Chapter 6

Many years have passed since the dystopian troops failed to invade the ocean things were peaceful in Atlantica king Triton was spending his days having fun with his two women one was his queen Athena she had medium length brown hair with green eyes his other woman was Alana she had long red hair with blue eyes one day Athena tells him that she is carrying his child.

He is overjoyed at the news several years pass and Alana is pregnant with a daughter but little does she know that Athena has not only poisoned her but made it to where her daughter will suck the life out of her and everything else from her Ursula who is watching this from a far fears for the child's life places a protection spell on the child so nothing will happen to it and so she will grow normally.

The girl was named Ariel she was the spitting image of her mother and due to the nature of everything Athena did Alana became a lifeless husk after her daughter's birth so everyone thought that she was a monster so they stayed away from her and only fed her enough food and nutrients to survive.

Ariel age 4

From this point in her life she was constantly beaten whenever her sisters did something wrong every criminal got off scot free except when it pertained to the royal vault then they were killed with no trial also she was made to do every job and chore in the kingdom no matter what it was she was given spells and potions so she never had to sleep no one else had a job but Ariel.

Her only spells were a speed one stay awake which were always active if she asked for rest she was tortured severely so they put a glamour on her to hide her wounds and her bra that she wears makes her pain nonexistent her stepmother and her sisters seems to take extra joy in making her life miserable once she thought that she made a friend in Sebastian and flounder turns out that they were just sent to spy on her for the king the same with the seagull scuttle.

Despite all of this when everyone is asleep she takes real joy in exploring the kingdom and collecting trinkets from ship wrecks then hiding them in a cave that she thinks no one knows about but Ursula's eels have been following her in case of predators because she is heading into the open ocean which even she rarely goes into but then she notices that the child isn't swimming in the middle like food but the bottom gathering jewels and other trinkets.

Once she finds everything she needs she heads back to her secret cave deposits everything then heads back to her prison cell before everyone wakes up Flotsum and Jetsum go into her cave but don't touch anything Ursula smirks then says come on back we need to talk they do with precision and speed she's pondering how to get the now 8 year old on her side when her two friends come in.

Flotsum says we can always have Undertow befriend her afterall he did say that he would do anything to be in your good graces Ursula scoffs and says maybe so but all of us knows that he's spying for my sister the second things look good for her he'll run right back to her Jetsum agrees but says why not instead of always treating him like he's a spy earn his loyalty.

Ursula smiles at that then asks what do you have in mind they say have him start small gather worthy clients for you get potion ingredients that you can't get in this area but is kinda dangerous but won't kill him if he goes there but would kill us she nods then thinks maybe it's time i train him how to be a better shark and use his body to his advantage and actually teach him some shark magic.

Undertow comes back from getting food for everyone and he sees that Ursula has a serious look on her face he asks what's going on why is everyone so tense Ursula shows him Ariel's birth and how they almost killed her as an infant she can almost imagine what they must have been doing to her these past 600 years Ursula says from now on you will be her friend and body guard when you're not working for me Undertow nods in agreement.

Ursula says if you are to have any hope of surviving their world i must train you to not only understand their world but to best protect her the ocean rumbles outside there's several different obstacle courses she brings him to one and says this one will make you push your current body to the limit Undertow nods then he swims through it multiple times and fails each time because each twist turn and even the timing on when the loops appear keep changing.

When really they are just moving in a predicted set of patterns it takes him 10 years to pass it after that Ursula begins teaching him shark magic the first thing he learns is how to go faster the next thing he learns is to make himself bigger/smaller the next thing he learns is to summon other species of shark that are smaller than his race of shark which is a mix between a great white and a tiger shark next he learns to transform into a merman and finally he learns how to use water magic.

