Chapter 6

From the thousands who were here, only three hundred remained. The servants, who waited all this time, went with those who passed in a new teleportation array. They immediately left to put the coffers in the accommodations as the new disciples looked at their new living place.

Su Jin blinked, and then slowly smiled. Tiansheng Sect was... astonishing. They were in the sky, higher than the clouds, on a mountain. There were eleven mountains, more or less far of each other, all connected by stone bridges and one was at the center of all the others. On the mountains, she could see for some a snowy landscape, and for others trees and flowers like in the middle of spring.

On the mountain where they were, she could even feel the warm wind and the sweet scent of flowers. There were paths on the soft ground and stone chairs and tables under the big leaves of the trees. An old man waited for them, and when he saw he had their attention, he began to speak.

"We are on Outer Peak, where all the Outer Disciples live and train. There are nine others Peaks, some which are self-explanatory : Alchemy Peak, Artifact Refining Peak, Array Peak, Beast Taming Peak, Talisman Peak, Herbology Peak, Healing Peak, Chan Peak where you can find the libraries and the mission board which I will explain to you after, Battle Peak where are all the arenas to fight between yourselves and Shen Peak, where lives the Sect Leader and where assemblies are held. Each of the Peaks is directed by one of the Sect Elders.

To use the library and the training arenas, or even to do almost anything except eat or sleep, you must pay contribution points. This points are gained by doing missions, which you can find in Chan Peak, the mountain there. They change every week. Now that everything is said, let me wish you good luck on your cultivation journey ! Make Tiansheng Sect proud !"

The old man left, along with the servants. They were now alone. Su Jin ignored the others for the moment and walked to a large stone house, the women accommodation. Male disciples had another.

The interior was very simple, with twenty restrooms and two hundred bedrooms. The bedrooms were only bedrooms in name : it was a little room with only a bed and table, and where the coffers were placed on the ground.

On the bed, there were a change of bed covers and three sets of Outer Disciple robes, with a book on the rules and history of Tiansheng Sect and a map.

Think well and all will be well, right ? So... the positive side is... I will not share with anyone, I will have my space and... And... it's all. BUT ! It's already good, right ? Right ? Yeah... it's sad. I expected better. Forget it.

She opened her coffers to place a towel on the table with a basin, which she filled with water after going to the restroom. And she passed the rest of the day to read the book on rules and history.