Chapter 5

Over the years Davey Dystopian after their honeymoon who had successfully turned Morgana into his slave wife he spelled the ring to never come off he also spelled it to constantly feed her doses of love potions lust potions aphrodisiacs pheromones and mind control drugs as well as more complicated magic that made her submit to his every desire and word with a simple kiss.

She really gave him everything he wanted through sex when the ring was not working his own combined with hers would immediately put hearts in her eyes and have her bowing before him worshiping him like a god as she pleasured him he could make her do anything he even made sure to cast a spell to block her fertility while he got others pregnant he used her innate magical talent to make her skills better then have her conquer the trench for him.

In just 10,000 years after they got married no one opposed them in fear that he would unleash her despite his mistresses asking when he would leave his wife he said i'll never divorce her despite the fact that she's my slave wife now she still has her personality and she still has her brains his mistresses ask why didn't you turn her into a weak brainless slut like the rest of your family did their slaves who had a talent for magic or who was educated.

He sneers at them and says because the amount of magic she possess is too much for me to contain plus she would never give it up no matter how much i brain wash her her survival instincts would automatically go against that as would yours if i tried to take your magic from you the only reason my family succeeded is because their slaves had barely even tapped into their magic or the ones that did were so new to it that they didn't even know what to do with it they asks wasn't Morgana the same he says yes and no.

It is true that she was a novice in magic before i helped her with it but i can also tell that she was instructed by a true prodigy of magic she just didn't wanna use the lessons she was taught or study the beginner books she has on the subject which actually accelerated her training who ever wrote them were a genius I wonder who the Caspian family is and how they came by such knowledge on magic everyone but one shrugs the only one who hasn't slept with him looks at him in fear.

He notices this then asks whats wrong do you know something she says yes but please don't hurt me or kill me i had no idea that when i accepted this job that i was going to fall in love with you he notices that her feelings are real he kisses her she kisses back after that he says alright Maribel tell me what job did you accept that led to you falling for the prince of the trench she sighs then says i'm not from the trench.

I'm from up above it the kingdom of Atlantica after you guys were banished for killing people raping them and burning down cities to try to rule the ocean a magical barrier was put over the trench to keep you guys from ever leaving to this day noone knows who put it there but rumor is that it was the Caspian family the greatest magic casters in the ocean even greater than the Dystopian family.

He is annoyed but lets it slide because he knows that she is devoted to him years passed after your ancestor cursed that the families would fight amongst themselves until a pure hearted redheaded mermaid broke it for years every redhead mermaid was tested but each one failed after the war between each and every family a treaty was made that said that there could still be feuds between clans or families but they were to be settled by various competition of skill not armed combat.

She says i was sent here to spy on the trench by the king i was never told to gain anyone's trust or even get close to anyone just get my information and get out which was working for awhile i could see that you guys were amassing for war that through magic you were making allies of all of Atlantica's enemies and you my prince have made the wisest decision of your reign thus far.

He takes everything in then asks what was my decision that has impressed you the most she beams at him then says you have seduced one of the two princesses of the Caspian royal family by the way she didn't always used to look like that she was transformed into that by the current king she actually used to be the fourth most beautiful woman in the ocean hearing this shocked him he then asked who was the first she says her sister but good luck trying to woo her every boy she dated always ended up the same unable to procreate because they tried to rape her.

she was about an inch away from giving up on men altogether except that she had fallen for her childhood friend who she was in arranged marriage to who hurt her in the worst way possible he raises an eye brow then asks hows that she says he was part of the plot to murder her parents along with her sister also he stole her lover and hypnotized her into believing that every moment that those two had together was really with him and Ursula's lover.

He sighs then asks let me guess she was manipulated into attacking the capital and ended up looking similar to Morgana Maribel says exactly she was led to believe that it was her idea when really it was every magic caster in the realm and the king plus her own sister he sighs and asks is it wrong that now i don't wanna help my family get revenge but her she says no but i warn you since her exile she has become something of a dark force that none have lived to see again and she's legendary for making deals but those who do rarely live up to their side of the bargain.

He asks is there a way to send some of my people to her she gives a sly smile and says of course there is but i must warn you that only your wife has the power to open the hole wide enough that let me in if we don't act soon it will be closed with in a month he nods then magically creates a list of everyone he wants gone from his kingdom even members from his own family who continue to oppose him it even has the names of those who secretly plot his downfall but also wish to escape the trench.

