Chapter 35: First Shooting

  Zombies, countless zombies.

  A large black mass, as dense as sardines in the sea, filled the streets.

  "Run!" Glenn growled, grabbed Carl's hand and turned around to run back.

  But Glenn was so frightened by the number of zombies in front of him that he forgot that there were several zombies following him.

  As he turned around and ran, he almost bumped into a zombie.

  "Shit!" Glenn let go of Carl's hand, grabbed a zombie, and was about to stab it in the head with a dagger.

  But another zombie rushed forward and blocked Glenn's dagger, and the dagger pierced its body.

  But this was not all good news, as the two zombies waved their claws at Glenn together and pressed their bodies forward.

  Glenn couldn't hold on for long with one in each hand.

  The other zombie set its sights on Carl and staggered and staggered towards him.

  "Shit!" Carl cursed softly. He hesitated. Shooting from this distance should be able to kill the zombie.

  But the countless zombies on the other side of the street were likely attracted by the gunshots.

  "Carl, shoot! I can't hold on any longer." Glenn said anxiously.

  "Damn it, I can't care about so much!" Carl raised the Glock with both hands.

  The heart was beating faster and faster, and every beat was so clear that Carl seemed to be able to hear the sound of his own heartbeat.

  He narrowed his eyes slightly, the gap, the crosshairs, and the zombie's head all became a straight line, and his finger was on the trigger.



  The zombies were moving in a shaky manner, so aiming like this alone would likely result in a miss.

  But now the zombies are very close, only three or four meters away. The zombies only need to move forward a few more steps to pounce and pin Carl to the ground.

  Time is running out!

  "Carl! Don't be afraid, shoot!"

  He closed his eyes, then opened them again, and Karl said calmly, "I'm not afraid, I'm aiming!"


  The sound of gunfire was accompanied by Carl's voice, but both the sound of gunfire and Carl's voice were so clear.

  The zombie fell down, and a thumb-sized blood spot appeared in the middle of its forehead.

  Carl didn't hesitate and immediately turned the gun and aimed at the two zombies on Glenn's side.

  Glenn placed his arms on the necks of the two zombies to prevent them from biting him.

  Glenn was leaning against a lamppost behind him, otherwise he would not have been able to support two zombies.

  But even so, in a short period of time, Glenn's hands began to tremble violently, and he really couldn't hold on any longer.

  Carl took a deep breath. The zombies were only an arm's length away from Glenn, so there must be no mistakes.

  Aim, make sure, and pull the trigger.


  The zombie that Glenn was holding on both sides fell down, and dirty blood and brain matter splattered all over Glenn's hands.

  But Glenn couldn't care less about so many things now. He breathed a sigh of relief, supported the zombie with both hands, and felt a lot more relaxed immediately.

  "Carl, keep shooting it! My dagger is in it!"

  Carl actually wanted to say that the reason why he hit the target with these two shots was probably mostly due to luck.

  After all, it was the first time I fired a gun.

  If there was another shot, Carl couldn't say for sure whether it would hit Glenn's head.

  However, since Glenn asked me to open it, why not?

  After shooting, Carl seemed to be a little addicted. No one had ever told Carl that shooting could be addictive.

  Squint, aim, and pull the trigger.


  The last zombie fell down.

  It was still very accurate and didn't hit Glenn's head.

  In fact, it was mainly Glenn who controlled the zombie with his two hands. This zombie was almost a fixed target, making it much easier to aim.

  Otherwise, how could Carl joke about Glenn's life?

  "Oh my God." Glenn leaned against the lamppost and panted.

  Carl glanced in the direction of the street and saw that there were indeed zombies attracted by the gunshots, although they were only the part outside the group and there were not too many of them.

  But it was definitely not something that Glenn and I could handle alone.

  "Glenn, we should go. The walkers are attracted."

  "Yes, hurry up, let's go first."

  Carl reminded, "Don't forget your dagger, it is still useful."

  Glenn nodded and pulled the dagger out of the corpse's stomach. The dagger was inserted very deep, with the blade completely embedded in the body. It took Glenn some effort to pull it out.

  After pulling out the dagger, Glenn quickly ran away with Carl.

  "Carl, how come you are such a good shooter?" Glenn was surprised. Could it be that this country's primary schools teach how to use guns?

  "Maybe it's talent. And it's not that great, since the distance is so close."

  Carl is not proud, he knows his own worth very well.

  The zombies didn't catch up. The gunfire from the building was more frequent, and they were so far away from Carl and Glenn.

  When Carl and Glenn ran around the corner and disappeared from the zombies' sight, the zombies were attracted by the gunshots from the building again and turned back.

  Carl and Glenn returned to where they parked the car. The car was still there, but because the engine was not turned off, it still attracted two zombies.

  Glenn stepped forward, killed two zombies one by one with a dagger, then opened the car door and prepared to get in.

  Karl frowned slightly, "Are you leaving?"

  "How is that possible? But I need to rest for a while. It's safer in the car. Come on up."

  Karl nodded, opened the passenger door, and sat in.

  Glenn grabbed two bottles of water and handed one to Carl.

  Carl took the water but didn't open it. "All the gunshots came from that building, but it didn't sound like Sean and the others. Where would they be?"

  Glenn looked at Carl in surprise, "You can recognize a gun just by the sound of it?"

  "Of course not. I wish I had this ability." Carl rolled his eyes in annoyance.

  "But can't you tell the difference between burst fire and single fire? It's so obvious, and Sean and the others don't have rifles."

  "Oh, I see." Glenn smiled awkwardly and said, "What if they found the rifle? We can't make an absolute judgment based on the sound of the gun."

  "Then we can only pray for them. There are too many zombies on the street. Not to mention us, even a company may not be able to deal with them."

  Having said that, Carl wasn't too worried.

  "So what should we do now?"

  "Go to the police station and go around. If they are not the ones trapped in the building, then they will definitely not give up so easily."

  Glenn thought about it for a moment, and since there seemed to be no better way, he nodded and started the car.

  "Karl, I apologize for what I said before. Your coming here really helped me a lot."

  Karl smiled indifferently, "As long as you don't think I'm a burden in the future, it's fine. After we pick up Sean and the others this time, we will immediately go to a stable place to recuperate for a few years."

  Carl's last sentence was so quiet that Glenn didn't hear it clearly.

  "Karl, what are you talking about?"

  "Nothing, just drive, do you know the way?"

  "I don't know, but I know that I admit, Carl, you are smarter than me in some aspects, but when it comes to finding the way, I am definitely not inferior to anyone.

  After all, I am a professional."


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