Chapter 10: Preparing to Leave

  Suddenly there were some noises coming from the RV. Carl looked up and saw Dale climbing down the ladder of the RV.

  After Dell climbed down, he stood in front of Carl and looked at him with deep eyes, as if he was trying to see through Carl.

  Karl's heart skipped a beat, and he calmed down a little, then asked softly, "Did you hear it?"

  Dale nodded, said nothing more, withdrew his gaze, and walked towards the RV.

  At this time, Carl called Dale, "Dale."

  Dale turned around and looked at Karl, still not speaking, but his expression was a little heavy.

  "Now that you've heard it, Dale, there's nothing to hide from you." Carl said directly without any stage fright, "I hope you can come with us."

  Dale was silent for a moment before he slowly said, "Kid, if you follow your logic, I'm just a burden."

  "No, Dale, you are not a burden. On the contrary, you are a useful person. You are someone who can survive in the apocalypse. Just like just now, you killed a lot of zombies."

  Dale was not happy about Karl's words, and looked at Karl with an inexplicable expression, "Kid, where did you learn this from?"

  "No one taught me, I just know what to do." Carl said seriously, "It's just that I know what is right, it's just that I can see more, it's just that I understand what the world needs."

  Dale was stunned for a long time before he said something incomprehensible in a low voice, "The Lord said to my Lord, 'Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool.'"

  Karl didn't hear clearly, and asked subconsciously, "What?"

  Dale shook his head. "Maybe following you would be the right decision, but I have to take Andrea and Amy with me. If you agree, then I will go with you."

  Carl nodded without hesitation, "Of course! As long as you are willing, then Dale, get ready, we will set off tomorrow."

  Dale nodded and walked towards the RV in a daze.

  Carl looked at Dale's back and pinched his chin. It seemed that some things that were incomprehensible in the play would become clear sooner or later.

  Carl stretched and yawned, actually feeling a little sleepy. Was it because of the child's physical condition or because he was too nervous?

  Carl didn't think much about it and walked towards the tent yawning. On the way, he was met by Sofia. There was nothing he could do to sleep.

  Carl could only play some childish games with Sofia. The adults in the camp were busy and had no time to take care of these two little kids.

  But with Carl watching, the two would not run around. Carl played with Sofia for a while and suddenly noticed someone digging a hole behind the camp.

  Carl became nervous instantly, but then he thought that it might be because someone had just died, so it made sense to dig a hole now.

  But Karl still decided to ask, rubbing Sofia's head, "Why don't you play here by yourself for a while, I'll go ask something."

  Sophia pouted in dissatisfaction, "Karl, you're leaving again. You haven't played with me for long. Don't you want to play with me?"

  Karl said helplessly, "No, how about this, you come with me."

  "Okay." Sophia's pouty lips instantly turned into a smile. It turned out that women are creatures that can change their faces naturally, regardless of age.

  Karl reluctantly dragged Sophia to find Sean. At this time, Lori just came out of the tent. Seeing Karl, she frowned and asked, "Karl, where are you going? Didn't I tell you not to run around?"

  Carl explained helplessly, "I'm just going to find Sean. I won't leave the camp."

  "What do you want Sean?"

  "Secret." Carl didn't want to waste any more time talking to Lori, so he quickly pulled Sophia towards Sean who was standing next to the pile of zombies.

  Lori's frown deepened, but when she saw Sean was right there, she felt relieved and went back to the tent to continue packing.

  That's right, Sean had already told Lori that they would leave tomorrow. Having just experienced the camp being attacked by zombies, Lori naturally would not have any objection.

  Next to the pile of zombie corpses, there are not only Sean, but also Maul, Daryl, Glenn, and T-boy. They are discussing how to deal with these corpses.

  Moore said carelessly, "Why bother with these things? Can vegetables grow if they are buried?"

  Glenn argued, "They were human beings when they were alive, and we should let them rest in peace."

  "Pah." Moore spat on a corpse and said to Glenn with disdain, "Korean boy, do you know how many corpses there are? Digging a pit? That's easy for you to say. Why don't you do the digging?"

  Glenn also knew that digging a pit was not realistic, so he could only say, "Then we should at least burn them, otherwise leaving so many corpses might cause a plague."

  Daryl nodded, "Glenn is right. If we don't deal with so many bodies, we can't stay in our camp any longer."

  Mor yelled in dissatisfaction, "Brother, you are so stupid. You have been hunting for so long, do you think it is easy to burn these corpses?

  Can you light them on fire with wet branches from the woods? Or with the clothes you are wearing?"

  "We can use gasoline," Glenn said.

  Daryl was silent too.

  Moore sneered, "Korean boy, do you know how precious gasoline is now? Using gasoline to burn the bodies of these damn zombies?

  So extravagant? Did you use 1,000-dollar bills to clean your asses before the disaster in South Korea? "

  Glenn stopped talking, and Carl came over with Sophia. Sean saw Carl and nodded to him.

  "What are you doing here? There are dead bodies everywhere."

  Carl looked at the corpse on the ground with curiosity, while Sophia hid behind Carl.

  Just now, when Carl was approaching, he asked Sophia if she wanted to wait for him there, but Sophia insisted on following him, so Carl had no choice.

  Carl said, "Sean, are you discussing how to deal with these bodies?"

  Sean nodded, "These bodies are indeed difficult to deal with."

  Carl glanced at the people in front of him, all of whom were members of the protagonist group, and he no longer had any concerns. He said directly, "Sean, we don't have to worry about these bodies. We will leave tomorrow, right?"

  Before Sean could say anything, T-boy couldn't help but ask, "What do you mean by leaving tomorrow?"

  Glenn's expression was quite calm, it seemed that Sean had already told him about it.

  Carl looked at T-zai and said, "Literally, leave here. It's not safe here anymore. Of course, you can come with us. We will welcome you."

  After saying that, Carl looked at the two Moldaril brothers again and said, "What do you think? Do you want to leave with us?"

  "Of course!" Moore said with a smile, "I said you have the same style as me back then. See, don't we have the same idea?"


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