It was only after dinner when he gets back to his room that he finally received the report from Anton. Exhaustion is painted in his face. The scabbard of his sword was chipped and his earlier neat and dusted white tunic shows signs of struggle.

"What happened," he whispered, urgency was in Nicolas's voice, "Are you wounded, should I call the maids."

"Stop panicking would you. They only grazed my handsome face that's all," he raised his fringed, revealing a small cut above his right brow, "What's more is you better sit down. I found the perpetrator; he stuck out like a sore thumb so it's no problem finding them."

"I'm guessing it wasn't a one-on-one then," Nicolas made his way to the comfort room and briefly brought a damped towel to Anton. "But if you can still joke around like that, it wasn't that big of a deal."

"Of course, you're talking to the youngest Knight Commander in the history of Gregoria. Jokes aside, I think you should limit your movements while we're here. There is a possibility that this is a different kind of organization from years ago, the merchants for example. You had always antagonized their plans and I can see the burning hate in their eyes pass their smiles every time."

"I know, but I didn't think they'd resort to this kind of tricks, moreover they have always been unreasonable. Cry-babies," Nicolas ended his sentence with a tsk. "Did you at least, got information from them."

"Nope, his comrades swarmed me when I'm just about to deliver the final blow, that's why I'm guessing who they are. If you stay here for the rest of the day tomorrow, everything will be fine, after that, the Knights will be able to protect you on the way home. Should I tell this to your father."

Nicolas burst in laughter, "You're telling me you haven't told him yet? Aren't you directly under him."

"I could, if you want to be confined at Gregoria's walls for the rest of your life or until the King decides he's incapable of ruling," Anton finally finished wiping himself. "Did they have dinner already? Hunger might serve my end."

"The attendants of the castle were just about to when I left," Nicolas headed for the door.

"Where are you going."

"Getting you some food."

"Really…," suspicion filled Anton's face, "That's new, are you having a fever or some sort?"

"I'm not that heartless you know. Besides, I doubt they'll be attempting any acrobatics tonight, I'm more than certain that you gave them a scare of their lives."

Anton grinned thinking different ways he can take advantage of the situation, "I would also like some wine thank you"

Nicolas stared at him for a good second, "Fine—," he went out the door but held it open. "Just for tonight I'll be an obedient disciple."

For precaution, Anton slept on the same room, seeking refuge to the sofa after a hearty meal he just had. It was truly a long day, both physically and mentally exhausting. The next day was no different, especially when the princess is much more eager for their next venture.

"You're going home tomorrow right," she asked as she found Nicolas in the castle library. Her face blushing but no longer hiding behind her fan, "Want to go out in town this afternoon?"

Nicolas questioned her with his eyes, placing his elbows to the table supporting his chin and sighed. "You know I can't just simply wander around," especially with the recent developments, he thought.

When he looked back up, her spirit is more than down, it's through the floor. Thinking that it might get him in trouble, he quickly followed up, "I would love to, but you know my situation. I can't risk your life and your people. Besides, father will grill me alive if he finds out," he desperately tried to look for Anton but he's nowhere to be found.

"Well, we can always sneak out, just this once, and we'll be careful," Meriane again pitched but the idea did not sound appealing to the prince, not one bit.

Nicolas could only gaze outside the window and into the horizon, before preparing to leave. "There is something more important we need to do—," he said as he kneeled down and placed his hand inside his pocket.

Meriane was baffled as he did and the thought of having a leisurely stroll outside loss it's value. She felt as if the world moved in slow motion, her heart began to rise as she thought all of the possibilities on why the prince would do such a thing.

"Could this be—," she thought, her eyes sparkling while her mind is already at cloud nine.

"And that's to take a rest— I'm sure your body is aching from the practice yesterday, and I have two long days ahead of me," he added before bringing his hand back out and wiped his shoe with a handkerchief.

Meriane's thoughts crumbled to the ground as he did. "What a letdown, I thought he's going to do something special," blushing as she once again found refuge behind her fan. "Don't lose hope, I have a plan. This time a legitimate way"

"And that plan is?"

"Wait here, I'll ask Uncle Frederick," she insisted before leaving the library, her spirit back up.

