Chapter 31: The Corpse Arrives


  T-boy opened fire, but his target was not the gunman, but Joey who had been knocked down by the zombies.

  Joey also thought about resisting or committing suicide, but the bullets in his pistol were empty, and fear instantly filled his heart.

  Being eaten alive by zombies, there is probably no more painful way to die than this.

  The bullet hit Joey's head. The power of the shotgun was not enough to smash his head, but it just made a big hole in Joey's head from one side.

  he died.

  But the last expression on his face was surprise and relief.

  Yes, it was a relief, an unexpected surprise.

  T shook his head, threw away the inappropriate thoughts in his mind, and looked in the direction of the gunman.

  But there was no one behind the window; the gunman had left.

  But he didn't leave.

  The gunman knew that the situation was not good. The people on the opposite side had all disappeared, and there were more and more zombies on the street. There was no need to stay here.

  He hurriedly picked up the gun and ran out of the room. As soon as he opened the door, a dagger stabbed at him.

  This was the last scene he saw before his death.

  It was Moore, who had sneaked into the building quietly.

  Looking at the gunman's body on the ground, Moore was silent for a moment and picked up his Browning shotgun.

  Moore couldn't help but smile, it seemed that he had a good affinity with him.

  He squatted down and searched the gunman's body for the matching bullets, a Smith pistol, and a dagger.

  Moore did not miss anything that might be useful.

  After making sure that nothing was missed, Moore was about to go downstairs, but suddenly stopped, walked to the window, and gave Tzai a middle finger.

  Tzai was stunned. Moore's figure had disappeared again.

  T also reacted and immediately picked up his shotgun and left. His position was no longer safe.


  Daryl rolled over to absorb the impact, quickly stood up, took out a dagger, and stabbed to death a zombie that was rushing towards him.

  More zombies noticed Daryl and surrounded him.

  Daryl didn't want to fight. He pushed away a few zombies and ran across the street.


  Daryl stopped abruptly, squatted down and rolled on the spot.

  The bullet passed through the body of a zombie and hit the ground, creating sparks.

  Shooting a zombie doesn't mean that the shot is helping Daryl. On the contrary, the original target of the shot was Daryl.

  The gunman on the opposite building had not left yet and was still shooting at this time.

  Daryl felt that the guy must have been kicked in the head by a donkey. If it were him, he would have run away long ago.

  Daryl jumped down directly because he thought that even if they didn't die, they would run away, and even if they didn't run away, they wouldn't shoot at will.

  Daryl looked up in the direction where the gunshot came from and narrowed his eyes slightly, like a hunter staring at his prey.


  Sean used the butt of the Mossberg to smash the glass of the first-floor window and jumped in through the window.

  Holding the shotgun at an angle, he leaned against the wall, walked slowly upstairs with clear steps.

  There were only a few steps left to reach the second floor. The staircase was designed to be at a corner, and Sean couldn't see clearly what was happening on the second floor from his position.

  "Uh uh…"

  Suddenly, a zombie rushed out from behind the corner. Because it was too close and too sudden, Sean subconsciously raised the Mossberg shotgun in his hand.

  But he hesitated, and it was because of this hesitation that the zombie pounced directly on Sean, and Sean and the zombie rolled down the stairs together.

  During the violent tumble, the Mossberg slipped out of Sean's hand. Sean had no intention of using it, so it didn't matter if it slipped out of his hand.

  Grab the zombie's neck and put your head into its chest.


  The rolling finally stopped, and the zombie's body hit the wall on the first floor heavily. Sean was not feeling well either, and his head was dizzy.

  But there was no time to delay. The current situation was very dangerous. He took out the dagger and stabbed it into the zombie's temple.

  Dirty blood and brain matter were all over Sean, and a lot of it splashed on his face.


  This made Sean, who was already feeling uncomfortable, unable to help but dry heave.

  Soon Sean resisted the urge to vomit and stood up, shaking his head but still feeling dizzy.

  Sean endured the discomfort, picked up the Mossberg shotgun, and stood guard around him.

  At this moment, Sean realized something was wrong. If the gunman was still on the second floor, why didn't he react at all even though he made such a big noise?

  And why are there zombies on the second floor?

  Sean put Mossberg down, raised the dagger, and walked carefully to the second floor again.

  After turning the corner, there was a room with an open door. Several zombies were lying on the ground, gnawing on a corpse.

  Yes, it was the body of the gunman. After a slight hesitation, Sean went back down the stairs without disturbing them while they were eating.

  A unlucky guy, not sure whether he was a zombie that came later or was already hiding in the building, but it doesn't matter anymore.

  He climbed out of the window again, and saw several zombies staggering towards Sean. Sean raised his Mossberg and knocked one over with the butt of his gun.

  The fallen one also stopped the zombies behind it. Sean didn't bother with them anymore and just ran out.

  There are more and more zombies, and they can be seen everywhere, whether in the streets or alleys.

  A large group of zombies may appear at any time in every corner and every building.

  "Bang! Bang! Bang!..."

  Intensive gunfire came from not far away.

  Is this the sound of Daryl and his men's gunfire? The sounds of guns of different models have subtle differences, and the sounds of guns of different categories are even more different.

  As an experienced county police officer, Sean could naturally hear it.

  The career before the end of the world is no longer important, but from another perspective, it is very important.

  Police and chefs, hunters and workplace elites... Who can survive longer in the apocalypse?

  it goes without saying.

  The gunshots were not only dense but also chaotic.

  Rifles, submachine guns, pistols, shotguns, and even what seemed to be the sounds of an old-fashioned hunting rifle.

  This is a ragtag army, and it seems they are in big trouble.

  Sean couldn't help but curl the corners of his mouth slightly.

  The sound of gunfire will only attract more zombies, but if you don't shoot, you won't be able to stop the large number of zombies. This seems to be a vicious circle.

  Sean thought for a moment, and tried his best to avoid the sight of the zombies, passing through the alleys or inside the buildings.

  The number of zombies around has decreased a lot, probably attracted by the gunshots.

  Sean's actions naturally went much more smoothly.

  Soon, Sean came to a coffee shop, gently pushed open the glass door and walked in.

  The store was messy and blood was everywhere, but there were no zombies. The sliding glass door could not trap the zombies, and they had already left.

  Sean walked behind the bar and sat on the ground, his figure completely hidden.

  My head was still a little dizzy and my body was aching. I had rolled down from the second floor. Even though there was a zombie to cushion the last blow, I still fell pretty hard.

  Sean had been in a tense state all the time, but now that he was slightly relaxed, he really wanted to smoke a cigarette.

  I casually opened the drawer and found a box of cigarettes.

  Sean smiled.


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