Chapter 5

The first thing to know, if you wanted to enter a Sect : be prepared to wait. Like, a lot. Even when standing for hours and hours in the rain. Did she mention it was for hours ? Literally. She was waiting since 4 AM. It was now 11 PM. She was waiting for nineteen hours. Standing. In the rain.

She was dead tired, fearing her shaking legs would fail her. And frustrated to hell. They must test our conviction to enter. If not, this is just too evil !

Finally, it was her turn. Three people in white clothes, two men and one woman, were seating behind a long table. A beautiful silver glass shimmered faintly on the table beside a stack of papers.

"Hello and welcome to the exam of Tiansheng Sect. Name, age and level of cultivation.

-Hello, she said shyly. My name is Su Jin, I am fifteen and I am at Qi Gathering 5.

-Very well, said the man in the middle, writing this on a paper. Put your hand on the mirror for ten seconds. It will reveal your spiritual roots. The less you have, the better your potential is and the faster you cultivate."

Nodding, Su Jin put her hand on the mirror. After ten seconds, she saw in the mirror four streaks of light, with different colors : blue, green, gray and white.

The faces of the three people contracted in a mocking smirk.

"You are really a waste ! Four spiritual roots ! Water, wood, wind and, well, an uncommon ice spiritual root, but with so much spiritual roots, you will be lucky if you achieve the Foundation ! You can forget being a Golden Core ! Ah ! A waste !

-At least she is not a five spiritual roots. In this case, it would have been impossible fir her to cultivate !"

Su Jin only smiled. I don't care if I'm not a prodigy. I can cultivate. And I can live a peaceful life.

"You can enter the exam. Go behind us to wait with the others. When everyone is registered, the exam will begin."

Yeah ! More waiting ! I am so... not happy. Don't sigh, don't sigh, you must be calm. Everything is good.

The registration took two more hours. Under the rain. Finally, the exam could begin. It was very simple. The first part was to stand in an array against demonic cultivators, and the second to answer some questions on the cultivation world on a sheet of paper, showing they knew how to read and write. One tenth of the people were eliminated. It was sad, because it was only common and poor people, but understandable. How could they teach people who couldn't read and write ? Especially when no teacher was so free to dedicate some time for this.

The third part was the most difficult. They were asked to show their aura, their cultivation manifest. A large part could not do it, and Su Jin only managed to make it because she trained for this. A blue green aura flickered around her, but fortunately it was sufficient for her to pass.

And so Su Jin officially joined Tiansheng Sect as an Outer Disciple.