Once he masters all of that Ursula teaches him how to swim and maneuver as a merman also how to fight like one just the basics of the Atlantica military and police force so he can become her bodyguard after that he travels to Atlantica to become her body guard he trains in the police force first like Ursula said to then joined the border patrol then joined the military when Ariel was 10 he was assigned to become her body guard but by then the damage was done it was too late.

He did protect her from every threat but when he went off duty the abuse would start right where it left off and now that she was older it got worse especially after the queen was killed by humans on Ariel's 10th birthday so every year on her birthday her father blasts her with his trident in the hopes that she will die too but she doesn't or sometimes he will stab her with it really he doesn't care he was just looking for an excuse to do this. 

Despite everything she is being put through she still enjoys making friends with her body guard Undertow she doesn't quite trust him yet but in time she will when everyone is not around she explores the ship wrecks closest to Atlantica and fills her cave with all of the items in them as well as tries to read the books from the ships but she fails each and every time she manages to keep the ocean from destroying them anymore but the waters have faded most of every word on the pages.

She hides the books in a secret place along with the jewels and gold coins she found not realizing that it was a back entrance to Ursula's lair Ursula knew about her hiding spot but didn't say anything or even try to stop her she just made sure that it was available for her in the first place by putting the dream in her head that one day her father would find out about her secret cave so little by little she moved the most valuable objects to her secret hiding spot and left the everyday objects in her cave.

Then one day a statue of someone she has never met before dropped from the surface into her cave it did this once every 50 years until she had 16 statues in her cave from various leaders and time periods each one had a name on the statue as well as a time that it was made the only thing Ariel recognized is the numbers so she dragged them in order she even expanded her cave to accommodate the statues all she needed was one more and her collection would be complete.

She is 50 years from being 18 years old she still gets abused by her family even more now that she's a woman and her looks surpass those of her sisters if not for her body guard and friend Undertow they would have tried to have several men have their way with her but he doesn't leave her side much anymore in fact he has been trying to convince her to abandon the kingdom here lately not abdicate her position as princess but just get away from everything.

She's seriously considering taking his advice so today they are in his private quarters that Ursula made sure that no one would be able to eaves drop on them so they could talk freely Undertow makes her some tea then says Ariel i just went to visit a friend of mine this last weekend and she wants to meet you Ariel asks who would want to meet me if not for my title or for my looks.

He frowns and says she doesn't care about that stuff she wants to see if you have what it takes to be her successor as a magic castor Ariel is taken aback then says i can do magic but it's small stuff just like every other person here except for my family who are way more powerful than i am Undertow says that's because no one is giving you anymore knowledge than what you currently have.

Ariel nods in agreement he also says i bet that you can't read or write anything other than your own name she says this is true i was never taught how to do anything other than what jobs are here:















and every job that doesn't require reading or fighting Undertow says if you weren't here this kingdom would fall apart so instead of staying here for another 50 years why not come with me and i'll take you to someone who will make all of your wildest dreams come true Ariel thinks about it but she says i legally can't yet plus magically there's a tracker on me until i turn 18 so i gotta stay Undertow says if there's a tracker then why hasn't anyone been freaking out yet.

When you have been sneaking out over the years she says because i never leave the boundaries of the kingdom except to go to my secret place but that's only when i'm sure that i know no one in the whole kingdom will wake up Undertow talks to Ursula telepathically then asks do you put the kingdom into a deep sleep when she hides stuff at your place Ursula says i thought about it but no i don't because if i did it then it would take a month to wear off.

Ursula says it must be her she must be unaware that she's putting everyone to sleep which is impressive Undertow mentions the magic tracker and Ursula says those trackers can easily be removed if you can bring me a few strands of her hair Undertow says that's easy enough she sheds really bad i mean i almost drank a huge mouthful of it in my tea so i'll get you some.

After Ariel leaves Undertow uses magic to gather every strand of hair that has ever fallen from Ariel's head then sent them to Ursula who used them to get rid of the shoddy tracking spell from Atlantica and put a much better one on her so only she would know where Ariel is but she left the old one active until she turned 18 then after that she can move forward with her plan that is until she comes across two items by accident a crystal ball that clearly belongs to her and a box that is locked she can't open it.

