How can you have such a face?

In order to follow the wishes of her father Tang Yue, Tang Shuyan returned to Liancheng, China after completing the graduation ceremony at Yale University in the United States.

Liancheng is her hometown.

It has been six years since she left the land at the age of 16.

When she comes back here, it is indeed different from the past.

She still has time to recover. Under the arrangement of Tang Yue and her stepmother Zhou Li, she has to meet with the future marriage partner to discuss marriage.

This is the trajectory of her life, so the year she stole disappeared after she walked into this high-end restaurant.

In fact, as Ruan Xinyu said, he seemed to have lied to her and never went back to find her.

Tang Shuyan is very tall. Her long hair has been cut into short hair that can reach her ears. It is not tied up.

The end of her hair is slightly curly curled and dyed into chestnut. With her white jade-like face, it is even more beautiful.

On such an occasion, she must choose a dress of a celebrity lady, but she did the opposite.

She wore a V-neck white shirt, revealing a beautiful butterfly collarbone, a black lace necklace hanging on the swan's neck, and a pair of light nine-point jeans. She knotted the end of the shirt at will at will at the waist, and ignored the high heels. She changed into Smith's white sneakers.

When she walked around, her delicate little waist would loom.

Tang Shuyan walked to the box under the leadership of the waiter.

This 'qinyuan Building' belongs to the time-honored brand in Liancheng and has a history of hundreds of years. It is regarded as the best dish.

Naturally, it is also the choice of rich or noble people.

The waiter opened the door of the box, and Tang Shuyan calmed down and walked in head-on.

Qinyuan Building is in a classical Chinese style.

The box belongs to the style of the Ming and Qing Dynasties from decoration to decoration, and the round table of rosewood in the middle sits around four middle-aged people in gorgeous clothes.

From the left, it is her father Tang Yue, who was originally a handsome person in Liancheng, and Tang Shuyan completely inherited his face.

Although he was more than fifty years old, he was still straight and had only a little more wrinkles than when he was young.

The woman sitting next to him is enchanting and beautiful. For Tang Yue, she is young and beautiful.

After all, her age is far apart. Of course, this is also Tang Shuyan's impression of this stepmother Zhou Li.

She glanced past again and could see the woman next to Zhou Li.

Tang Shuyan felt that it could not be better described as IKEA. Because of her noble birth and temperament, although she was middle-aged, Chanel's dress was not inferior to any young man in her body, and the man next to her was even more heroic, such as If Tang Yue is handsome, then this middle-aged man is calm and tough, with clear facial features, especially a pair of sharp eyes, which can't be forgotten at a glance.

Tang Shuyan naturally restered down.

Obviously, she did not see her blind date at first sight as expected.

"It's us Yanyan. Come and sit down." Zhou Li had stood up from her seat and was busy going to greet her, but she was intimate, just like her mother.

Tang Shuyan nodded and greeted the two strange elders.

"Hello, I'm Tang Shuyan." I didn't mean to talk to Zhou Li at all.

"Sit down. You're welcome. Our A Chen is still signing the contract and will come over after the contract, so please wait for a while." The elegant woman spoke.

Tang Shuyan sat next to her father. She was rarely in China, so she knew very much about Liancheng.

After Tang Yue's dial, she learned that the other party was a good friend. She was not familiar with Ji Hangyuan, but she had heard of the skin care and makeup brands of Boyuan Group, which was the best-selling in Paris Fashion Week.

One of the brands, and his wife Su Zhijing is a famous embroidery artist in Liancheng. She is also one of the best in the clothing industry. She is a well-known female entrepreneur in Liancheng.

No wonder Zhou Li was so attached to the trend. Tang Shuyan sat in the table and only listened to them talking and didn't say much.

After all, the famous hero was too late, and all fifteen hot dishes were served, but they hadn't appeared yet.

She guessed it was intentional, but she thought that if she didn't come, it would be fine. She just went through the scene, and Tang Yue would not force her in the future.

Thinking of this, she expected him not to appear.

But it's such a bad luck.

The door of the box opened instantly when Tang Shuyan was thinking about it.

His appearance seemed to bring a beam of light. Tang Shuyan looked back, and a black shadow appeared on the edge of the hook flower door.

She hasn't noticed his face yet. She only sees this straight body, which is an innate aura.

Ji Hangyuan and Su Zhijing are both dragons and phoenixes, and their son must be extraordinary.

She saw his footsteps move, getting closer and closer to her, until he stopped standing beside her. Tang Shuyan's thoughts were all messed up.

She felt that she was dreaming.

How could he have such a face?