Chapter 1

A long time ago there was place in a far away land that at one time was the most beautiful place you have ever seen people used to come for miles to see its magnificent sights and wondrous people but one day just as quick as it came it vanished no one knew what became of this beautiful place soon they forgot what it was called or even what it even looked like all together as for the people themselves well they are adjusting to their new reality.

See they used to live above the ground now they live under the sea only problem is that what little resources they had left went into making sure that they could temporarily breathe under water but in order to sustain everyone the air bubble they created is running out and the pressure of the sea is starting to begin crushing the bubble soon their city will be flooded also lots of sea creatures are looking at them like they are dinner they soon get used to the ocean.

However as time goes on certain changes start taking place for one thing as the years roll by it becomes clear that three powerful families are emerging one is the Dystopians they are militant down right evil and believe the quickest way to know if your mate loves you is if you rape her until she completely submits to you then once you hypnotize her enough times into loving you then you knock her up needless to say everyone hates this family.

The other two families are different the first of the two is the Marina family they're militant as well but also strict and tyrannical when overcome with grief or rage also the males in the family never listen to the females in the family only those from outside the family their tempers are quite fearsome but the females are headstrong , reckless , stubborn, and impetuous also despite what is believed by everyone around them if they set their mind to it the females can accomplish more than the men also they have the greatest aptitude for magic.

The third family is the Caspian family they of all the other families have the greatest potential for magic they just don't know it yet also the females of the family will be able to do things that the rest of the others will not but not without trial and error however the one universal power everyone is discovering other than losing their legs for fins is the ability to breathe under water and talk to fish but each family can only talk to certain species.

The Marina family can talk to the small fish as well as the non-violent fish the Dystopian family can talk to small fish and fish with weapons on them the Caspian family can talk to small fish and every other type of fish despite at first being happy with their new gifts the Dystopian family was upset that the other families seemed to have more than they did so they did everything they could to make sure that they were the strongest family even if it meant tricking or hypnotizing one of the other members of the other families to increase their power.

for along time their schemes worked everyone was bowing down to them however the Caspian and the Marina families were fed up with their crap and decided to do away with the Dystopian family once and for all but they didn't have it in them to kill them because their family members were now apart of their family so they banished them to the deepest darkest part of the ocean.

The Dystopian family swore vengeance on both families in fact the head of the family with the last of his strength and power threw a curse on both families that as long as the men of the Marina family holds the power of the trident then they will always be at war and only a pure hearted girl who allows darkness into her heart may break the curse also if she can make the darkest heart in the ocean find love again then i will stop the feud that i'm about to make both of your families go through.

As he dies his curse spreads throughout Atlantica making everyone freakout then start wondering who this mysterious couple is so they do everything they can to find the most pure hearted person but she isn't born yet years pass after that but they still keep searching for the pure hearted savior it doesn't matter how much time passes they still haven't given up hope .

But just as things were looking up there's a civil war between every family and clan in Atlantica each merman is fighting with swords shields bows arrows spears and several other weapons that they picked up from the humans over the years the battle rages on as each warrior trades blows with one another while also dodging another and blocking an incoming strike it's starting to heat up which is bad because the battle has only been going on for a month.

Meanwhile the women in the city are talking about how best to combat this curse the Caspian family suggest try learning magic everyone is hesitant at first but sees no other way at first they make no real progress other than small stuff but as they delve further into it they discover that thanks to the curse there's dark and light magic also that trying to do anything with an element is like asking a shark to eat you.

Despite the hiccups when they started they really get good at magic but they realize that they can't go any further because they don't know what else to do even writing down what they have learned didn't help much only helped clear the cobwebs enough to lessen the curse enough so that the females of each family could unite their powers to stop this war as it has been raging for 100 years.

After several days of learning to balance out each other's energy they were able to combine their powers to cast a spell to stop the war afterwards it left them drained but they unknowingly awakened a new power as a song of indescribable beauty pacified the men making them stop fighting it also put them to sleep so they could recover from their injuries unfortunately there were several lives lost in the conflict.

 Everyone started going back to their lives after the war the feuds still held except that it was settled through competitions of various skill rather than armed combat only criminals or those who try to break the treaty also what everyone doesn't know is that the Dystopian family is gathering an army down below them waiting for their day to conquer everything again they're just biding their time until they're strong enough.

Meanwhile the Marina family has taken charge of everything while the Caspian family has taken everyone's grimoires to combine them into a compendium of magic after copying everyone's books so they can monopolize the best magic for themselves after it's complete they finally understand why they couldn't go further in magic unfortunately the only way forward it seems is to practice dark magic which is forbidden but necessary for what's coming.

However despite making tremendous progress in dark magic those around them started to notice that certain species of fish went missing from the population also all of their criminals vanished as well but what else they noticed was the massive magical barrier over the trench where the Dystopian family and their allies were thrown into judging on the makeup of it they can tell that it was designed to lock them down there for all of eternity so long as the one who cast it never dies.

Despite this knowledge even as it was told to the current ruler of Atantica he didn't care he just wanted the people responsible either dead banished or imprisoned he didn't care which so long as someone got punished this attitude irked several people but seeing as he was the physically strongest person in the kingdom they couldn't oppose him however his power on the other hand was no better than one of the mid-level clans despite being the strongest warrior strength doesn't count for everything in a battle neither does speed he may be the greatest fighter but fighting only gets you so far in ruling a kingdom.

No one went out to find who was responsible in fear of the barrier being destroyed mostly because after that everything stopped so it all went back to normal besides they had an idea who could be capable of pulling it off but were afraid to admit it mostly because they didn't want to admit that they had been surpassed by people whom they had taught to do even know what magic felt like in the first place let alone how to use to do anything practical.

Acknowledging this fact made them almost want to turn them in but they knew better than that besides if anything their combat skills weren't all that impressive just their magic abilities so they could let it go for now and work on getting stronger the king however was running out of patience especially because he was frustrated that so far his own magic training was hardly going anywhere despite having really good teachers but his political advisor and old war buddy says that in his own magic lessons it helped when he was relaxed.

He calms down after awhile after listening to his old friend and once he calmed down his lessons went alot better than normal eventually he was able to learn how to conjure a weapon to focus his power into but unfortunately he mistakenly tied the source of his power to his new weapon without realizing it he created a goldish/brass trident it not only contains his power but amplifies it also it helps him cut the cost of elemental magic entirely once he gets the hang of it.

The only people happy with his newfound powers were those sycophants who followed him around or the trollops who wanted to share his bed because they had empty heads who thought he was a perfect man due to his good looks and muscular body despite how cruel he his to his subjects they don't care as long as they get to be with him he ends up choosing the most beautiful one she has the smallest boobs but the best figure out of the girls chasing him she's also the smartest which isn't setting the bar too high plus she has pink hair.

They get married after a year together 9 years later they have two children a boy and a girl after that he stops trying to mate with her but doesn't stop taking her to bed just uses magic to stop having kids until it's safe to again even though she pesters him daily for another he remains strong and runs his kingdom until he keeps getting worse as time goes on if not for his wife distracting him with having kids they would have killed him years ago.

The only reason he's still alive is because of his wife keeping him in bed due to everyone healing her so she can give him kids when he wants if not for that he would have been killed 100 years ago which was 10 years after he became king however things are about to change time will tell if its for the better or if its for worse we can only hope things don't get any worse than they already are.