Chapter 3

Poseidon helped Neptune prepare everything including the cave his future daughter would use for her spells also put every book he got from the humans in there not only did they build it exactly as they have seen from the vision but they made sure that his daughter was the only one to enter it until she was ready for it.

Next they prepared where the future family home was going to be they made sure to make it so no one else could enter it but the Caspian family also they made sure that there was a secret entrance to the royal vault they made it so that and average mermaid wouldn't get caught but also wouldn't make it obvious while getting in and out to mark the hidden place to it they put a shark symbol.

Next they look at the Dystopian family they watch them for awhile and see that even though they got members from all over the ocean to marry into their family eventually after they've been brain washed into being like them after studying them for awhile Neptune asks so do you still feel guilty about sacrificing them for her spell Poseidon says i did at first but the more i watch them as well as some of the other enemies Atlantica makes me question if i should really take away your immortality.

Neptune says only take it away for a little awhile then when i 'die' give it back and i won't interfere anymore i won't have to Poseidon says it shouldn't be a problem besides the only reason why they haven't stopped us yet is because of your service record so far also they are rooting on your future daughter to win so towards that end they have a gift for her on the day she is born they will give her something to help her shapeshift between human whatever species she is currently as well as something extra so she can produce an heir of her own.

Neptune asks what do you mean shift between human and whatever species she is does that mean that she will go back to her original form that she was when she hypnotized that prince Poseidon says no she will still look like the sea witch just won't have tentacles instead have legs Neptune says that makes sense but i'm getting the feeling that something else is missing like i was supposed to do something else.

He thinks about it for awhile then it hits him he creates two crystal balls one for each sister but wonders how to make sure that the younger sister doesn't get it but also how to make sure that each sister hates the other Poseidon says that well if you know what the message is then you can add it to one of these balls while i can add a vision to the younger sisters ball about her older sister secretly hating her enough to kill her and how the only people she can trust is the Dystopian family.

Neptune says go ahead but first help me mark them so i don't get mixed up Poseidon puts a shark on the younger sisters ball and an eel on the older sisters ball then adds the visions to both balls as well as both messages then sends the eel ball to the lair and sends the shark ball to the Caspian future family home vault after that is done they look at the jewels and other charms or trinkets he got from the humans and sees that alone they are harmless combined they are a dangerous mix but also what is needed to complete the spell so they send everything to the lair but hidden.

Poseidon asks what else do you need to do before we set you up for your temporary life Neptune says make sure that the life that i'm stepping into isn't doomed before my plans have come to fruition i mean what goo would it do to make all of these preparations only to die as soon as i become mortal because of whose family i'm marrying into Poseidon has to agree with that statement also he asks in one of the visions Triton is Ursula's brother are you going with that he scoffs and says no he'll be born into the Marina family.

Poseidon says ok but what are you going to do about a bride the deadline to set everything in motion expires in 10 years he says i'll find one until then there are a few loose ends to tie up like how to sucker those fools into accepting a deal with my daughter Poseidon nods in agreement with that then stops in his tracks then looks at a copy of the succubus spell he says Neptune we have a problem he asks what kind of problem he shows him the spell and he sees what one of the ingredients are which is the heart of a traitorous sibling while it's still beating.

Neptune says i'll technically be dead so if they want to kill each other let them besides if she wants to rule the ocean she can't let something like an evil sister get in her way or she won't be able to become queen interesting also it says that for the spell to become permanent the person it was cast on must have it cast on them both on land and under the sea also must be a virgin or the second casting won't take.

After reading some more they are both shocked to learn that it can only be broken by true loves kiss by death or magic stronger than the person who cast it in the first place also as they finish reading it another spell materializes in their hands out of the blue just reading the list of these ingredients is even more daunting than the last spell but the effects is what has them puzzled :














and finally hunger for life

They study this spell carefully but see that only someone affected by the Succubus spell can cast it the last spell was all about lust seduction manipulation and moving your love to someone else this one is about true love and awakening every other emotion there is that's why it's called the Cupid spell it needs the remains of the Succubus spell potion as well as the affected one to be a powerful magic caster.

After getting all of the ingredients for his daughter and putting it in her lair along with the spells he starts looking for his wife while also checking out the political climate of each family he sees that the weakest ironically even though that they rule everything is the Marina family their political strength is horrible compared to even the weakest family out there however their military strength is only 20 spots away from being the best and the Caspian family is 7 spots away from being the best but mostly due to their magical prowess.

He meets his future bride she's a daughter of one of the wealthy nobles who are apart of the neutral territories whose family sigil is the Kraken despite never going to war doesn't mean that they haven't ever they were apart of that conflict several centuries ago they just don't want to be in a war ever again the girl he can't take his eyes off of is named Ulyana she has flowing black hair purple eyes rosy lips medium C breasts slender figure and a dark orange bra with a dark orange tail.

She's the most beautiful creature he's ever seen Poseidon was about to see what the hold up was but he sees what his brother is looking at sighs and asks don't forget your humanity is temporary so don't get any ideas about dying permanently so you could be with her even in death because you'll go somewhere different than she will Neptune looks at him with a murderous gaze then says if do die forever you will arrange things so she and i can be together even if it's in torment.

Poseidon sighs then says even if i could do that which i can't Neptune stops time says then take me to the god that does Poseidon does as asked with reluctance they go down to the underworld where Hades is waiting for them amused at everything going on including their visit Neptune asks are you the god of this realm Hades quirks an eye brow at his brother then Poseidon sends him everything he knows about Neptune which answers alot of questions.

Hades answers yes i am and i can do what you came here for but it won't be easy it also won't be without a price Neptune sighs then asks what do you want Hades says every Dystopian soul will be mine upon death forever trapped here to be tormented for all of eternity the same with their allies Neptune asks is that all you want he says when the time comes i'd like help with a bride of my own.

Neptune says deal now what do i sign something do i shake your hand Hades chuckles then pulls out a contract with the exact terms they just discussed they both sign then they head back to the ocean Neptune transforms into a merman with a green tail with short blue hair with a muscular body a handsome face good features and piercing red eyes his immortality is gone he swims up to his chosen bride hoping to marry her or at the least talk to her.

When he first swims up to her she scares her but after talking for a bit and laughing at each other's jokes they were hitting it off well she learned that he had been to the surface also his mother was a siren a mermaid who lured sailors to their death with their voice as well as their beauty her mother was one as well before she was killed they comforted each other for awhile before he was introduced to her familiy at first they weren't happy with him but when they learned of heritage that he's a direct descendant of Neptune they couldn't wait to begin secret wedding plans so no one could interfere with the wedding.