Chapter 4

100,000 Years Before Ariel is Born 

Another day of sun, but this one was special. King Oceanus was about to present her daughter, the Princess of Atlantica, to the entire kingdom. The Ruler of the Seven Seas was so excited, he hadn't been like this since his son, Prince Triton, was born. One could notice from a distance how happy the old king felt. "Sweet child, my little princess…" He whispered to her daughter as he floated beside her little bed at his room on the palace. "Today, everyone will finally meet you and they will love you." He said excitedly as he now began to carry the baby mermaid and swan across the palace. A big smile appeared on his face as he finally arrived to a balcony that had a view of the entire kingdom. A huge crowd of merpeople waited for him outside of the palace. "Citizens of Atlantica! I present to you, Princess Ursula!"

The crowd of merpeople and sea creatures yelled in joy as they saw the beautiful princess. They all instantly fell involve with her, for she was extremely beautiful. But what they didn't know was that in the future they would all fear her. But why was this? What unspeakable act this the former princess, now Sea Witch, commit in order for her to get exiled of the kingdom by her betrothed . What did both princess do? Well, this is the story of the Sea Witch.

Fifteen years had passed, Ursula was now an eighteen year old, obviously. her little sister was six years old, soon to be seven. The princess of Atlantica was wearing a black shell-bra, her hair was long and light brown, and her fins where purple. She had a transparent violet scarf and wore extravagant jewelry. She was divine as always, this appearance was how she thought a princess should be seen; alway beautiful and elegant. "Good morning, Floatsom, how have you been?" She asked to her best friend, as she arrived to the center of the kingdom.

"Could be better." The oldest of the twin eels said sassily as he now began to swim to the outsides of the kingdom walls. Ursula followed her soon after. "Oh please dearie, you are just mad because your little brother always teases you… How is he by the way?" The princess asked kindly, now she was being joined by her little sister, Jetsam; the younger of the two eels. The day passed by quickly, like always, the three friends fooled around the outskirts of the sea-land, near the coast where some humans had already inhabited the land.

Despite being close siblings at first when they were little it seemed like as Ursula got older her sister couldn't do no wrong and she got the blame for everything also she was the one who from a young age was constantly schooled in everything from etiquette to warfare to combat to politics to basic studies to magic which she loved most of all to which shocked her but seduction her tutors made that lesson her most important subject she still studied everything she was taught but when asked why her sister wasn't learning any of this stuff they told her that her sister was going to be the heir for the throne and that it was her job to advise her after hearing that she threw herself into her combat lessons and magic lessons even more until she surpassed everyone training her. 

Some other years had passed, both Ursula and Morgana had grown apart after a discussion regarding their mother's love. And some other things that happened after the Queen was murdered by Morgana only her and a handful of servants know the truth this took place 59 years ago . Both siblings where distant, not only the two sisters. Triton their best friend and Ursula's finance who had an arranged marriage to Ursula before both of them were born to end the feud between the two houses however he had already gotten married to the now princess, Athena from the largest neutral country there is she has flowing brunette hair C cup breasts curvy figure a red tail and bra but she's not all that bright just good looking Although she wouldn't express it, Ursula was really angry during her once bethrothed wedding. She loved him very much, but all of this would change soon… A few months after Triton's and Athena's wedding, King Poseidon got ill, badly ill. On one cold night, where a storm was occurring on the world above, the two princesses where besides their father's bed.

"My beloved kids… Never forget that I love you all…" The King said weakly as he extended his hand towards his children . "My dear, Ursula…" He began. "To you, I leave you my Magical Shell… And to you Morgana, my Crystal Ball." He sighed and now began to sink a bit, getting really close to his bed. And then, he passed away, Triton becoming the new king instantly

Ursula's grief lasted for some months, she wasn't only hurt by her father's passing, no, she was also hurt over the fact that her daddy chose Triton over her to rule the Seven Seas. For she knew for a fact that her father saw her as the most powerful of the trio, but she did not knew why she would choose someone who did not care that much for the integrity of the kingdom. "At least he divided the Kingdom into two… We each get a saying of some sort…" She commented to her eel friends as she swan through a hall of the palace, both of her 'babies' following her. "Although I admit my dark wish will one day come true… One way or another." She said coldly, her shell shinning brightly as a smirk appeared on her face.

The beautiful and happy princess had disappeared, Ursula was now a cruel and ugly, per say, mermaid. She was rotten to the core, darkness had filled her heart over the past two years; she was extremely angry over the fact that Triton and Athena where rolling the kingdom and bringing girls to life… Her opportunities to rule over Atlantica fully had been killed by her own family. She was mad. So mad that on a cold and dreadful night, she convinced her little sister to help her cause chaos on the kingdom.

Did they used some black magic? Well oops. Did they destroyed many parts of the once gorgeous and safe kingdom? Just a bit! Many merpeople and sea creatures have said over the years after that this could have been classified as a declaration of war within the people themselves. Since, apart from the two princesses, many creatures joined in the havoc (sharks, and eels mostly). In her eyes, Ursula was doing good to the people of Atlantica, but in reality she had been blinded by her revenge, her inner darkness. For this had consumed her and completely destroyed who she once was. The girl her family and the kingdom loved, had died the same night her father did.