Nicolas let her be, he was sure that the young lady would be turned down, only adding to her already broken spirit. This is not a matter of simple wants like the lunch yesterday; this is an absolute must in order not to repeat that hellish night. He was so sure that he already decided to head back to his room and rest. He was so sure that meeting his father on the way came as an undesirable surprise.

"Good afternoon father, what could have brought you here?" he sighed, not liking the direction of where things are going.

"I heard you wishes to stroll outside."

How did it suddenly become my idea? He sighed, tired with the princess's wide smile behind the King. "It's not my idea—"

"I'll let this slide for once."

He was speechless and confused to what's going on, "Are you serious father?" even Anton could only shrug his shoulders in this sudden change of atmosphere.

"You can explore the close parts of the town but the both of you will be accompanied by your attendants and the knights."

"And all of us would change into normal clothes to not draw attention," Meriane batted in, "With that you can relax right?"


"It seems like you misunderstood me, this is not due to your request, this is an order," Frederick called Anton. "I'm leaving everything to you. I want them back before sundown."

With everything prepared and everyone dressed, there they were, walking around town that for years, he had only seen from inside his room. For the first time in his life, he can hear the busy streets without the muffling effect of the carriage's body. Children playing around freely without worry and the people's faces that's painted with smiles, it was refreshing at first, but as they go on, it reminded him of his sin. If not for him, Gregoria would have stayed lively like this, if not for him, his people might have a better life by now.

"Please let these people's lives stay as they are," he prayed.

"Are you okay?" Meriane tapped him by the shoulder as she noticed him staring blankly at nothing, a saddened atmosphere radiating from him. "We can head back now if you want."

He would sure love to go back, but everyone had made efforts just for this simple stroll. Going back now would make all the resources and time used go to waste. "I'm fine, I'm just a little hungry. Too much thinking makes me my stomach ache."

"You should have said so earlier," the Princess smiled.

Nicolas would be lying if he said that she's unadmirable. It's an undeniable fact that he despised her when they were children, but as they grew together, he got used to it. Likewise, the princess had toned down, and became more lady like. She's also great with kids and always finds a way to put a smile on their faces. Maybe it's the caring look in her eyes or the natural alluring beauty that she got from her mother.

"So, what do you want to eat? There are various shops around here that I usually visit myself. We can go to the bakery, or we can try that newly established restaurant, perhaps—," she stopped as she caught wind of Nicolas staring at her. "Is— is there something wrong with my face?" she asked, flustered.

The prince on the other hand continued walking, "Let's go with the bakery, I'm craving for something sweet," he stopped, "But if you prefer the other then we can go there instead"

"Nope, let's stick with what you want."

The inviting smell of freshly baked bread and pastry made Nicolas's stomach protest even more. Without giving it much of a thought, he quickly grabbed a fat caterpillar like bread he saw. It's golden-brown hue and peculiar shape filled his interest paired with it's still warm surface. He had never seen something like it before and is more excited to quench his curiosity for its taste.

"What do you think you're doing," the shop owner came roaring and smacked him with his rolling a pin.

The prince was too devastated he felt like crying and recoiled to the corner and sulked. Meriane could only contain her laughter with what happened, never expecting that the always composed Nicolas would be upset over a treat. She continued to giggle until the whole shop is filled with her joyful celebration.

"It's fine Mr. Sandro, we'll pay for it," she finally revealed her face.

"P— Princess Meriane, what could you be doing here? Are— are you with that beggar?"

"Beggar? Where?" they both turned at Nicolas. "Oh, do you mean him? Silly, he's not a beggar. We got permission to let him tour around the town for a bit."

The man could only scratch his head, "Even if you say so, who exactly is he?"

"Do you really want to know? Your heart might not take it well," Meriane warned him, but the owner is determined. With a smirk, she leaned in close to Sandro and whispered.

"The— THE PRINCE OF GREGORIA?" he fell to the floor in shock. Different kinds of punishments ran through his mind as he crawled towards the prince, trembling, halting once he's in a fair distance from the prince. "Forgive me your majesty," he cried, "Please don't take my head, I will do anything, I'm begging you."

Nicolas faced him, "I wouldn't do that, I'm sane enough not to make it that big of a deal, plus, it was my entirely fault."

