Fraud Marriage

Today is February 14th, and it's 2:00 p.m. in front of Las Vegas City Hall.

The sun shines freely in this city, which makes people feel warm, especially today is a special day, Western Valentine's Day, so there are quite a lot of newlyweds who choose to register here, and there is a figure standing alone in the sun, as if waiting for something.

She is wearing a white lace skirt and long black hair. The ink was scattered on the shoulders, which was a particularly fair face with exquisite facial features, which was not inferior to any Western woman present.

Tang Shuyan has looked at her watch dozens of times.

Today is the day when she and her boyfriend registered for marriage. He promised her to fly directly from China to Las Vegas to fulfill her graduation promise.

She entered the familiar number on her mobile phone, pressed the dial button, and repeated it over and over again.

As a result, she replied with only one sentence.

"Hello, the number you dialed has been turned off." The cold and strange voice heard through the mobile phone penetrated into her heart.

"Jing, where on earth have you been?" Tang Shuyan stamped her feet, at a loss and discouraged and swallowed up her consciousness little by little.

But they also passed the phone last night. He said that he had been dreaming that he could marry her, so he thought last night that he couldn't sleep at night, and he vowed last night that he would arrive this morning, but what about others?

Where on earth was it and whether she had escaped from the battle, she guessed.

She had to see him, but the phone didn't work.

Where would she go to find him? She didn't even know anything about him except his name.

Could he have been married in China? Such thoughts occupy her whole heart.

Tang Shuyan received a phone call from her father Tang Yue a year ago, hoping that she could return to China to marry after graduation.

As the only direct bloodline of the Tang family, she was also the pearl in her grandfather's heart. She had expected that one day she would be placed in such a position.

She thought fate would be arranged like this.

Until they met him, a glimpse of him in the casino was destined to fall in love.

So today, after a year of love, they agreed to register their marriage here, which is also a gift for themselves after graduation.

From the hot sun to the long night, the city hall was closed.

After all, he did not appear in front of her. Tang Shuyan kept rubbing the body on his ring finger.

A black 'J' is imprinted on her ring finger, which is their commitment to each other. The closest to the heart is to carve you in my heart, which is far more precious than a ring.

The sun faded and turned into a heavy rain.

Tang Shuyan squatted on the ground outside the door. The time they agreed had passed, but he did not appear and disappeared in her world without warning. She was the only one in today's marriage, waiting for the other half like a fool.

All her tears gathered on her face and melted in the heavy rain. A year of love turned into a bubble. She was paying tribute to this love alone in the heavy rain.

That day, it was her best friend Ruan Xinyu who picked her up from the city hall. She was 40 degrees hot and woke up after three days and nights in a coma, which scared Ruan Xinyu.

When Tang Shuyan woke up, she found that it was not a dream, but a real thing. She hugged Ruan Xinyu and cried.

"Xinyu, I fell in love with my dream, but I woke up and there was nothing left."

Ruan Xinyu hugged Tang Shuyan and comforted her.

"A scumbag like this is like being bitten by a dog. Let's not think about him. When time passes, we will forget that there are still a lot of good men waiting for you."

"Yinyu, but I love him. He said he would not leave me. He said that he would give me the future I wanted. He would not leave like this. We all said it well on the phone. How could he not come?" Tang Shuyan lives in her world.

Ruan Xinyu knew her temperament, so he said.

"Then go back to China to find him. At least ask clearly. Do you know where he is and the address of his home?"

Tang Shuyan shook her head. She only knew his name.

In their love, she never cared about everything about him, including his address and family.

Therefore, Ruan Xinyu believed that Tang Shuyan was cheated into marriage and cheated by a scumbag.

Tang Shuyan was defeated in the time of crazily looking for him, and finally lost to herself. She had nowhere to find, so she promised her father to go back to China for a blind date and get married.