Chapter 27 Mutual Fear

  "Boss, they've discovered us, what should we do?" Joey reminded anxiously.

  "You useless idiot, am I blind? Do you need me to tell you?" Ben took out a Desert Eagle, a golden collector's version.


  Although he loaded the gun, Ben put the Desert Eagle on the windowsill in front of him and looked at the street below. He could no longer see any trace of Sean and his men.

  A strong black man said carefully, "Boss, they should still be behind the car. One of them has already run away. Should we keep them here?"

  Ben didn't say anything, but rubbed his temple, as if he was thinking about something.

  After a long while, Ben said, "Let a few brothers occupy the commanding heights and block their retreat, but don't shoot without my order."

  Tom said weakly, "There are only a few of them. They probably don't dare to compete with us. There's no need for us to engage in a firefight with them. What if we attract zombies..."

  "Heh..." Ben picked up the Desert Eagle, "What do you think I'm doing now? I'm giving them a chance, but obviously, they don't want to leave.

  Of course I know that shooting will attract zombies, let's see, if they are sensible…"


  "Sean, we can't just stay here. These broken cars can't stop any bullets." T was very nervous.

  "I saw that there were at least ten people on the other side, all with guns."

  Daryl held up a piece of the car's rearview mirror, reflecting the building where the group was.

  "That should be their head. If I have a sniper rifle, I can shoot him in the head."

  Moore leisurely lit a cigarette and blew out a circle under his eyes, "Wake up, brother. There is no sniper rifle. The only long guns we have are the sheriff's Mossberg and this black guy's broken shotgun."

  "We really can't stay here, let's go into that residential building." Sean pointed to a five- or six-story residential building next to it.

  Moore laughed, "Hey, there are at least ten guns pointed at our butts now. Do we want to bet that they won't shoot?"

  Sean nodded. "Yes, we can bet. This isn't really a bet. They don't dare to shoot at will. Since they were able to monitor us for so long, it means they are not crazy."

  "Of course!" Moore smiled and took a long drag on his cigarette, "Uncle Moore was fearless! I really miss him."

  Moore's voice was very low when he spoke the last sentence, and his eyes were particularly blurred.

  Sean raised an eyebrow, "What did you say?"

  Moore smiled but said nothing. Daryl spit out a mouthful of saliva and said, "The damn addiction comes back at this time."

  Moore had a ferocious expression on his face. He raised his trembling hands, took a puff of the cigarette, and then gently placed the cigarette butt on the back of his hand.

  "Tsk tsk..." Moore's expression was a little weird, ferocious yet relaxed.

  "Moir, are you okay?" Sean knew how terrible it was to get addicted to this thing.

  Why didn't you come earlier or later, but at this time?

  Moore rotated the cigarette butt on the back of his hand until it went out, leaving a blister on his hand.

  He raised his head and smiled, "It's okay, let's move."

  "Are you sure?" Sean frowned slightly.

  "Of course! Master More is fearless."

  Sean thought for a moment and nodded, "Get ready, get ready, we'll run over there at full speed later."


  "What, Sean and the others met other people? They also targeted the police station's guns?"

  Facing Carl's incredulous look, Glenn nodded and said, "Yes, Sean asked us to put the supplies in the RV and be ready to leave at any time."

  Carl rubbed his temples, wondering how he could meet other people so soon. This part definitely didn't exist in the original drama.

  This also reminded Carl that from the moment he came into this world, this was the real world.

  Anything can happen, with or without a plot, anything can happen.

  "Go and ask the others to move the supplies first. I need to think about it." Carl said absentmindedly.

  Glenn nodded and hurried to inform others. When others received the news, they were extremely shocked.

  But after all, they have been living in the doomsday for so long. Although they are shocked and a little panicked, they still rush to move supplies into the RV.

  "Carl, Carl!" Lori looked for Carl in a panic.

  "I'm here." Carl ran to Lori.

  "Kid, we have to go. You go to the RV first." Lori stroked Carl's shoulder and said quickly.

  "I can help with the moving."

  Lori was stunned for a moment, then nodded, "Good boy, hurry up then."

  Everyone who was still in the convenience store took action, including Glenn who had just returned, except for Ed who was still having difficulty moving.

  With so many people working hard to move supplies, it wasn't long before all the supplies collected in the convenience store were moved to the RV.

  Dale filled up the RV's gas tank and found a few empty barrels and filled them with gasoline.

  When everything was ready, everyone got on the RV and seemed relieved, but the atmosphere inside the car was still a little uneasy.

  "Glenn, do you know how many people are in that group?" Carl asked.

  Glenn shook his head. "I don't know. Sean just told us to leave when we heard the gunshots and wait for them at the intersection of Interstate 82 for a day.

  If they don't come one day, let's go directly to the place you said…"

  "Has the situation suddenly gotten so bad?"

  Carl had no doubts about what Glenn said, not to mention Glenn's character in the play. After a few days of contact, Carl felt that Glenn's character was already very obvious.

  Glenn is kind, honest, and even brave. It can be said that this kind of character is generally the character of the protagonist in a TV series.

  "Sean said this is just the worst-case scenario, and the situation may not get that bad..." Glenn didn't have the confidence when he said this.

  The number of people on the opposite side was completely unknown, but there were only four of Sean's group, and the only long guns they had were a hunting rifle and a shotgun.

  As long as the other side has a rifle, they can directly suppress the firepower of Sean and his men.

  "I think we should go help them," said Carl.

  Then, Carl raised his voice again and repeated to everyone in the RV, "I think we should go help them."

  "No, that's too dangerous." Lori refused without even thinking.

  Andrea said, "That's right. How can we help them? We would just be a burden if we went."

  Amy wanted to say something, but was stopped by Andrea.

  Carol shook her head in panic, and Morales lowered his head and said nothing.

  Seeing everyone's reaction, Karl laughed and said, "Haha, you are so naive, who do you think has been protecting us?

  Sean and his friends are almost all the fighting force in our group. If they are gone, who will protect us?

  How long can we, the old, weak, sick, and children, survive in this apocalypse?"


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