Sandro kept his head firmly glued to the floor. He had never seen the prince before, but he heard the rumors. Rumors about the past and what he did. He tried his best to calm down, but nervousness got the best of him. "I insist, your majesty, you can take anything from the store, please spare this lowly peasant's life."

"I already told you; I have no intention of—," he was about to help the man stand when Meriane stopped him, saying that it might make things worse.

"Just pick anything that serves your fancy. He'd feel better that way," she whispered to him.

Moments later, they are now walking back to the castle with a paper bag in Nicolas's hands. He took ten of the bread from earlier which the owner called croissant and is now back to his composed self, full and feeling a little better.

"Would you like to try this too?" Meriane handed him a piece of wrapped chocolate, another attempt to make her pass memory better.

"Are you sure? You're obsessing over it earlier."

"It's fine, I already had plenty," she turned around, blushing, surprised that Nicolas even noticed that. "Here you can have another—," she watched the chocolate fly into the air as a boy bumped into them.

"Are you okay?" Nicolas caught her back. She was once again left speechless, feeling as if her mind and heart would melt as she watched Nicolas worried face from below.

"Sorry miss," the boy cried before sprinting away.

Nicolas watched him disappear into the alleys before tending properly to the princess. "Are you hurt? Did you lose anything?"

After a brief inspection, she realized that her purse is nowhere to be found, "Don't worry about it"

"Can you hold these for a moment," the prince handed her the bag, "Anton," he then called and his butler together with Selene appeared.

"Was it the boy?" Anton asked to which Nicolas just nod in approval.

"Selene, take the princess back to the castle. Anton, let's go"

"Where are you going," the princess inquired but Nicolas only replied with a smile before they followed the culprit.

They found the kid counting the contents of his trophy. He looked fulfilled but when he saw his pursuers, he quickly ran for his life. Traversing the streets and the back alleys is a tiring and confusing task. The boy of course had an advantage, being probably a local of this town, he knows the nooks and crannies of the place down to every passable hole and short-cuts.

"Give that back," Nicolas could only plead as he kept tailing him until one sharp turn. The boy disappeared and he met a dead end, "Did you see where he went," when he turned around, Anton too is no longer behind him.

He was about to go back when something flew over his shoulder. It had a peculiar glow to it but upon closer inspection, it was an arrow. He did not need to look up, for the arrow's owner and two other people dressed in a cloak similar to the prince came down.

"Who are you," he raised his guard.

They satisfied his query with another shot. This time with the intent to strike that he dodged by a hair. Knowing that he'd have no chance in this setting, he decided to take whatever chance he have left to flee. It was a viable option at first, but he underestimated the enemy's agility, and he was cornered once again. With the rising tension, it finally occurred to him that they must be the one who's after his life. Catching a break seemed like a far dream as the two swordsmen lunged at him while the archer casually fires at the back.

He was quite thankful for the sword, archery, and martial arts he was forced to learn; it was rather hard to admit it, but he owes this alert and responsive body to his Father and Anton. With these skills, he manages to outmaneuver his enemies before they even strike. Though his skills are close to perfection, still, a human's stamina is not bottomless. Exhaustion slowly ate up his moves and after an uncoordinated step, he lost his balance.

The blades and arrows felt stagnant in the air as if his whole world paused, mocking him for his single failure as they slowly approached him. Their arrows and swords grew brighter and brighter until it fogged his vision. He felt as if a memory is frantically knocking on the back of his brain, wanting to break free. Feeling his heartbeat on the tip of his every nerve as if he's splitting in two, it felt harder to breathe and now his eyelids are failing him.

In the small window of his closing eyes, he saw a glimmer of blue light. As he heard a voice, "Can't you hear the screams of your soul? It craves blood," he finally passed out.

Waking up with the same shear pain, he was met with the rays of the departing sun. "What happened?" he asked himself as he reached for his head, but what awaited him made the headache felt more acceptable.

Torn clothes, pool of blood, a severed neck, and an amputated arm. He could only cover his mouth to try and contain his scream from echoing the alley's. His pursuers are dead. Examining his bloody hands, his heart started to beat faster as if it would burst. Bracing his stomach, he let out his frustration, bearing the still fresh wet lump of bread he ate on the bloody ground.

