Chapter 2

Neptune the father of all the mermen and mermaids after centuries of leaving his children to their own devices and learning about the human world thoroughly to make sure that there wasn't a threat other than some novices who could use magic here and there which each artefact no matter how magical he made sure that the humans would never get their hands on it again in case it was dangerous.

He also made sure to swipe every spell book they had when he saw that they no longer practiced magic then he went back down to see what his children have been up to in his absence once he makes it to their home he sees that not much has changed except that the vile Dystopian family has been sealed away but the seal isn't permanent in fact it will break in a year he reinforces the spell tying it to identical daughters of the Caspian family one who wants power and revenge but nothing else the other wants revenge but also wants love also wants a child to inherit her throne.

He sees their future and one of them he can tell will be a scourge of the ocean who will bring nothing but pain suffering and death for thousands of years the other as long as the right person comes along he sees an era of peace and prosperity on both the land and sea likes of which he's never even dreamed of he just can't see who will bring this wonderful future just that she will have red hair and have a pregnant belly next to the sister who seems to have the most troubled past of the two.

Just as he was about to move he was zapped to a void with bright lights it hurts his eyes at first then it clears and he sees a bunch of water everywhere followed by a man who is in strange armor carrying a trident likes of which he's never seen before while sitting on a throne that looks like it was made out of the bones of several extinct predators he gulps then asks why have you brought me here good sir in a godly regal voice.

Poseidon sighs then says in a booming voice my brother it seems that you aren't aware of the rules you have broken nor the severe consequences that would have befallen you had you have gone through with what you were just about to do Neptune tilts his head in confusion not understanding what he did wrong other than looking at the future.

Poseidon reading his mind says you may not know this but it's against the law of the gods to interact or interfere with mortals even those who live beneath the sea unless you are willing to give up your god hood to do what you were about to do then i will help you but only this one time am i permitted to help you so make it count because lives hang in the balance and you better think it through or i will be forced to imprison you for what you have done.

Neptune asks then why aren't i already in jail or dead for emptying the mortal world of every single trace of magic they won't even know it existed except in legends and fairy tails in fact i made sure to spin plenty of those things all over the world but the actual magic is gone very few magic casters remain i even took their wands and talismans while they slept and replaced them with replicas that does nothing but replenish their magic.

Poseidon nods then says that's actually perfect you have worked a lot faster than any of the other gods would have also it's because of what you did that we're willing to let you become just a really power merman who has knowledge of the future but you can't influence anything except the course the good one will take remember she must be the most powerful sea witch there is before you die also we will be tying the barrier to their mothers death as well as yours.

 He asks Poseidon why our deaths and not the evil ones death he sighs and says because the good sister won't have a reason to go down the dark path to be saved if nothing happens to her mother and father besides the other sister despite you favoring her letting her get away with murder on the other side of the coin her sister is made to do everything like clean be put through tutors from every kind of subject including combat the other sister will have a carefree life who will want for nothing who will be constantly spoiled but her older sister will be forced to do everything when you two are running things.

Even taking care of the younger sister and the other kids in the clan she will have only 4 hours a day to herself other than that her routine will continue until her 118th birthday the day you die their mother will 59 years earlier the younger sister will hate you for giving the good sister every magical artefact except a few low- trinkets and tomes that are essentially harmless Neptune sighs then asks who's great idea is this because this dynamic sounds like a recipe for disaster.

Poseidon says our lead strategist she and the other gods have been going over this for some time now since we all saw the same vision that you did we were just looking for a volunteer when you showed up about to change things what you were going to change i had no idea but Neptune sighs and says nothing drastic just a few cosmetic things to win over her future queen or maybe king who knows what her tastes will be like.

Poseidon is taken back he looks at his young brother then asks what do you mean cosmetic changes Neptune says i had the idea in my head but i can't remember right now because i'm not sure if she'll look exactly like i'm picturing her inside my head or if the events will happen exactly like they will as we were shown in the vision i mean things change not everything is set in stone.

