Chapter 18 Differences between People

  Sean is a bit difficult to understand.

  But if we put aside the prejudice against Sean in the subsequent plot of the show, just based on Carl's contact and understanding with Sean.

  Carl discovered that Sean had a lot of potential to be a decent person, with a sense of justice being the most important thing.

  The three views he has when educating his children are very positive, but precisely because they are too positive, this is not a good thing.

  If it is a stable society, there is nothing wrong with doing this, and it will also educate a child with extremely correct values.

  But now is the end of the world, the end of the world where people eat each other, and even "eat each other" is no longer a metaphor.

  Carl understood what Sean meant, but he couldn't accept it.

  No matter what time it is, no matter who it is, no matter whether they have good intentions or not.

  You need to make your own judgment whether to accept other people's things or not.

  What others think is good may not necessarily be right, and even if it is right, it may not necessarily be good when it comes to you.

  Carl shook his head, clearing his mind of thoughts, and couldn't help but smile.

  I want to influence him, but I can't be influenced by others.

  His hands were a little sore. Carl was still a child, holding up the Glock which weighed nearly one pound, so he naturally couldn't hold on for long.

  Carl hesitated for a moment, then put down his hands and moved them.

  Carl could hold on if he forced himself, but there was no need as the strained muscle would hurt for a few days.

  It would be fine if it happened under normal circumstances, but now it is the end of the world, and if my arms remain in a weak state the impact will be too great.

  Looking out the window, Karl narrowed his eyes slightly and murmured, "Isn't it time to die? It's just a matter of time."

  Ed was lucky, as the zombie that pounced on him was shot through the head by Daryl's arrow.

  Daryl had no idea what happened in the RV, and since he was a cold-hearted person, it was no surprise that he helped save people.

  Morales held the steel pipe tightly with both hands, looked around nervously, but did not take any action.

  More's words came true. Morales didn't have as many thoughts as Ed, but his biggest problem was that he was a little timid.

  But the timid people cannot survive long in such a world. Carl retracted his gaze. The Glock in his hand was what Carl paid attention to.

  "Coward, how long are you going to stay in a daze?" Moore stabbed a zombie's head with a knife and looked at Morales unhappily.

  The zombies around had almost all been killed. Among the people who took action, only Sean, Daryl, and More actually killed that many zombies.

  Among them, More killed the most, after all, he was using a dagger, and it was effortless, killing one person with one strike.

  If Sean wants to kill the zombies with the butt of the gun, he will have to use some brute force, and it will take time for Daryl to load the arrow and pull the string.

  As for the other three, Ed killed one and was almost killed. T was smashing the second zombie's head with the butt of his gun, and it was almost broken, but he still didn't kill it.

  Glenn killed four or five of them. The sharp steel pipe was useful against zombies, and it wasn't as easy to get stuck as an axe.

  Sean smashed the zombie under his feet to death, looked around, and saw that there were no more zombies moving towards him, so he let out a long sigh.

  Walking outside the RV, Sean shouted inside, "Dale, do you have a knife? This buttstock is too hard."

  Dale, who had been watching the fight from the window, laughed and said, "Knife? Do you want a fruit knife?"

  "That's fine, as long as the quality isn't too bad."

  "Wait." Dale walked to the back of the RV.

  "How much water is left in the car?"

  "As for water, we have four large barrels and dozens of small and medium-sized bottles. There is a lake next to the camp, so there is no shortage of water." It was Carl who answered.

  Dale had gone into the small room at the back of the RV.

  Sean nodded, "Throw out a few bottles of water, Carl, and find me a rag, thanks."

  "Okay." Carl nodded. Just as he was about to get up, Lori had already thrown out several bottles of water from the window.

  Sean smiled and caught them outside. There were three bottles in total. Sean threw one to More, who was standing with his hands on his hips looking at this side.

  Moore caught it and said with an exaggerated smile, "Thanks, Sheriff."

  After a slight hesitation, Sean threw another bottle to T-boy and said, "Share it and don't waste it. We don't know if we can find supplies in this town."

  After Sean finished speaking, he waved to Glenn, who ran over to Sean, "What's wrong, Sean."

  "You drink first?" Sean handed the last bottle of water to Glenn.

  Glenn politely refused, "You drink first, you must be tired after killing so many zombies."

  Sean nodded and didn't refuse. He took a big sip, looked at the bottle, and took another sip. This time, exactly half of the bottle was left.

  He handed the half-full bottle of water to Glenn, "It's yours."

  Glenn nodded, and this time he didn't refuse. He took it directly and took a big sip.

  After taking the water, Moore did not drink it immediately, but threw it directly to Daryl.

  The two brothers already have a lot of stuff on their motorcycles, so there's probably not much room left for water.

  Daryl took it and drank it without saying anything, but he only drank a small half and threw it to Moore.

  T looked around in confusion. If two people drank from one bottle, what would happen to the other person? But since it was in his hands, he decided to drink it first.

  In the RV, Lori looked around but couldn't find a rag, so she asked, "Dale, do you have a rag here?"

  Dale just walked out at this time, "Yes, I'll get it later."

  Dale came to the window and said, "Catch it."

  "Come on." Sean nodded.

  Dale threw something out and Sean caught it. It was not a fruit knife, but a dagger, a hunting dagger, and it came with a matching leather case.

  Sean took out the dagger and fiddled with it, "Combat knife? Great stuff, Dale, you actually have this."

  Dale smiled and said nothing, then went to find a rag and threw it to Sean.

  Sean took it, put the dagger on his waist, then wiped the butt with a rag and handed the rag to Glenn, who shook his head.

  Sean threw the rag to Moore directly, and then said to everyone, "Okay, come here, let's discuss and prepare to enter the town."

  After that, Sean said to Dale in the RV, "Dale, be careful. You can ask Carl to help you keep watch, but don't get out of the RV.

  Be ready to start the RV at any time. If it is safe, drive a little further in. If there is an accident, be ready to pick us up."

  "No problem." Dale nodded, and after a moment he said again, "Be careful."

  "Of course." Sean smiled and walked towards the others.

  Carl in the RV yelled, "Sean, be careful."

  There was also Lori and others, all of whom were giving instructions to the people they cared about.

  Only Glenn, Daryl and More had no one calling them. Daryl and More were brothers after all, but Glenn was the only one who was truly alone.

  Carl noticed this and couldn't help but shout, "Glenn, you have to be careful too."

  "Glenn, be careful. I'm going to teach you a good lesson this time." It was Dale. Apparently Carl was not the only one who thought of this.

  Dale looked at Carl and saw a hint of smile in his eyes, but more of it was solemnity.

  Carl shouted again, "Darryl, and that bastard Maul, you guys should be careful too, don't let anything happen to you."

  One sentence won him a lot of goodwill, and Carl knew it clearly.


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