"Nicolas, I caught the boy," he heard Anton's voice echoing from afar.

Forcing himself to calm down as he heard Anton, he quickly wiped the blood with the torn clothes before rushing to meet with his mentor, preventing him from seeing the carnage. "Did I kill them?" the question lingered in his mind until both him, Anton, and their captive returned to princess Meriane.

"Where have you been?" she asked, holding his hand.

He quickly pulled them away, as the sight he saw was burn in his mind. After a bit of contemplating, trying to run from the thoughts, he answered, "We reclaimed your purse."

"I already told you; you don't have to do that. What If something happened?"

Something had already happened, he thought. "No, this is an important matter. If you don't teach a crooked tree while it's still young, it would be harder to correct it later. Right little man?" desperately trying to cover his trembling hands, he turned to Anton who's holding the boy. "Don't you have anything for us?" he had a devious smile on his face.

"Let me go, I just wanted to eat," he's already crying, snot going up and down his nose.

"That does not mean you should take what's not yours," Nicolas kneeled down and patted his head. "Why didn't you ask for it first."

"It's not something you royalties would understand," they were surprised by what he said, nobody should have known this visit aside from the castle and the frightened bakery owner. "You people got to live carefree, food won't be a problem, yet we are left here on the streets to starve and die," his eyes are determined, staring deeply at Nicolas's.

"This might not sound believable to you, but royalties also have a share of problems depending on the circumstances, things we can't let anyone know in order to preserve the kingdom. Meriane—," he called.

There were no other explanations, but the Princess understood the assignment. "You're still young," she smiled, "Don't go wasting your life doing evil deeds, there are many ways to live," she gestured for Anton to let him go before handing him the paper bag. Revealing her face, the boy was caught in a daze, "What's your name young man?"

He was hesitant at first, avoiding the princess's gaze, but when he saw Nicolas nodding kindly at his side, he finally let his guard down. "Ellion"

"Ellion, what a brave name. You did this for your sister did you?" he was speechless, never expecting that the Princess would know about him. "You can have all this, and I'll be promising you one thing. I will make this kingdom better for you and your sister's sake," with the conversation ending in a rain of tears and forgiveness, they finally departed.

"I hate to burst your bubble, but you should not be promising people like that," Nicolas pointed out.

"Don't worry, I have always seen that kid ever since. By what I heard, they we're left aside by their father after their mother died. Plus, I'm already on the edge of pushing my father for my proposal to help the orphans, I'm ready to take on this duty," she assured him before shifting in a much serious tone. "I might not be as intelligent as you, but I also have my duties and things I want to accomplish. Besides, if I somehow decided to fight for the thrown someday, this would direct the sympathy of the people to me."

Nicolas was lost for words, he had never thought that she's capable of thinking that way, in a sense, she was a cunning plotter, but he could care less. He has a whole Kingdom to worry about when the time comes. "Algernon's political problem is not my concern," he thought before bidding the princess goodnight. "By the way, how did you convince my father for this?"

The princess just cheekily smiled, before leaning close to his face, staring at his eyes before going for his ear. "I told him you want to take me on a date."


"Good night, Prince of Gregoria," she just laughed as she goes.

With the sun up and everything done and dusted with the negotiations, it was finally the time to send the Gregorys home.

"I guess I won't be seeing you next month?" the princess smiled.

"Yeah, there things we need to do so we won't make it. Anyway, you'll be the one visiting after next month, right?"

"Yup, mother insisted to attend Queen Natalia's birthday even without a party just so she can see her and exchange some secrets she's been holding on for years," Meriane replied with a laugh.

"I'll see you until then, I'll prepare your room," Nicolas faintly smiled as he boarded the carriage and closed the door.

As the carriage gained some distance, Meriane quickly turned to her attendant, "Did you hear that, Selene? He said he'll prepare my room," the princess whispered with hopeful eyes. "I think he likes me after all."

"I think you're just too over your head. I'm sure he meant to ask the maids to prepare the room," Selene thought, but she did not have to heart to say it straight forward. "Yes princess, maybe he does," she just replied instead.