The chaos both sisters caused on the sea-land lasted some days, until King Triton gathered all the power and bravery he needed to confront and defeat his friends and ex lover The girls he protected his whole life. With the power of the Trident he banished both Ursula and Morgana to different corners of the sea world. Each with the same punishment, to live in isolation as monsters. He had transformed his sisters into something else, something not even many creatures from the deep sea would dare to swim next to. Ursula was now half mermaid and half octopus, her hair was shorter and white; her appearance ugly. Whilst Morgan was half mermaid, and half squid, her hair was incredibly longer and the same as her older sister. And this, is where the true hate and lust for revenge of each started. This all took place years before Ariel's birth, the time necessary for the merfolk to forget that Triton and the two Sea Witches where even related, and why no one seems to remember of their previous live.

Triton cast a forgetting spell on everyone but also he cast a hypnosis spell on Ursula's best friend and lover Alana making her break up with Ursula in the most painful way possible by seeing them having sex in bed together and mocking Ursula for ever thinking that anyone could ever love her and that she deserves to look like she does Ursula vowed revenge she went to her family home gatherd up their valuables left and strangely enough she was guided by her shell necklace to a place that looked like a dead fish but it felt like home to her so she went and as soon as she went inside her lost power from Triton stealing her voice years ago was replenishing.

Morgana was cast down to the trench with her crystal ball without her shark friend undertow who was trapped in Ursula's part of the ocean where there were creatures of size and age that could eat him before he could blink he had no choice but to suck up to her while she was down there she ran into several people who tried to have their way with her but she fought them off only because her sister and Triton took pity on her and taught her some magic and how to fight otherwise she wouldn't have lasted a day down.

It also helps that when she was younger and cuter her sister snuck her some beginner books on magic combat politics and warfare as well as made her learn the basic stuff that everyone should learn like math and other stuff she hated it and she hates her sister but she respects her for taking the scant few hours she had of her free time to tutor her when she could have been having fun or exploring or actually going on dates with Triton instead of babysitting every brat in the family.

Morgana explores the trench as best as she can while dodging predators and potential rapists however it's becoming increasingly clear that she's being followed and tracked magically so she tries to lose her pursuer she does eventually but ends up at the castle the one place she wants to avoid so she uses her magic to make herself invisible she makes sure to go completely around the trench and every building to make sure that there's no traps.

There isn't any not even any magical traps she does the same with the palace she doesn't see any except that she's so new to magic that they're all over the building but they don't activate or sound the alarm in fact the only one alerted is the prince who smirks thinking that everything is going according to plan now i will marry a sea witch and the world will be mine he chuckles evilly in his head.

Morgana sneaks around the castle eaves dropping on every conversation including about how they missed their chance to capture a hybrid beauty today she gets closer they say yeah that squid woman was a real beauty shame we can't capture her to make her into our sex slave she gets angry at this but the prince walks in and for the first time in her life she actually has a crush on boy he has black hair blue eyes wearing a white shirt brown belt with black pants and brown boots.

His name is Davey Jones Dystopian according to Morgana he's the most beautiful man who ever lived he's had dalliances in the past but never actually had sex with anyone because he knows that the first time a male in his bloodline has sex that female will forever belong to him marriage or no marriage but he's looking for the right girl and the darkness he feels deep buried inside the girl who's hiding behind that amateur level invisibility spell.

Morgana exits the way she came getting lost in this massive place only to open a door and end up in a bedroom of all places she's about to leave when she hears the doors lock behind her then she hears his voice saying it's ok you can drop the spell no one knows that you are here but me and my sister she drops the spell and asks how do i know that you're not lying i mean since i've been in this place the whole building has been slowly draining my magic making me weaker.

Dave was taken back by that as he never felt that effect before but now that he thinks about it this would explain why her spell was so pathetic he asks what else do you feel from the castle that this is the most dangerous [lace in the trench and that other than this room i don't feel like the rest of the castle is trying to force me to submission or make me as weak as a newborn.

He asks is it because you're not related to us or married into the family that none of the others feel that way Morgana scoffs and says plenty of men and women are feeling that way they are just hidden away from sight he asks what do you mean she says i could feel it as soon as i entered this place the sexual energy is off the charts and hearing what the leader wants me to be it makes sense sex slaves.

He begins to get angry normally this would be a show to manipulate the one they covet but he actually wants her just like she wants him with little knowledge that they're both being manipulated from the shadows by the women of the family after showing him the slaves he vowed to stop this practice not just here but everywhere over the next several months their relationship blossomed until they got married.

Despite their love for each other there was something holding them back and that was their sex life as well as having kids with the help of the women in the family Morgana figured out how to have both but her curse couldn't be undone however she could now have sex and produce children question is would her husband want to make love to her after talking to his sister about it he found out that it worked but that if they don't consummate the marriage soon then the wedding will be null in void.