She pours all of her power into the crystal ball it accepts her then it merges it's power with her own giving her a rush of power likes of which she has never felt before once that is done she sees that there are 3 messages for her to watch she looks at the first one it's from her mother she watches it :

Ursula's mother

My dear daughter i know that we didn't always get along i'm sorry for that but you must remember that your father and i always loved you girls except when one you killed the both of us i know that you're probably a bitter half evil lonely cynical but energetic lonely woman who just wants to be loved but right now love can wait revenge can not your sister and her new empire murdered your parents in cold blood don't believe me here's proof.

Her mother shows Ursula a vision of the Dystopian prince sending Morgana visions of the life that they could have togther if she did what he wanted Ursula's rage and power rise and shake the whole ocean enough to where they can feel it in the trench waves are becoming 50 feet tall storms are going out of control winds are going 100mph the ocean keeps getting earthquakes down in the trench they can taste the rage and power coming off the person causing all of the natural disasters around the globe and Davey jokes to his wife looks like she found out that you killed your parents.

Morgana asks if that is true how are we going to fight her if she is this powerful he says don't know only way is to use seduction and slave magic on her Ursula sees what they are planning thanks to the crystal ball then calms down enough to summon Triton to her home He does with an armed escort he sees that shes in no mood for games so he asks why did you summon me here Ursula she says i know why you don't like me quite frankly if i didn't have another target for my rage today i'd be incinerating you instead of those in the trench.

He gulps then asks what do you want from me she says your word that not a single one will survive if one manages to escape then i'm taking back what's mine even if i have to destroy this entire ocean to do it he says she's dead Ursula growls what did you just say he grimaces then says Alana died giving birth to her daughter Ursula grabs him by the throat then says i've played nice with you Triton i let you transform me into this i even let you banish me from the kingdom because you said that it would make her happy if i followed your blasted rules.

Now you tell me that the one person that i was holding myself back for is dead guess what after this you're on your own and by the way Alana's child you have 50 years to deliver to me or i'm taking her and you won't like how after that they go to the trench Ursula opens a small hole in the barrier and drops a jewel in there that not only disrupts their kind of magic but makes them fight each other over it when she makes the jewel the size of a whale after that she closes the hole.

Triton asks what do we do now she says we wait the curse on that jewel will completely affect them in 96 hours that gives you time to prepare and me time to come up with a strategy to deal with my traitorous sister he looks at her with a puzzled expression she says it's personal besides you always cared more for Morgana anyway he tries to defend himself but realizes he can't when she was a mermaid she had him wrapped around her finger.

Ursula says don't even get me started on your wife by the way he asks why what was wrong with Athena Ursula says she was a princess of the trench he says yeah so Ursula says if you don't see a problem with that statement then i'm not going to explain it to you i gotta go he lets her she goes back to her crystal ball sees two more messages then puts up a barrier so none can enter even clients she sees that the next message is from her father she opens it:


My darling daughter Ursula it pains me to not be there for you but if you saw your mother's message then you know why but what if i told you that i wasn't always a regular merman also my death was temporary and i'm really the sea god Neptune a younger much weaker brother of the god Poseidon reason i did this is because i was shown two visions one of those my brother will share with you the other i will but it was the third vision i got before i met your mother that terrified me it was where the Dystopians ruled the oceans and you two girls were never born i had to change things so i talked it out with the other gods and made arrangements including building the lair that you're currently sitting in i just hope that everything i did was enough oh and before i forget the box you can't open has every magic trinket and book that the humans have ever had only she the redheaded mermaid can open the box i don't make the rules the box did.

