Chapter 11 Jim the Digger

  Carl didn't expect that Moore would agree so easily, but this is certainly a good thing. These two brothers are two of the ceilings of combat power.

  Carl said in a good mood, "Let's talk about this later. We still have time. I almost forgot the main thing. I came here to ask you, who dug the pit behind the camp?"

  Sean asked in confusion, "Digging a hole? Who is digging a hole?"

  "Hey, look." Carl pointed to the back of the camp.

  Glenn asked in confusion, "Jim? Why is he still digging a hole? Haven't we already buried Sam and the others' bodies?"

  Carl was suddenly shocked. It was actually Jim. The timeline was wrong. Rick hadn't come back yet. Why would Jim set a trap at this time?

  Sean frowned and said to everyone, "Let's go over and take a look."

  Karl naturally followed Sean. Sean looked at Karl with an inexplicable look but said nothing.

  Carl said to Sean softly, his tone a little heavy, "Sean, we may have to leave early."

  "Why? It's already very rushed to leave tomorrow. If we leave earlier, we won't have enough time to prepare many things." Sean said.

  "Because it's dangerous here, Sean, how many bullets do you have left?"

  "Thirteen pistol rounds and twelve haze rounds."

  This number was beyond Carl's expectations. If Sean only had six bullets left after a few days in the show, then would there be continuous zombie attacks in the next few days?

  Carl continued to ask, "What about the others? Have you counted how many guns and bullets there are in total?"

  Sean shook his head. "This question is a bit sensitive, so I can't ask directly. But there are probably more than ten rifles and pistols combined. As for bullets, there may not be many left except for Morel."

  "It's time to ask." Carl said nothing more, and several people soon arrived at the camp.

  Jim was sweating profusely, and his face was abnormally flushed, but he was still digging the hole desperately, as if he didn't feel tired at all.

  Sean frowned and asked, "Jim, what's wrong with you."

  Jim didn't answer and continued digging frantically.

  Glenn asked worriedly, "Jim, are you okay?"

  Still no answer, as if Jim was completely immersed in his own world, just digging holes, digging holes madly.

  "Hey." Moore said arrogantly, "Curly guy, Uncle Moore asks you, what's wrong with you? You don't have to dig such a big hole for yourself, do you? Or do you want to bury your whole family together?"

  As expected of Moore, Jim's body stiffened for a moment, and then began to tremble, but soon he continued to dig the hole, even though his body was shaking, he kept digging.

  "What should we do?" Glenn asked Sean worriedly.

  Sean frowned and said nothing.

  At this time, Carl said, "Sean, control him! Calm him down. Glenn, go back and tell everyone to prepare to evacuate. Except for guns and ammunition, food, medicine, and gasoline, you don't need anything else. Tell them to hurry up!"

  "Huh?" Glenn looked confused. "Why?"

  Karl said anxiously, "There's no time to explain, hurry up! Quick!"

  While they were talking, Carl had just counted the holes Jim had dug. He had already dug seven and was now digging the eighth.

  In the show, the death toll is exactly the same as the pit Jim dug, which means that at least eight people will die the next time the zombies attack.

  Now the total number of people in the camp is less than twenty. If more than eight people die, some characters in the plot may die directly.

  Although he didn't know why Jim would dig a hole at this time, and it was not certain that Jim's prediction would come true, Carl didn't want to take too much risk.

  Although he was immune to the virus, he would still die if the zombies bit him in the neck. Virus immunity did not make him immortal.

  "Sean, this..." Glenn did not return to the camp immediately as Carl instructed, but looked at Sean with embarrassment and confusion.

  This is also the biggest shortcoming of Carl's identity. Who can you expect to listen to what a child says? Carl believes that if Sean said this, Glenn would do it even if he had doubts.

  Sean also hesitated for a while and did not immediately control Jim. He was thinking.

  But someone took action, it was More. More's personality determined that he would not have too many concerns, as long as he found it interesting.

  Moore rushed forward in two steps, snatched the shovel from Jim's hand with lightning speed, and then punched Jim hard on the right cheek.

  Moore's punch showed absolutely no mercy. Jim was knocked to the ground by the punch. Moore followed with two steps and turned Jim over, making him face down.

  Then he sat on Jim, grabbed Jim's hands and crossed them behind his back. It all happened so fast that Jim wanted to struggle, but this posture made it impossible for him to use any strength.

  Moore adjusted his position, pressed Jim's hands with his knee and one hand, and patted Jim's head with his other hand.

  "Hey, man, I think you'd better not move, otherwise your uncle Moore's iron fist will not show mercy."

  Then Moore turned to Daryl and said, "Brother, go get the rope we're going to use to trap the wild boar. This guy is almost as heavy as a wild boar weighing over a hundred pounds."

  Glenn said, "Moir, what are you doing? Let him go!"

  Moore smiled nonchalantly and said, "Korean, is there something wrong with your eyes? Can you see what I am doing? Of course I am following the wishes of little Karl and controlling him."

  Carl on the side almost laughed out loud. He had to admit that he liked this bastard Moore more and more.

  "You! But you can't do this to him!" Glenn said.

  "Hey, Korean guy, do you think Mr. Moore is always so gentle?"

  "You..." Glenn, who usually has a good temper, was angered by Moore.

  At this time, Sean suddenly said, "Glenn, go to the camp and inform everyone to do as Carl said."

  "Huh?" Glenn was stunned.

  Sean said again, "Go quickly, others who need to pack can go back to the camp first."

  Sean glanced at the mechanical watch on his wrist. "It's three o'clock now. We'll set off in an hour. We should be able to reach Jonham in the evening."

  As Carl expected, after Sean said it, although Glenn was confused, he nodded and ran towards the camp, and T also went back.

  At this time, Moore suddenly said to Daryl, "Brother, go and pack up our belongings, and we will go with this group of people.

  These guys aren't as boring as I thought at first. By the way, brother, you know where my 'family bucket' is hidden, don't you? "

  Daryl hesitated for a moment, but nodded to Moore, then turned and left with the crossbow.

  Now there are only Jim, Moore, Sean, Carl and Sophia who has zero presence.

  Sean walked over to Jim, squatted down, and asked softly, "Jim, are you okay?"

  Carl also followed with Sophia. Jim didn't answer. His eyes were dull, and he was shaking his head, and seemed to be muttering something in a low voice.


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