The next day he holds a meeting in a huge amphitheater with everyone on the list it's massive other than himself Maribel and Morgana there's 80,000 people there despite her devotion to him he knows that she will try to kill Morgana so she must go as well everyone is beginning to wonder why they were summoned when he starts speaking he uses magic to quiet everyone my friends i know that you are curious as to why you have been called here but please wait until the end for all questions or comments.

He starts speaking again it has come to my attention through a friend of mine that there is not only a barrier keeping us here but also a hole in said barrier from which we can escape from however that being said if i were to leave the trench there would be chaos so i'm sending all of you i want you guys to explore the ocean make allies find wives without enslaving them and above all seek out the one called Ursula for i hear that she is even more powerful than my wife.

Hearing this Morgana twitched in anger and guilt also the others eyes lit up in greed thinking that they could make her their slave or better yet use their magic to bewitch her to love them they had several schemes in their heads they were so lost in lust and conquest that they failed to see the looks of amusement and triumph on the faces of Morgana and Davey's faces after everyone is dismissed she looks at her husband with a look of pity and says i actually feel sorry for the poor fools.

He looks at her with a puzzled expression then asks why do you say that she shivers then says even without magic Ursula was one of the nastiest people you'd ever meet i'm just glad that she never learned how much i was involved in hurting her otherwise not even the god of seas could save me from her wrath she says and not even your slave magic or lust potions or love potions or aphrodisiacs could save me.

He looks at her with a shocked expression she says i'm not blind or stupid i knew what you were pumping me with i simply chose to let them work instead fighting them just like i chose to let you enslave me and hypnotize me he asks why she says because it was the only was to bear you an heir which despite your magic is currently growing in my womb as we speak he asks how long have you been pregnant she says don't know but after you forgot to apply the sterility spell last year and i boosted my own fertility i woke up one day hearing an extra heartbeat but know this we will not stop until we have killed everyone else above us and conquered the world as a whole.

He smiles and says i knew i was right to make you my queen you guessed my ambitions exactly the only person who will survive is your sister so she can watch it all burn while we make more children on the ashes of the old world while you drain her of her powers and give them to me she smirks and says of course my king but only if i get to be the one to kill her he smiles of course you can my queen now how would you like to watch as our enemies go get killed by your sister she smirks kisses him then nods.

The next day everyone including Maribel has their things packed to go explore and conquer the ocean Morgana opens the hole to let them out they swim through it then she closes it completely so they can't come back in she also makes the journey safe for them so they don't get eaten and after she is sure that they have fulfilled their carnal desires she has them magically know where to find her sister's new home.

It was a day like every other Ursula would go about her day stocking her ingredients studying her spells gathering food making deals that always ended up in her favor so she could save those poor unfortunate souls for an ultimate spell that she has yet to learn however today was different because 60,000 new souls came to her domain looking at her with lust greed and a hint of wanting to own her she has seen the first two plenty of times but the last gaze it somewhat new.

Still she listens to what they want and she is incredibly suspicious of them all but makes deals with them anyway they sign the contracts however what they don't realize is that she has been reading their minds ever since they entered her realm in here she is a goddess so she was able to twist the contract to make to where they would be her slaves instead of her being theirs also if they tried to back out of the contract she would turn them into polyps.

100 years after the contracts were signed and they didn't do anything that they said they were going to do so she kissed all of them they thought this meant that she submitted to them no after each makeout session they were transformed into a polyp these former merpeople are small plant-like animal hybrids that just sit on the ocean floor crying in agony, and occasionally being fed dead fish by Ursula. They will usually be just a head attached to a stalk with roots, but sometimes may just be a head in the ground. 

After they were transformed she easily broke through their mental defenses and found out where they came from so she used her magic to create a siren song to lure all of Atlantica's enemies to her bewitching them in their sleep including Maribel once again her domain was flooded with thousands of people but she quickly saw what they wanted wealth fame love power cosmetic things so they could mate with a secret girl friend instead of carrying her husbands child she gave each one what they wanted but again scewed things in her favor.

Once the time limit expired and she saw that they had no intention of keeping their word she turned them into polyps she never once felt guilty about what she did because she explained the contract to everyone who signed one she was a trickster not evil just because they had evil intentions doesn't mean she did at first until they proved to her that they couldn't be trusted which still benefits her.