Chapter 8 has many bugs

After closing the door, Lori leaned her body against it and breathed a sigh of relief.

The bathroom in the RV was very small, and the toilet took up most of the space, so it was a bit crowded for three people to stay in it. Fortunately, Carl and Sophia were both children; otherwise, the bathroom would definitely not be able to accommodate three adults.

Lori held the toilet door tightly and tried to comfort Carl: "Don't be afraid; we will be fine; Sean will come to save us."

Karl nodded and comforted Sophia, who was holding his arm tightly. "Sophia, it's okay; I will protect you."

Sophia looked at Karl with tears in her eyes and said, "Promise."

"I promise."

Sophia's performance exceeded Carl's expectations. Although she was still crying, at least she didn't scream or shout, and she was trying her best to suppress her crying.

This is already rare for a child. Maybe it is the influence of the original Carl's memory, but Carl is now much more sensitive to Sophia and pats Sophia's back gently.

"Bang! Bang!"

The first sound was a gunshot, but the second was the sound of glass breaking. Carl's eyes lit up, and he knew it must be Sean and the others.

This was indeed the case. As soon as Sean approached the RV, he noticed something wrong through the window. When he thought that Carl and Lori were still inside, Sean didn't care about anything else.

"Get out of the way!" Sean only had time to roar before he pulled out his gun and shot. Now he was no longer concerned about whether or not other people would be hurt.

Although Moore joked that Sean's Glock 17 was less powerful, that was only relative. Under normal circumstances, it was definitely enough.

It was just one bullet, which hit a corner of the car door glass, and the entire glass shattered. At this time, it might have been someone inside who opened the car door, or it might have been Sean's shot, but none of this mattered anymore.

The important thing is that now the car door is open, and a group of people rush out. Sean hurried forward and shouted, "Where are Carl and Lori?"

People had just experienced all this up close and were a little nervous and flustered. They had no time to answer Sean, and all they wanted to do was get away from the RV.

Sean held one person's shoulder and asked again, "Where are Carl and Lori?"

The one being held down by Sean was Andrea. He looked extremely nervous at this moment and shook his head tremblingly. "I don't know."

Sean pushed Andrea aside and tried to get on the bus, but the crowd had not yet gotten off the bus, and the door was only wide enough for one person to get on and off at the same time.

Sean could only wait outside anxiously.

At this time, Amy, who was holding Andrea's arm, said weakly, "I saw Carl and Lori. They hid in the bathroom with Sophia. They should be fine."

Sean slowly breathed a sigh of relief. At this time, the RV was almost empty. Jim, the last person to get out of the RV, was suddenly hugged by a zombie at the back.

The transformation of zombies also takes time. In this short period of time, there was actually only one zombie in the RV, which was transformed by Sam.

And this zombie had just been eating the corpse of the person next to him, so the casualties in the RV were not actually that great.

But now, the man's body was cold, and the zombies shifted their target. Jim, who was the last one to fall, was hugged by the zombies from behind.

Fortunately, Sean was right at the door of the RV. Almost instantly, the zombie's big mouth came and was shot in the head by Sean before it could bite down. Blood, brains, and bone fragments splattered all over Jim.

But Jim couldn't care less about all that now. He was completely relieved. He had no strength left in his body and simply collapsed to the ground.

Sean walked up to the RV and took a look at the situation inside. There were no other zombies, so he asked, "Are you okay?"

Jim shook his head and let out a long breath. "It's okay; I just need to rest."

Sean nodded, and without stopping, he walked straight into the RV. He did not stop when he passed the body that Sam had bitten to death.

"Bang, bang."

Sean nervously knocked on the bathroom door twice. "Lori, Carl, are you in there?"

"Yes, we are all here." Loli in the bathroom answered quickly. Her whole body softened, but she still opened the bathroom door carefully.

He opened the door a crack first, and only when he was sure it was Sean did he breathe a sigh of relief. He quickly pushed the door open and hugged Sean.

Sean patted Lori's back and gently comforted her, "It's okay, it's okay."

Lori then realized that Carl was watching from behind and quickly let go of Sean. She glanced at Carl behind her and smiled awkwardly. "Mom is just too grateful to Sean."

Don't I know all about your little business? But of course Carl couldn't say this directly, so he could only nod.

Carl pulled Sophia out of the bathroom as well, and Carl suddenly exclaimed, "Sean! Behind you!"

The body that had just been bitten to death by Sam had stood up and was staggering towards Sean.

Sean had his back to the zombie and seemed to be completely unaware of it. He even asked Carl, "Carl, what's going on behind me?"

At this time, Lori also saw it: "Sean, there are zombies! Get out of the way!"

