Chapter 26 The Discovered Yellow Bird

  "Tom, are you damn sure there are only a few of them?"

  In a hotel, a strong white man with black hair was sitting on a sofa, and behind the sofa stood two guard-like characters, each holding a gun in their hands.

  On the coffee table in front of the sofa there was an open bottle of whiskey and a glass.

  Tom was stunned for a moment, and said weakly, "Joey saw it. I'm not particularly sure. Joey asked me to come and inform you as soon as possible."

  "Waste." The black-haired burly man suppressed his anger and started thinking.

  Tom reminded weakly, "Joey said they will be able to clean up the zombies soon if we are late."

  "Fuck." The burly man drank the remaining whiskey in the glass and put the glass heavily on the table. "Go gather the brothers and set off quickly!"



  "There aren't many zombies left. Why don't we just use knives to kill them? This will be faster. We've been out for several hours." Glenn reminded in a low voice.

  Indeed, there were not many zombies still standing on this street, and the remaining zombies were mostly hanging around near the entrance of the police station.

  At a glance, there are no more than a dozen or twenty.

  "It's better to be cautious. No one knows what the situation is in the police station. It's been so long, so a little longer won't hurt." Sean said.

  Daryl lit a cigarette and angrily threw the crossbow in his hand aside, "Another one is broken. This one is useless. There are only three crossbows left."

  After such high-intensity and continuous shooting, we were lucky to have only two of the five crossbow arrows destroyed.

  Sean joked, "Looks like you'll have to get used to using guns in the future."

  "I don't know how to use that."

  Daryl curled his lips, loaded a usable crossbow arrow, raised the crossbow, aimed, fired, hit the target, and the zombie fell down.

  All in one go.

  He reloaded the crossbow and raised the crossbow, but Daryl did not shoot the arrow.

  He maintained the posture of holding the crossbow, his lips moved slightly, making a slight sound;

  "In the building at ten o'clock, on the sixth floor, someone is watching us. Don't react too much. Find cover, wait for my signal, and run directly to the cover."

  "What? How many people are there on the other side?" Sean asked in a low voice.

  "I don't know. I just saw the reflection of the lens. Now, let's go!"

  Although they were confused, they all chose to believe Daryl and ran at full speed towards the abandoned cars.

  Nothing unexpected happened, and the few people soon met up behind the cars. Some of them were either squatting or sitting, and none of them showed their heads.

  "What? Someone is monitoring us?" Glenn was a little confused. "What should we do? Why are they monitoring us?"

  "Don't you understand?" Moore took out his pistol, loaded it, turned on the safety, and squinted his eyes slightly. "They are also targeting the weapons in the police station."

  "We can't abandon the weapons in the police station. We have worked so hard to clear out so many zombies." said Tzai.

  "Of course not." A dangerous light flashed in Moore's narrowed eyes, "Since they have been hiding in the dark, it seems that they want to be the oriole.

  It's a good idea, but I don't know if they will be able to do it. Boys, be prepared to see blood."

  "It may not come to that, Moore." Sean held Moore's hand.

  Glenn asked, "So what should we do now?"

  Sean thought about it for a moment and quickly made up his mind, "Glenn, go back to the convenience store and ask them to move all the supplies to the RV and be ready to leave at any time."

  Glenn was stunned, "What about you guys?"

  Sean said calmly, "Moir is right. We can't just give up the weapons in the police station so easily. We have to give it a try."

  "If you want to leave, do it as soon as possible. I don't know how many people are in that building, but they probably won't shoot now. You may not know later." Daryl said calmly.

  Sean thought for a moment and nodded to Glenn, "You still remember the route, let's go now. Daryl is right, those people will not shoot randomly, they are also afraid of attracting zombies."

  Glenn scanned everyone's faces one by one and nodded heavily, "Be careful. If things can't be done, there's no need for us to compete with them."

  Sean grabbed Glenn who was about to leave and said, "If you hear gunshots, leave here and wait for us at the intersection of Interstate 82.

  Wait for us for a day. If we haven't come yet, you go to the place Carl mentioned. Also, protect Carl and Lori for me. Only they know that safe place. "

  "This..." Glenn felt that what Sean said sounded like his last words.

  Sean patted Glenn on the shoulder and said, "This is just the worst-case scenario. The situation shouldn't get that bad. Go away now."

  "Okay! Take care of yourselves." Glenn nodded heavily, then bent his body, made some preparations, and sprinted towards the corner of the street at full speed.

  Sure enough, no shots were fired until Glenn's figure disappeared around the corner of the street, and then Sean and the others withdrew their gaze.

  "What's up, Sheriff?" Moore smiled and stroked his beloved gun.

  "We have to find out how many of them there are first." Sean also loaded the Mossberg shotgun and Beretta pistol and turned on the safety.

  "They are on the commanding heights, their position is very advantageous." Daryl hesitated for a moment, then took out a pistol.

  A Browning High-Power pistol like Moore's is not very effective against an unknown number of enemies with only two bolts left.

  There is one that has just been fired and has not been retrieved yet.

  Sean took a deep breath and said slowly, "Everyone, you should know how important weapons are in this world, and you should have seen how despicable human nature is.

  Although I do not advocate killing, we have to be on guard, and we should also be prepared to kill the enemy if we do take action."

  "Of course, do I need to tell you that, Sheriff?" Moore smiled without any psychological burden.

  Compared to others, More had lived at the bottom of society and came into contact with all kinds of people, so he had a more thorough understanding of human nature.

  Since that group of people didn't show up, they definitely had bad intentions, if Daryl hadn't discovered them.

  After they had cleaned up the zombies and happily walked into the police station, they were pointed guns at them from behind before they could find their weapons.

  Daryl didn't say anything, but nodded slightly. T hesitated for a moment and nodded as well.

  Sean said, "Of course, if possible, we can try to find a peaceful solution. It's best if we don't shoot first."

  "What? Sheriff, you don't still want to be merciful now, do you?" Moore raised his eyebrows.

  "No." Sean narrowed his eyes slightly, "No one knows how many zombies will be attracted by the gunshots. You don't think these are the only zombies in this town, do you?

  If a zombie tide forms, none of us will be able to escape."

  At last, Sean sighed and said, "I don't want to take risks, but I have to."


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