After that she is shown the vision of the Dystopians destroying everything raping everyone pillaging everything them not being born then another vision happens it shows what happens if Morgana succeeds and everyone else fails Ursula will be whored out to the trench as well as the ocean as will every mermaid Morgana will use a ritual to mentally break her and have her give up her magic to the one doing it so she can give it to her husband Ursula thinks about this idea then smirks.

She rushes out to gather the supplies from all over the ocean even some from the trench it takes awhile she even steals several spells and stuff from everyone down there then sets up a special room in the castle that Davey built for them to break her sister it requires her to do something that she really doesn't want to do but she'll do it if she has to in order to protect Ariel and she makes sure that this ritual can't be turned on her in anyway not with a an extra sigil or symbol or anything after all the space has Ursula's magic and Morgana's magic in it as well as everyone else's from the trench so they can't disrupt it what else she has done is everyone who is not going to fight she puts thoughts and visions in their heads to instantly sign a contract with her and then welch out of the deal even those that are fighting she does the same she offers them in their heads and in their dreams if they fight she'll kill them if not she'll give them a contract to join a group of bounty hunters if they promise to stop fighting for the trench.

After that Ursula rests for the next two days because she knows that no one is going to let her rest after this two days later Triton bangs on her lair Ursula lets him in then asks what have you accomplished over the 4 days he says i gathered more men and got more weapons she sighs and says wow i can't believe i ever used to love you or thought you would make a great king he looks offended and almost hurt by her statement but he asks what have you been up to then she says i found a way to drain my sister of her magic so i set that up down there.

Next i manipulated everyones dreams and thoughts to make lopsided deals with me that they will never keep their word on thus giving me more power to let me use for my ultimate spell he asks these lopsided deals of yours are they always in your favor she says no every deal has been in theirs they just don't keep their end of the bargain or get greedy he nods in understanding she says only time i make deals that ends in my favor are when those dystopians came up here with their evil and lusty intentions.

He looks at her with a puzzeled expression she says they wanted to make every mermaid their sex slaves including me also they wanted to conquer the ocean as well as the surface world so i made sure that as soon as i kissed each one they turned into what you see before you he nods then asks why not kill them she says you can't get any magical energy from a dead body well you can but it's always unpredictable and atleast this way they can't fight back.

He nods then asks should we go she says yeah but one more thing i need you to go to the vault grab the seashell that has Morgana's siren song in it he asks why she says because i'm giving you this one around my neck to contain mine it also will have half of my power in it he looks at her than asks why she says because these shells absorb power until the owner's song is returned to them he nods then does as she asks it takes an hour he asks now what she spells it to take all of Morgana's magic from her but leave the voice inside.

They head to the trench it's pitch black Ursula opens a hole the troops go through as does Triton as does Ursula once through she closes the hole Ursula Borrows his trident to erect a powerful barrier over the castle where she set up the room so only Morgana and Ursula can get in then she hands it back he doesn't even ask because he knows that at some point she won't want to be disturbed he asks what's next she activates the jewel's effects on the trench he looks at her then asks i thought it was supposed to already be active she says no it took 96 hours to get to the size required and for the effect to spread through the jewel.

She points up to the rainbow colored jewel that is floating in the air that is glowing ominously and sending pulses of magic through the trench that is affecting everyone but those who came to destroy the trench's inhabitants in 4 hours of waiting everyone but Davey and Morgana are trying to kill each other over the smallest things even the smallest things become big things and big things just bubble out of control to the point where people are ready to kill each other until Ursula soothes everyone's woes gets them to sign her contracts then walks away smirking.

Triton shakes his head then smirks as well the only two who didn't sign were Morgana and her husband they combine their powers with the energies of everyone else's and destroy the jewel after an hour of headaches and sore throats they realize that they just signed their lives away to Morgana's sister when they try to back out of the contract or kill her she turns all of them into polyps and sends them to her lair Morgana is horrified but awestruck by her sister's magical abilities so is Davey he had no idea that such a thing was even possible.

