Killer amongst us

It's not long before the administrative body is aware that there is a corpse in the school grounds and an emergency assembly is immediately called. Everyone is in panic as we gather inside the hall to hear what the principal has to say,

"G, G, Good evening students" stutters our principle through the microphone

"Good evening sir" we all say in unison

"Well as you all know by now, it has come to our notice that there was a corpse found on the school grounds just a while ago"

Now he has done it, no one is at ease you could almost cut through the tension in the hall

"However do not fret, someone didn't murder this boy we believe it was an act of suicide as a knife was found covered in the boy blood near the body"

As expected the school is going to try and cover up the situation as best as they can, private schools care too much about their reputation to put it in jeopardy even at the cost of a life they even went as far as to threaten us who saw the bodies to keep us quiet, despicable. That being said it eased up the tension in the room to a very good extent

"We don't know how the boy got a hold of a knife but we are going to quarry the kitchen staff about this, so be rest assured no one was murdered and please don't speak about what just happened to anyone outside, thank you, you may take your leave"

We start leaving the hall everyone adamant just wanting to believe what the school says and not even questioning how the boys eyes were plucked from its sockets, Isabella still has a tight grip on my arm she hasn't let go since we saw the corpse, I don't get it but I can't blame her I guess any normal human will react the same way,

"Isabella don't be scared if anyone comes to harm you I'll just kick their ass" I say to her in hope that it will comfort her to an extent, she smiles,

"Thank you" is what she says before kissing me on the cheek and leaving my side.


 It's nighttime now and I'm in my dorm room on my bed I just woke up from my afternoon nap, I'm in nothing but boxers I like to be free when I'm alone, finally now since it's only me I can think properly since I saw the body four things have been on my mind the name of the boy who died or rather who was killed is John, number one is the way the boy was killed you may be wondering why I'm so bothered but the reason I'm so worried is just the fact that there is someone in here amongst us just like me. The second thing bothering me is how there was no sign of struggle almost like John allowed him to kill him and it could also be that John was sleeping, but that also means he was able to leave his dorm room and go all the way over to John's room undetected without being caught by the cameras, the third thing is how precise he was when he slit John's throat, while we were looking at the corpse I got a very close look at the cut on John's throat the killer cut his carotid artery and jugular vein he was so accurate almost as if he is a surgeon. And the last two things which have been weighing on my mind ever since I saw the body is that the body was already decomposing which means the killer had killed him days ago and the final thing is how the killer placed the body in plain sight like he is showing the whole world what he is capable of, wow I guess all the books about crime and murder that I read when I was younger actually paid off. I'm only doing all this detective shit cuz I'm excited, it's exhilarating I feel alive again after such a long time there is a murderer amongst us probably like me feeling detached from the world killing is the only way for him to live, and this isn't just any murder this guy is a genius probably smarter than me with the way technology has advanced he was able to kill this boy without being detected at all and without leaving a single clue I'm not sure even the FBI will be able to root this guy out if they tried. This guy is one lucky bastard able to just go around and kill people as he pleases and get away scot free with it, he can be himself he doesn't feel morally obliged to someone unlike me, "I am now a predator hunting my prey, however can I even call this guy my prey? When he's a predator even more dangerous than I am"

Andrew lies on his bed and looks at the ceiling then places two of his fingers on his forehead and smiles, meanwhile somewhere else in the gloomy dark there's a silhouette of the predator stalking his next prey. And now a boy is shown and his hands are covered in blood and in front of him lay a dead body.