Chapter 36 Gathering

  "There were gunshots." Sean, who was walking at the front of the team, suddenly stopped.

  Moore said nonchalantly, "Excuse me, Sheriff, when is there no gunfire now?"

  "This is different. This is the sound of my Glock."

  If the first sound was just a hesitation, then the second and third sounds would make Sean certain.

  "Hey, what are you talking about? How could your Glock be here? Even if it is really a Glock, there are so many Glocks. How can you be sure it's yours?"

  This is an alley, less than one meter wide. According to More, the owners of the buildings on both sides of the alley should be shot.

  As soon as Sean stopped, everyone else had to stop as well.

  Sean said confidently, "Then let's take my Glock. Do you think a policeman would mistake his service gun?

  Besides, my Glock has had its spring and barrel replaced, so the sound is slightly different from the original Glock. You may not be able to hear it, but I have used it for five years. Do you think I heard it wrong? "

  "Shit!" Moore cursed. "Well, if it really is your Glock, then what does that mean?"

  Sean said worriedly, "Karl is here. It should be the news that Green brought back that made him worried about us, so he came to find us."

  "Don't worry, the Carl you are talking about is that little brat?" Moore looked incredulous.

  Sean nodded, "We have to meet them first, T-boy, turn around!"

  "Hey, wait, how could that little brat come here? This place is nearly ten miles away from the convenience store."

  "Let's talk on the way. Let's hurry back!" Sean said anxiously. "Hurry up, turn around and go to that intersection. The gunshots came from there."

  "Okay!" T turned around and quickened his pace. Daryl, Moore, and Sean were all jogging along.

  Moore ran away while grinning, "I still don't believe that brat would come here, but if he did, I wouldn't be that surprised."

  "Don't you dislike children?" Daryl said lightly.

  "Who said I liked you? Brother, you know, I wanted to carry you in my arms in the middle of the street."

  "Oh... Then I still have to thank you."

  "Of course. After all, you owe me dozens of lives, brother. When you cried every day, I had this thought at least dozens of times."


  "By the way, aren't you a professional? Where are you going now?"

  Carl was speechless as he looked at the alley in front of him that was less than one meter wide. Glenn wanted to take a shortcut and kept walking along the alley, saying that he was going in the right direction.

  Now it's okay, the direction is correct, but the problem is that there is no road.

  "Uh..." Glenn smiled awkwardly, "The direction is correct, and shouldn't a place like this be more than four meters wide? Normally, it should be enough for the car to pass through."

  "You think this is Atlanta, let alone a small town. There are countless illegal buildings below the county level."

  "It's too dangerous to walk. Let's find another way."

  Glenn was about to shift gears and drive in reverse when Carl suddenly said, "Hey, wait, Glenn."

  "What's wrong, Carl?" Glenn stopped.

  "So, is this what it means when fools have good fortune?" Carl smiled helplessly.

  In the alley, several figures were running towards him. He couldn't see them clearly just now, but in just a moment, Carl could see their faces clearly.

  T-boy, Daryl, Mor, and Sean, all four of them are there, and it seems that nothing unexpected has happened, but what's the matter with the bow on Daryl's arm?

  "Karl, what did you say?"

  "Look for yourself, in the alley."

  Glenn looked up and was instantly overjoyed. He even stuttered when he spoke, "They...are here!"

  Glenn quickly opened the door and got out of the car, waving to Sean and the others, "Hey, we're here!"

  Sean and the others were also stunned when they saw Glenn. What a coincidence? They immediately quickened their pace again.

  Soon they ran out of the alley and stopped. Sean let out a long breath, "Glenn, are you alone?"

  Glenn pointed to the business car and said, "Of course not, but you'd better not get angry when you see him."

  "Hey, gentlemen, do you need to get in the car and rest for a while? We have free food and drinks." Carl poked his head out of the car.

  "Let me tell you, I'm really not surprised." Moore shrugged and walked towards the business car first.

  Everyone else got in the car as well. No matter what, it was safer in the car than outside.

  As soon as he got in the car, Sean asked, "Carl, why are you here? Did you shoot just now?"

  Carl smiled and said, "Yes, the situation was urgent, but it felt good to shoot."

  Sean took a breath and pointed the finger at Glenn, "Glenn, didn't I tell you to leave with them? Why did you come back?

  It's fine if you come back, but why bring Carl with you? Don't you know how dangerous it is here? "

  Glenn didn't know how to explain it. Many things couldn't be explained in just a few words.

  Of course, Carl couldn't just watch Glenn being scolded. Carl liked Glenn (yes, the person, not the character) very much. Besides, this matter had little to do with Glenn.

  "Sean, this is not Glenn's fault. I felt that you needed help, so I came here. As for how I got here, of course I used some tricks.

  But it's not important now. Sean, can you tell me what's going on? It looks like you didn't find any weapons."

  "By the way, Sheriff, now is definitely not the time for you to chat. Come up with a decision quickly about what to do next." Moore said impatiently.

  Sean closed his eyes and thought for a moment. After opening his eyes, he slowly said, "Let's leave, leave this town, and find a safe camp first. We can plan for weapons later."

  "Hey, Sheriff, I don't think that's a good idea."

  Sean didn't want to give up either, but now he had to give up because of Carl. He could take the risk alone or take his comrades with him, but he couldn't take Carl with him.

  "Sean, we really shouldn't give up so easily. We can let Carl wait here." Daryl rarely expressed his opinion.

  "Sean, are you worried about me? I'm not a burden." Carl smiled proudly, "Glenn, tell Sean about my achievements."

  Moore laughed meanly, "What achievements can you make, you little brat? Did you peek at someone taking a bath or steal someone's underwear?"

  "You think everyone is like you, Glenn, tell me!"

  "Okay." Glenn didn't know if this could be counted as a victory, but he still said truthfully, "Carl's shooting skills are very good. He fired three shots, killed three zombies, and saved me."

  "Well, Sean, I can protect myself, as long as I have a gun."

  Carl can't let Sean give up. For Carl, who is familiar with the plot, without the guns brought by Rick, he won't be able to find weapons for a long time.

  The importance of weapons in the apocalypse is self-evident. This is an opportunity, and it is worth it even if it is risky.

  What's more, we are living in the end times, so everything and every time is a risk.


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