Ursula blows Morgana a kiss then floats away seductively towards the castle Morgana's head is being filled with visions of how beautiful her sister use to be and how she use to always get her boyfriends it's a lie it was really the other way around but Ursula was more beautiful than Morgana in every way Morgana was just slutty Davey tries to warn his wife but it's too late he sees that she is falling for whatever trap Ursula has set as has everyone else.

He looks at Triton floats over to him as the two sisters swim away he says idk what your role in all of this is but trust me when i tell you that eventually Ursula will come for you just like she came for us He asks why did she come for you guys he says because we tricked her sister into mudering her parents along with getting you to turn on Ursula in the first place Triton says no you didn't i was contemplating that move already Davey says maybe so but my sister convinced you to move forward with your plans she was very persuasive with men.

Triton asks was what Ursula implied true was she going to use me to free you guys and then kill me he laughs and says yes but not kill you you're a powerful ally she was meant to spy on you make you fall for her get us out and get you to agree to an alliance between us that's it he asks what about the raping and pillaging that Ursula stopped he sighs and says we didn't know that she could transform people like that but we heard that those who broke deals with her were never heard from again so we sent those idiots up there to die at her hands.

Triton nods then asks what happens now do i kill you because Ursula won't let you go he says i know he says here he pulls off a shell from his neck and says this has all of the trench's magic in it except Morgana's which i'm guessing is what Ursula is stealing from her right now Triton says yes she is how idk Davey shivers and says there are a few ways but the first few i have on my mind aren't pleasant Triton asks what am i supposed to do with this shell Davey breaks the shell then pours the magic into his trident along with the shell fragments.

Triton notices that Davey still has alot of magical power flowing through him Davey takes the jewel and pours all of it's power into the trident Trition breaks the jewel into seven pieces but the seventh piece will never see the light of day because in his mind she doesn't deserve anything he even creates a seashell to steal her siren song from her Davey stops him and says don't you do it that girl has suffered enough at your hands especially because my sister was jealous at how beautiful her mother was Triton says so it makes no difference if your sister poisoned Alana or not Ariel still killed her.

He asks did you even love Alana or did you just not want Ursula to have her he smirks and says i knew how she felt about me and about Alana crowned princess or not she's a woman she had no right to even be allowed to choose her partner Davey says wow you must really be stupid to not know of her heritage he asks what heritage he says first what royal line are you from he says none my family married into the Marina family we were aristocrats but weren't ever high on the food chain just minor players Davey says so your mother or father fucked their way into power.

Triton says it was my father and he seduced the Marina heiress within the span of 5 years which is nothing to us Davey says there's you and then there's Ursula who's family started out just like yours except that they took their power the old fashioned way through conquest , commerce , politics, political marriages and educating their children from an early age into every facet of how to rule a kingdom not just politics and warfare also lets not forget they are descended from the god Neptune.

Triton says that's just an old wives tale meant to keep the other families in line Davey says i thought so too until i actually met the man last year along with Poseidon Triton almost drops his trident and asks in surprise lord Poseidon actually exists Davey says yes he told me that before i died at your hands to give you a message the redheaded mermaid in your care must belong to Ursula if we are to stop what's coming he asks what's that he says idk they wouldn't tell me all they would tell me is that they were your most fearsome enemies from before you became king.

Triton freezes in his tracks then asks have they been set free Davey says no but they can be if Ursula isn't kept happy and apparently you must follow these events exactly in 50 years to make that girl approach Ursula he hands him a piece of paper he sighs then says it's fine i really don't like music anyway so i gotta outlaw music then i have to let her rescue a human then have her followed then destroy her cave then after that what do i do let everything happen naturally.

Triton asks why does it feel like you're setting me up so Ursula can corrupt her into overthrowing me he says unfortunately they have to if this world will have any chance of living as a perfect utopia Triton kills him in anger as well as those that remain which are several people each person he kills weakens Morgana considerably without realizing it once everyone is dead Ursula lets them go home then closes the barrier again she leads her sister to the royal bedroom other castle which is the one that he built for her.