Poseidon had to give him that after listening to several versions of the fates tell him that everything will be decided by a redheaded mermaid he seriously doubts that atleast that was until he heard Neptune repeat Dystopian the elders prophecy he's waiting for the full prophecy to be repeated instead of just hinted at Neptune sighs then says even if i told you it wouldn't matter because you don't even believe your own prophets words why believe the words of a dying man.

Instead of putting it off anymore he said the Dystopian family swore vengeance on both families in fact the head of the family with the last of his strength and power threw a curse on both families that as long as the men of the Marina family holds the power of the trident then they will always be at war and only a pure hearted girl who allows darkness into her heart may break the curse also if she can make the darkest heart in the ocean find love again then i will stop the feud that i'm about to make both of your families go through.

Poseidon whistles then says that's some curse so when did this trident come into play Neptune says the curse happened 50 years after his death but the trident wasn't even forged until 200 years after his death Poseidon says that's interesting which means that now the feud between the other clans will stop entirely then and the ones between the two main families will begin as soon as the main players are on the board.

Neptune can't argue with his logic but stops to think something then starts freaking out a little bit as he starts getting another vision which is the canon events of the Little Mermaid before the end of the movie right before king Triton signs the contract and the battle with Ursula after that the vision ends and he drops to his knees about to throw up when Poseidon catches him in worry as his younger brother is really weak as if he just became human.

After resting and getting a drink from Poseidon he takes a mirror then shows him the vision he just had which makes the god almost just as weak not realizing that their only hope was about to sign everything away for a human boy who obviously only likes her because he became entranced by her magical voice and now her exquisite beauty other than that he has little to no interest in her in fact looking at his life he has a string of lovers he doesn't want to settle down until he seas the world in his boat.

Neptune asks please i know that it's cheating but maybe just maybe just this once you can bend the rules to allow me to save them from their grim fates besides the girl will get bored of him soon as he tries to capture her adventures spirit that's the main reason she wanted to be a human in the first place Poseidon says your future daughter wants her voice to replace the one her father will take from her the trinket containing it will have 80% of her power as well Neptune asks what about her sisters Poseidon looks at him like he's insane.

He asks Neptune are you mad you want to give her that much power as well Neptune says no the redhead girl i will set it to where 100% of her sisters powers will go to her but only after they fall in love with each other without any spells or potions but i will allow my sea witch daughter to bewitch the redheaded mermaid until it becomes genuine also my daughter will get both of these visions in that lair 10 years before the girl shows up even how we really die.

Poseidon asks are you sure that's what you want to do arm her with knowledge of how everything led to that point including how she fails he says yes i will even appear before the first vision to give my daughter a message then my wife will give her the second and explain why she's showing her these images Poseidon huffs in frustration then says you better get everything in order perfectly before you die otherwise i'll leave everything as is and everything will happen as it was meant to.

Neptune sighs then says even if i get everything ready right now it still won't be enough Poseidon asks what do you mean he says well there is one ingredient to a spell that my daughter is going to cast that but even at my strongest i don't have the juice to pull it off by myself quirking an eyebrow in curiosity he asks what kind of ingredient is Neptune says desperate souls with plenty to lose but instead of them coming from the kingdom from Atlantica they will come from the trench and all of those who are allied against us.

Poseidon says even if she can sucker them into deals like it shows her doing what spell would require her to sacrifice all of those souls without hurting her in the process a love spell combined with an obsession spell combined with a lust spell and finally combined with a spell to boost her hypnotic voice to the highest degree as well as a pheromone spell all rolled into one ultimate spell he asks what is it called the Succubus spell it's the ultimate love/seduction/ manipulation spell.

Poseidon asks how difficult is it to make Neptune laughs and says for one thing the ingredients are scattered all over the ocean as well as all over the world plus mixing them in the right amounts as well as the right order takes more knowledge than i possess and it takes 10,000 years to brew properly essentially even if you know a way to speed that up you still got to know everything else plus something else is required you need the blood hair and saliva of each person involved in the potion then the caster has to get the target to drink it as well as kiss you willingly.