Chapter 17 Unstable Factors

  "Hey man, what are you doing?"

  Moore kicked the zombie's body away with dissatisfaction.

  Daryl pulled the crossbow out of the zombie's head, reloaded it, and said calmly,

  "Stop playing around, Mor, we have to hurry. No one knows what accidents may happen in this town now."

  "Okay, whatever you say."

  Having said that, Maul suddenly threw the dagger in his hand, which hit the head of the zombie that Daryl was aiming at, killing it with one blow.

  "It's even, bro."

  There were only three people who took action. Although the zombies around were scattered, there were at least dozens of them including those that came from afar.

  T-boy, Glenn, Ed, and Morales looked at each other.

  After hesitating for a moment, T also stepped forward. He had a shotgun, but no melee weapons with him.

  T had no choice but to follow Sean's example and use the butt of his gun to hit the zombies, but the effect of his wooden butt was obviously not as good as he had imagined.

  Fortunately, T has the advantage of weight, and if he faces a zombie, he will sooner or later be able to smash the zombie's head with the wooden butt of his gun.

  Seeing that T-boy had also come up, Glenn couldn't help but feel a little anxious, but he was unarmed and couldn't fight the zombies with his fists.

  At this moment, the window of the RV suddenly opened, and Dale leaned against the window and said:

  "Hey guys, I think you could use these."

  As he spoke, a fire axe and several sharp steel pipes were thrown out.

  This was brought from the camp, and Glenn and the others should have brought it with them just now.

  But the atmosphere at the time was so solemn that no one thought of this.

  "Thanks, Dale." Glenn didn't hesitate and ran to the RV window.

  After weighing the pros and cons, Glenn did not choose the only fire axe that looked the most powerful, but instead took a handy steel pipe and joined the battle directly.

  Dale in the RV yelled to Ed and Morales, "Hey, what are you two doing standing there?"

  "Fuck, fat guy, and that coward, are you more cowardly than this black guy and Korean guy?"

  More pulled out the dagger that had pierced the zombie's head. He did not rush to find trouble with the next zombie. Instead, he played with the dagger and stared at the two of them with ill intentions.

  "Standing here and watching Master Moore's performance? You guys are so comfortable. Believe it or not, Master Moore will give you a knife first."

  Ed and Morales looked at each other and walked towards the weapons outside the RV.

  But compared to Glenn, their pace was not like holding weapons in battle, but more like taking a walk.

  "Damn it, bro, shoot an arrow at that fat guy's asshole. What I hate most in my life is cowards."

  Moore spat out a mouthful of thick phlegm and became more and more angry as he looked at Ed and Morales.

  Of course Daryl wouldn't really shoot an arrow at Ed, and Maul's words also played a role.

  The two men quickened their pace. Ed picked up the fire axe, squinted his eyes, and rushed towards a zombie with his facial muscles twitched.

  As if venting his anger, Ed used all his strength to swing the axe. After all, the weight of the axe was close to 300 pounds, so the inertia of this axe should not be underestimated.

  I don't know if Ed was lucky or if he really had some basic skills, but the axe hit the zombie right in the head.

  The skull was split and the brain was crushed. The axe went straight into the zombie's head. The zombie's movements stopped abruptly and it fell to the ground.

  It wasn't just a zombie, the axe was stuck in the zombie's head, and Ed didn't let go immediately, so he was immediately dragged down by the zombie.

  At this time, another zombie pounced towards Ed.

  Carl in the RV pointed his gun out the window, watching the fight between several people while imagining aiming and shooting.

  Holding the gun is to exercise hand balance.

  Seeing Ed fall and a zombie rushing towards him, Carl felt happy in his heart. Death would be the best, so that no one's hands would be dirty.

  This guy is not a good bird.

  It's not just the behavior in the RV, but also just now, when Ed picked up the fire axe, Carl's angle just happened to vaguely see Ed's expression.

  Resentment, anger, and extreme ferocity.

  Carl didn't know what he hated, was it his own threat to him, or Sean's intimidation, or Moore's insult.

  Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. What matters is that Carl knows and understands people like him.

  He will retaliate, and once he gets the chance he will launch a crazy revenge, which is a threat to the team and to anyone.

  Carl would never allow any threats to exist, he just needed an opportunity.

  Recalling what he said to Sean on the road, Carl's expression became a little deep.


  "What's wrong."

  "Can I trust you?"

  "Karl, what are you talking about, don't you believe me?"

  "of course not."

  "Okay, what's up?"

  Carl stopped playing with the Glock, looked Sean straight in the eyes, and whispered to Sean, "When we get to the town, find a chance to kill Ed."

  "Carl, what are you talking about?" Sean looked at Carl in disbelief.

  When Carl said this to Sean, Ed hadn't said those words yet.

  So now Sean still can't quite understand. Of course, it's mostly because Carl actually said such a thing.

  "Sean, he was a threat, not just to me, not just to my mom, but to everybody on the team.

  He wants to abandon you."

  "Karl, in times of crisis, it is normal for people to just protect themselves. As long as they don't harm others, then it is reasonable.

  From a personal perspective, it is reasonable, and bystanders are not qualified to criticize anything. "

  "Sean, I'm not a spectator, and neither are you. We are participants. We are qualified and can do it, not to judge, but to act."

  "So, Carl, do you think what you did was right? Forcing them to stop at gunpoint, risking their lives to wait for us?

  If, I mean if, if it wasn't me and your mother outside the RV, but two strangers, would you still do this?"

  "No, I won't. I only do this for people I think are worthy. Sean, I know what you want to say, but what you said is just hypothetical..."

  "Carl, listen to me." Sean sighed, "So, what if it's someone else?

  What would you think if someone else held the gun and forced the RV to stop to save two people you didn't know, risking your life? "

  Carl was silent, not because he was convinced by Sean, but just because he was a little touched.

  "Karl, everyone has the right to live and has someone they care about. Everyone wants to live, and they also want the people they care about to live.

  You need to learn to think from others' perspective. You are still a child. You shouldn't say the word "killing" so easily. "

  Carl looked up, "He wanted to grab my gun, have you ever thought about what would happen if he got my gun?

  If you guys didn't get on the bus, what would happen to me? Sean, you have to be selfish in this world.

  Otherwise, you will either lose your own life or the life of someone you care about.

  Sean, I don't want to do this, but it has to be this way."

  Sean was silent, and their conversation ended there.


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