He'll lose his royal status she'll be either killed or sent to be a sex slave or be used a magic battery also it seems that if they are running out of time if he doesn't get with his wife in the next year he loses everything he just hopes that it isn't what he's thinking it is but anyway he thanks his sister then starts making preparations for their honey moon he grabs aphrodisiacs lust potions love potions mind control ring and finally he rents out the old castle that he's been renovating for years so he can become king lately it has been used as a hotel but now he kicks everyone out so he can finally make love to his wife.

They pack their bags after seeing that his reservations are approved they say their goodbyes then head to the castle on their way there everyone is whispering about how Morgana is so lucky to have gotten her husband and she can't help but agree with them despite their gazes on her man she doesn't shy from showing those hussies who he belongs to once they make it to the castle which Morgana is amazed at how much bigger it is compared to the rest of the buildings in the trench.

They go inside exploring every room it's the most spacious and ancient castle she has ever laid eyes on each room seems to tell a story of how it was built or the different materials used in it's construction she's amazed that it's still standing even being under water for who knows how long as if reading her thoughts he says this is the first castle ever found and over the years i've been secretly repairing it she nods at that they head to the stairs to the top floor coming to a stop at two golden doors that he unlocks they walk inside.

He shuts and locks the doors inside the room is a bed with red pillow cases blankets and sheets made of cotten and polyester the walls are stone with red fabric on the walls there's a fire place with a roaring fire one thing she notices is that this room has no water in it but she can breathe just fine he says this room has magic constantly pumping through both your magic as well as mine so you don't need water to breathe also your enchantments will become permanent if you stay in this room.

She asks for how long he says for one year that's how long i was given away from everything what's more is that this room can go anywhere we want including the surface world but we won't be able to touch dry land except for once every 10,000 years if we make this castle our home she thinks about it then asks what are the other side effects he says that when you become pregnant your magic will decrease by half due to this room using it to make sure that everything runs smoothly.

X Lemon Warning X

Without even giving it a second thought Morgana kisses Davey he kisses her back then he stops her before he opens his bag pulls out a bottle of wine to help her relax he gives it to her while he drinks something else she drinks the whole bottle so does he drink his they go back to kissing then groping each other.

He does a spell to get rid of his merman fins giving him the bottom half of a human then he gets naked she takes off her clothes then lifts him up by her tentacles holds his limbs by them then rubs them all over his body then has him suck on one while another goes into his anus another is playing with his balls while another is rubbing all over his dick making him moan for an hour this goes on until she not only hits his prostate goes down his throat but makes him cum shooting rope after rope of semen everywhere.

She tortures him for hours making him cum from just sucking on her tentacle one rubbing his chest fucking his ass with one or jerking him off when she thinks he has enough she lets him go and lays on the bed he has never felt so drained and aroused before also when his mind clears after the fuck fest wears off she comes up to him then seductively asks aren't I better than those mermaid sluts who were eyeing you like a piece of meat earlier today he says in a tired voice we shall see if you are she brings him close to her kisses him deeply.

Then seductively whispers in his ear i'm the only one worthy of the throne not your mom who we've both know you've been fucking not your sister or any other slut who you think deserves to bed you only me after that she lets him go then lays on the bed waiting for him to recover he slowly gets up goes over to his bag eats stuff drinks lust potions then grabs the love potions he drinks one then hands her the other she drinks everything he gives her after that he grabs two rings one has a king on it the other a queen little does she know that these are master and slave rings.

He puts on the king ring where his wedding should have been but they never bought one he walks up to her chants in a language that she doesn't understand until a minister appaears he's in a suit she's in a dress he also speaks in a language she doesn't understand then they say vows exchange rings kiss then the rings glows and she feels the power of a queen flow through her as well as think that he is the so sexy that she must have him.

She gets so hot and bothered that she starts lactating her boobs go up a cup size her pussy buried deep in her tentacles actually becomes fertile and is ready to mate he pushes her on the bed kissing her sucking on her boobs after moving part of the bodice to do it drinking her milk and her tentacles part showing that she actually has human legs under them as well as a virgin pussy he begins teasing her clit then fingering her after that he goes down spreads her legs and eats her out licking up and down her pussy lips while thumbing her clit.

Eventually his tongue darts inside of her as well as his fingers he begins fingering her ass she moans his name and screams more my king don't stop he keeps going then she says ah i'm about to cum she holds his face to her snatch as she cums filling his mouth with her cum after that he comes up to her kissing her making her taste herself on his tongue while his cock rubs against her pussy teasing her after teasing her enough to get her soaking wet he enters her.

She moans super loud he goes very slowly then reaches a barrier he smirks then pushes through her hymen she screams in pain at first he doesn't even let her adjust to his size he just pounds her into the bed with his cock until she starts to feel good eventually she wraps her legs around him bringing him deeper begging him to cum inside of her and to make her cum so she can become his as well as give him an heir to their kingdom he smirks then pounds her not stopping until they both explode his seed is leaking out of her he uses magic to keep it inside and to keep coming until she's pregnant.