X- Lemon Warning -X

Morgana reaches the room and before anything can be done a huge cloud of pink smoke smacks her in the face she tries to not breathe it in but it toys with her lips kissing them begging for entry she gives in then it invades her mouth as well as her nose and lungs making her feel hot also makes her wet down below next is a red smoke cloud that she happily breathes in it makes her warm and makes her heart beat faster when she sees her sister she starts to forget about her husband.

Next a purple smoke cloud hits her and it makes her head feel more clear than she has ever been also replaces every vision and memory of her husband with Ursula her love for her sister increases a million fold a smoke cloud containing all 3 colors hits Morgana she swallows them until she is convinced that Ursula is her wife then she floats over to Ursula and kisse her like a lover does they even make out rubbbing their hands all over each other Ursula pulls away from her in a bad mood Morgana asks what's wrong.

Ursula says you fell in love with another man she shows Morgana her memories of her marriage to Davey Morgana says i'll do anything to make it up to you Ursula smirks then strings her up by her tentacles she removes her sister's tentacle dress then toys with her boobs uses one to have her suck on it then puts one in her ass then puts one in her pussy while the rest are teasing her body roughly and unlike Morgana's these tentacles can cum but it can't get anyone pregnant it's just an aphrodisiac.

So for hours the tentacles are fucking her and cumming in her holes not stopping no matter how much she begs or screams that she is being torn apart she is being held up in the air with her eyes bulging out and her tongue lolling out to the side Ursula uses the rooms magic and can tell that her mind isn't completely broken yet she's still holding onto her sanity thinking her husband will get her out of this or Ursula will finally submit to the same clouds that she hot her with at the start of all of this.

Ursula removes the tentacles lets the fake cum drop out of her then helps her empty herself then lays her on the bed takes off her tentacle dress gets in bed with Morgana kisses her they make out and next thing Morgana knows there's a dick rubbing her pussy she is shocked but goes with it and is actually using her experience against her sister who is a virgin who succumbs to lust too quickly and shoves it into her sister and actually takes it slow with Morgana who uses her pussy to her advantage and tries to get her sister addicted to having sex with her.

They have sex for hours before Ursula catches onto her plan and then Ursula pulls back from her then uses magic to go from an average size to a 20 inch dick making Morgana hurt very badly but try to acommodate Ursula's massive member the fake cum made it so she can't feel any pain just pleasure so when her insides are being torn apart she can't feel it she just thinks Ursula is trying to impregnate her not kill her her body morphs to it and she tricks Morgana into doing a ritual that not only will kill her but will drain her of her magic if Ursula made both of them cum because for the past 10 hours she has kept the pleasure to the max but kept them from cumming.

She pounds Morgana into the ground doggy style then goes back to missionary position they makeout and Morgana can feel her strength leave her body but go to her pussy as if this will be the last time she has sex again but she doesn't care she just wants to cum so she continues fucking her sister Ursula drains more lifeforce and magic from her boobs and by kissing her the last point left is to make her cum and Morgana will have died so she makes it the most pleasureable and memorable fuck of her life then they both cum and Morgana dies transferring everything she was into the seashell.

X- Lemon End -X

Ursula went around the room gathered everything up sealed it away made her dick smaller put on her tentacle dress grabbed her sister's sealed it away then searched the castle for valuables she found plenty she searched the trench fro the same and found a bunch of magic stuff she gathered it all up got rid of every symbol there was then found a trinket that would allow her to take the castle she was just in she destroys her sister's body cleans up the castle then does just that then she puts the draining and weakening symbols all over the trench and on every house and object she didn't want she made sure to make them so small that a grain of sand would be bigger than the symbols she used then she cleans up every house and does away with the sex dungeons then she goes home.