Can Chapter 9 be refreshed?

Of course, this is a drama, which means that everything the audience sees is fake, and some bugs do not affect the viewing experience.

But now that the show has become a reality, how do we explain these bugs?

"Ding, you have an email; please check it."

Just when Carl was at a loss, the voice sounded again. He looked around and saw that everyone was busy. Sean was still talking to everyone.

Sophia held her hand, looking very weak, and she also spoke a lot during the conversation.

  However, Carl was immersed in his thoughts, and what Sophia said were all insignificant little things, so Carl chose to ignore them all.

  Karl said silently in his heart, "Open."

  The translucent, light blue screen appeared in front of Karl again. It was said to be a letter, but it also looked like some precautions and regulations.

  What it means roughly is that the world now is indeed a real world, but it is not an ordinary world.

  There will be some things that are beyond understanding, but they are not bugs. The real bugs will be fixed, and we will try our best to make this world reasonable.

  For example, the walking dead, which is also the most crucial point, only saw the original text like this.

  This world is a world of the walking dead, so the zombies can never be completely eliminated. In the wild or in cities occupied by zombies, new zombies will be refreshed when their number decreases.

  However, the zombies will not spawn in human camps. The larger the human camp, the smaller the zombie spawn point will be.

  Note: Never try to kill all the zombies; this is the world of the walking dead!

  Never! Never try!

Carl couldn't understand why the word was "refresh" and why all the zombies couldn't be eliminated.

But Carl has one advantage: there is no need to figure out something that he cannot figure out, so Carl buried this doubt deep in his heart.

But it seems that the wild will never be safe again, but the key is what the standards of this camp are.

Could it be that this camp is not considered a camp? Or, is it considered a camp? It's just that the zombies spawned outside the camp and then attacked the camp?

Carl seemed to have grasped something, but the clue was too thin. He sighed and turned off the screen.

"Carl, why are you ignoring me?" Sophia pinched Carl's arm angrily.

Karl smiled apologetically and rubbed Sophia's head. "Nothing. I was thinking about something."

"Okay, Sofia, play with your mom for a while. I have something to talk to Sean about."


Karl looked directly at Sofia and assured her, "Be obedient, okay? I promise to come to you soon."

  "Okay!" Sophia looked at Carl, going away with her big, watery eyes.

She always felt that Karl seemed to have changed a little, but this kind of Karl seemed more reliable, and she felt more at ease around him.

  Sophie's little head couldn't think of much; she only knew that Karl was still Karl, but Karl was better now.

"Sean, are you done?" Carl leaned against the RV and stretched.

Sean looked back at Carl and said to Glenn, "That's all. Go help first. I'll be right there."

Glenn nodded and went to help deal with the body.

Sean walked up to Carl and asked, "What's wrong, Carl?"

Karl looked around and saw that everyone in the camp was busy with the aftermath, and no one was paying attention to this side, so he asked directly:

"Sean, how many casualties did we suffer this time?"

Sean put his hands on his head and said with a grim expression, "Five of them, Sam, Red, and Carter... left us forever."

"How many people are left in the camp now? Is there a statistic?"

"There are only 19 people if you count the children. I don't know how long this number can last. If it weren't for the help of Brother Daryl this time, our camp would probably be completely destroyed."

Carl looked up at Sean and looked him straight in the eyes. "Sean, you should know that we should move. This place is not safe. There is no wall, not even a fence."

Sean nodded, but his brows were still furrowed. "I know, but not everyone knows. Not everyone wants to leave. Many people have relatives in Atlanta."

"It doesn't matter, Sean. Many of the people you mentioned are just burdens. We only need to take some who are willing to go and then persuade some who are useful."

Carl didn't give Sean a chance to speak and continued, "Sean, listen, this is the end of the world; the old ways won't work anymore! You have to change your mindset.

You have to adapt to this world. I need you, and my mother needs you too."

Carl always felt something strange about the last sentence, as if he were selling out his mother for fame, but Carl knew he had to say it.

Sean was shocked and incredulous at first, then silent. After a long while, Sean nodded and said in a heavy voice:

"I understand. I will prepare, but it will take some time to prepare."

  "Tomorrow." Carl's voice was firm, without any intention of negotiation. "Sean, we must leave tomorrow."

Sean wanted to say something, but when he opened his mouth, nothing came out. Finally, he nodded, turned around, and left in silence.

Seeing Sean leave, Carl leaned heavily against the RV. He knew that his words would bring a great shock to Sean and even make him doubt himself.

But there is no way around it. Even though Carl has a perfect plan and leadership ability, he now needs a spokesperson.

It is difficult for a teenager to win the support of others, no matter how smart he is, let alone become a leader.

And Sean is the best spokesperson Carl can think of right now. Even if Rick is here, he is not as good as Sean.

The role of a parent inherently makes it impossible for Carl to take the initiative, even if Carl is right.

They always want to impose on their children what they think is good, but never think that what they think is right is necessarily right.

I remember when watching the show, Li Mo felt that Rick was largely responsible for Carl's death.

The second and third seasons teach Carl that he must learn to be ruthless and how to survive in the apocalypse.

But because Carl killed one of the governor's men, a possible threat, you have to know that behind Carl were Hershel Beth and Judith.

In Li Mo's opinion, there was nothing wrong with Carl shooting that bullet. On the contrary, it was right, and this was the awareness that one should have to survive in the apocalypse.

But even because of this and some of Hershel's words, Rick confiscated Carl's gun, asked Carl to accompany him to the farm, and kept brainwashing Carl to be kind.

What was the result? Carl did become kind and saved many people in the following seasons.

But it was also Carl's kindness that killed him!

The current Carl will never let this scene happen again!


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This fanfiction is 30-chapter ahead in my Patreon