Chapter 28 Talk

  "Karl, what do you know as a kid? I understand how you feel, but we should calm down now and do what Sean says."

  Andrea obviously didn't want to put herself and her sister in danger, let alone take risks for others.

  Lori touched Carl's head and said, "Kid, you said it too. They are already the strongest among us. We can't help them if we go there. We may even distract them."

  Karl frowned slightly and stopped talking, not because he felt that what they said made sense, but because he knew that it would be futile to say anything more.

  But at this moment, Dell, who was sitting in the driver's seat, spoke up, "What you said makes sense, but we really can't just ignore them. We should try to help them as much as possible without causing any adverse effects."

  Andrea was surprised, "What do you mean, Dale, you can't be stupid."

  Dale narrowed his eyes, "No, no, let's put it this way, you guys stay in the RV, I'll find a car closer to where they are, if anything unexpected happens, I can take them away directly."

  "Then I'll go. I know where they are." Glenn is always so stupid. He rushes to do things that others avoid.

  Dale nodded, then shook his head. "I have a gun. We have several guns. We don't need one person to go."

  "Then I'll go too." Carl said, "I can use a gun. I have a gun."

  "No!" Lori left no room for negotiation. "Carl, I know you are brave, but you are still too young, and you have never fired a gun."

  Dale was cleaning his shotgun. "Carl, you are too young to go, but can you lend your Glock to others so they can help out with it?"

  "Don't even think about it. I won't give it to anyone but Sean, and I will never part with him."


  Sean and his friends entered the apartment building, and fortunately the door downstairs was not closed.

  The first thing you see on the first floor is the elevator, with two sofas next to it and a wide corridor behind the elevator.

  "This door can't be closed." Tzai said anxiously.

  For the sake of aesthetics, the main door is a sliding glass door, which requires an additional lock to close.

  Sean looked around and said, "No need to close it. Push the sofa over."

  Moore leaned against the wall weakly, his lips trembling slightly.

  Daryl looked at Moore with some concern, and worked together with Sean T to push the sofa.

  The corridor was a little dark and it was difficult to see what was going on inside.

  "Uh uh…"

  The unique roar of zombies came from the dim corridor.

  No one cares. The current priority and the biggest threat is another group of people.

  In an apartment building like this, even if there are zombies, there won't be too many of them, and they won't pose much of a threat to a few people.

  "Damn it, the dog's barking is so ugly." Moore muttered, taking out a cigarette box, but because his hands were shaking so badly, the cigarette box fell directly to the ground.

  Moore bent down to pick up the cigarette box, but suddenly a zombie rushed out from the darkness.

  "Uh uh…"

  The zombies pounced on Mor's back, and the already weak Mor was knocked to the ground.

  "Shit, son of a bitch." In his rage, Moore's voice had a little more strength.

  The zombie instinctively bit at Moore's neck. In shock and anger, Moore seemed to have recovered some of his strength, and he grabbed the clothes on the zombie with his backhand.

  "Damn it." Moore cursed and pulled the zombie off from behind him.

  The zombie fell heavily to the ground, but it was unaffected. It dragged its shaking body and tried to get up.

  This time, Moore didn't even take out the dagger. He sat directly on the zombie, holding the zombie's neck with one hand and supporting himself on the ground with the other hand, breathing heavily.

  "Damn it, you like sneak attacks so much, don't you? You dare to come and suppress Mr. Moore? Go to hell!"

  Moore might be really angry this time. After his breathing calmed down a little, he hooked his fingers into the neck of the corpse.

  The already rotten flesh and blood can't provide any defense at all, let alone the weakness of the throat.

  The zombie's trachea was pulled out directly by Moore, but the zombie still did not stop struggling, and even its strength did not decrease at all.

  "More! Are you okay?" Daryl was shocked when he saw this scene. He no longer cared about the sofa and raised the crossbow.

  An arrow was shot out and pierced the zombie's brain, and the zombie's movements stopped abruptly.

  "It's okay." Moore pushed the zombie's body away, sat down on the ground, picked up the cigarette box, took out a cigarette and lit it for himself.

  "No matter how weak Mr. More is, these damn zombies are no match for him."

  Sean and T-zai put the sofa in place, and Sean walked closer to Moore, looking at him with some concern.

  Sean turned around and reminded T-boy, "T-boy, be alert around you, there may be more zombies."

  "Okay." T-boy put his shotgun on his back and took out a boning knife he found in a convenience store.

  Sean squatted down in front of Moore and said, "Moir, why don't you go back first? They probably haven't left yet. You're in such a bad condition now."

  "What the hell are you talking about? I'm not going back. I want to be with my brother." Moore took a puff of cigarette, his expression showing a slightly relieved feeling.

  Sean frowned and said nothing. If More and Daryl were gone, and only he and T were left, there would be no point in grabbing guns.

  Moore smiled and stood up with the help of the wall, "Okay Sheriff, it's nothing, I'll be fine in a while, I'm used to this stuff."

  Sean stared at him, then nodded.

  "T-boy, go to the top floor and find a good position to cover us. If there is a real exchange of fire, I hope you can shoot and kill."

  T-boy was stunned, "What about you guys?"

  Sean glanced at Daryl and said, "Daryl and I are going to go out, lurk outside, approach them, and then kill them with cold weapons."

  Moore said unhappily, "Hey, Sheriff, you haven't forgotten me, have you?"

  "You stay here with T-boy. You two can look out for each other, and you also have to prevent someone from sneaking into the building."

  "Hey, are you kidding? If we need to defend, you have to be here. Master Moore won't be a coward."

  Sean frowned slightly and looked at Daryl, hoping that Daryl could persuade More. More was not in a good condition now and his arrangement was to take care of him.

  Daryl just said calmly, "Trust him. If he dies, he deserves it."

  "Hey, man, how do you talk?"

  At this time, Tzai also said, "I can go here alone, don't worry, but do we really have to do it directly? Why don't we talk to them first?"

  Sean opened his mouth and was about to say something when a voice suddenly came from outside the door.

  "Hey guys, you guys seem a little nervous, maybe we should talk."


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