  "Zombies? What zombies?" Sean still didn't move, standing where he was, not even looking back, and the zombie had already pounced on Sean.

  "Ah!" Sophia was so frightened that she couldn't hold back any longer and screamed.

Carl's pupils were constricted. He found it a little unbelievable. No way; Sean wouldn't die here.

Sean made a wink at Carl, raised his right hand at a rapid speed, pointed the pistol backwards, and pulled the trigger without even looking back.


The bullet hit the zombie's head perfectly, and the flying corpse instantly fell behind Sean.

Sean slowly retracted the gun in front of him, blew at the muzzle, and said with a smile, "Why are you so nervous? I'm just joking with you."

"This joke is not funny at all!" Lori was furious. "Do you know what you are doing? Do you know how dangerous this is?"

Sean quickly put away the gun, put his hands in front of him, and said helplessly, "OK, OK, my bad, sorry, Lori."

Lori wanted to say something, but Karl grabbed her hand and said, "Mom, let's go down first. There are two bodies here."

Lori nodded but still glanced at Sean coldly, as if to say she would deal with him later. Sean had no choice but to follow her with a smile on his face.

After getting off the RV, there were already quite a few people gathered in the open space. Not only had some people gotten off the RV, but some had also run away to hide in various places. When they saw that the zombies had been dealt with, they all came back.

Carol was among them. She clenched her hands nervously and looked around for something. When she saw Sophia getting out of the RV with Carl and the others, she almost couldn't help crying with joy.

"Thank you, merciful Lord, for protecting my Sophia."

Karl also saw Carol and pulled Sophia directly to Carol, saying, "Aunt Carol, Sophia is fine."

Carol quickly squatted down and hugged Sophia. After a long time, she raised her head and saw that there were already some sparkling eyes in the corners of her eyes.

"Mom, it's Carl who is protecting me." Sophia pulled Carol's clothes.

Carol finally reacted, wiped the tears from her eyes, smiled at Karl, and said solemnly:

"Thank you, Carl; you are a brave boy."

"It's okay." Carl smiled politely and said, "Sophia and I are friends, so I'll go over first."

Carol smiled and nodded. At this time, Sophia held Carl and said nothing, just looking at him with her big, watery eyes.

The meaning is obvious: he doesn't want Carl to leave.

Karl smiled helplessly and said to Carol, "Then let's go together."

  "Okay." Carol touched Carl's head kindly.

But Carl always felt something was weird. There was a huge difference between the current Carol and the later Carol's mother, especially the way she looked at him.

Why do I feel like she is looking at my son-in-law?

Sean was trying to calm everyone down while also arranging for people to handle some of the aftermath.

For example, when cleaning up the bodies, counting the casualties, and so on, Sean did all these things in an orderly manner; after all, he was a policeman.

Everyone had no objection to Sean's arrangement. As one of the representatives of the camp's combat force, responsible for protecting the camp's safety, and also with the identity of a policeman, Sean still had some prestige in the camp.

At this time, Glenn in the crowd asked, "Why did so many zombies suddenly appear? You know, we are in the suburbs and in the mountains."

Sean shook his head to indicate that he didn't know either.

  More swaggered over and said, "These zombies have noses sharper than dogs. Maybe it's because of which of us has the more fragrant meat."

"Of course." Moore looked at Andrea again and said, "Maybe it's just something that stinks."

Carl also fell into deep thought at this time. Indeed, under normal circumstances, it was impossible for so many zombies to appear in such a place.

  Though I didn't count them carefully, there must be at least a hundred corpses there. Even before the end of the world, there wouldn't be so many people around here.

This is indeed an unreasonable point. In fact, there are more unreasonable points; there is also the issue of conversion time.

In the play, the extras will change within a few minutes after being bitten, just like Sam just now, while some supporting characters will take several days to change after being bitten.

Also, what exactly do the zombies base their judgment on between humans and their own kind? It would be fine if you could just smear zombie blood on your body to trick the zombies.

Wear a mask, okay? You said that if you stay here for too long, you will smell like a zombie. I accept that.

But the most ridiculous thing is that if the knife girl leads two zombies, the other zombies will not attack her. What's the difference between this and walking next to zombies?

Of course, the most unreasonable thing is that the zombies in the play seem to be able to spread the zombie virus only through their teeth.

It is understandable that the protagonist is fine after the blood of zombies is splashed on his body. He uses the knife that just stabbed the zombies to cut meat and drinks the water that has been soaked by zombies.

If the zombie virus is a protein like snake venom, then there will be no problem as long as it does not enter the blood. This seems to be an explanation.

But why is it that sometimes the zombies' blood touches the protagonist's wounds but nothing happens?

Could it be that the zombie virus only exists on zombies' teeth?

That's bullshit.


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