Chapter 7

Over the next 50 years King Triton got worse in his treatment of Ariel also he implemented a new law that music and magic was outlawed if anyone was caught doing either then they would be executed things unfortunately didn't stop there he also banned travel to the surface world or interaction with human artefacts claiming that humans are evil he also made leaving the kingdom after dark punishable by imprisonment.

Everyone but Ariel was on board with these changes she just got more rebellious than ever in fact she did all of these things also she ventured to a talking cave to get knowledge on magic he granted her request but only if he would bring her something musical she brought him a music box he accepted it then enchanted it to work down under the sea he taught her the basics of magic which is all he knows how to do he also awakened her potential and ability to use magic.

Seeing this going on in her crystal ball Ursula was very pleased with this development because it meant that she won't have to start from scratch when she teaches her magic but it also means that he powers will be vastly underdeveloped compared to the average mermaid's sighing she turns it off then Undertow comes into her lair to give her his final report ever she asks what can you tell me about her.

Undertow says she's curious about well everything but she's afraid to leave the kingdom because she was born there also she can't read or write everyone has kept her ignorant of everything out of fear that she will learn the truth of her heritage and claim it thus kicking the other princesses out of the line for succession Ursula asks what do you mean don't they have a claim for the throne first before Ariel because they are older Undertow scoffs. 

He says the only way that they have a claim to the throne is if Ariel gives up her claim to the throne or she dies Athena was never truly recognized as a princess here Alana was Athena was never trusted with becoming queen despite how much Triton loved her to the nobles they saw her as a witch who wanted the throne not him Ursula asks what about me he sighs then says from those that do remember you they think that it was Athena who cursed you into what you are not Triton or that he did it while under her spell.

Ursula smiles then asks is there anything i can use to make her not want the prince she rescues he says yes there is but you won't like how she asks what do you mean he says in the original version you steal her siren song which you can still do but leave her voice also instead of using her siren song to seduce the prince use yours to seduce her and manipulate the prince's dreams to chase after someone else i've been to the surface he's engaged to be married to a princess from a neighboring country called the swan country it has a prince but he's an idiot.

Ursula asks what do you mean the bad guy there has his old crone of a witch made herself younger with the help of a stone to bewitch the prince and take over his kingdom meanwhile the princess who i've rescued from being permanently being at the whims at the bad guy and transformed into a swan for all of eternity is willing to marry our beauty obsessed prince Ursula smirks then says i'll use Ariel's siren song to make them head over heels for each other.

Meanwhile Ariel is hosting a secret night club surprisingly enough two members want to enter Sebastion and Flounder they see her and start to freak out thinking that she is going to rat them out but it's the opposite she stops them from entering she gives them a mean look and asks why should i give my father's number one spies entry into my club they look at each other knowing that they've made her life miserable since day one and anytime she showed interest in anything they ratted her out thus leading her to be beaten and tortured for even thinking for wanting to do anything other than her work.

Before they can defend them selves she closes it down then moves it to a place where they can't find it which is the place in the movie Ariel's Beginning even the password is the same it goes undiscovered for quite awhile except that one of the members gets followed by her sisters and this time Ariel wasn't there but instead of dancing or singing they report it to their father who destroys it and kills everyone involved when he tortures them they refuse to give Ariel up so he kills them.

When Ariel learns what happened she doesn't do anything she just goes about her routine then while exploring one night she sees a human drowning she saves him she doesn't stick around but she looks at his face she admits that he's good looking but that's it after that she swims back down to her cave then accidentally sleeps there the next day she wakes up and a statue of the guy she saved is there she heads back to do her routine.

She heads to the ship gathers trinkets then a shark tries to get her she escapes then heads to her cave places them there she examines each statue wondering what they mean when her father comes in she's shocked at how he found her he looks at everything she has collected on the inside he's impressed but on the outside he's angry but his anger stops when he sees the statues he reads each one carefully then his anger returns he asks her where did you get these.

She says fearfully idk they just appeared here one day i don't even know what they say or what the weird letters mean only that they seem to be counting down to something he sighs seeing that maybe keeping her like this wasn't a good idea in the first place he uses his trident to copy the information then destroys the statues also Ursula copies the information as well he also destroys her collection as punishment for stumbling on something she shouldn't have.

He points his trident towards her and says your days of freedom are over from now on you will live in a prison cell and do your routine as soon as i get the paperwork together your title as crown princess will be stripped from you as well as your siren song and your days of protection are over from now on every merman will have their turn with you as well as every sea creature i can find.

Ariel steps back in shock he says you have 7 days to get the rebelliousness out of your system because if you aren't back home by then i'll hunt you down and kill you myself he leaves with a smirk on his face knowing that he's close to getting her to sign her title away as well as become his plaything for all of eternity he laughs evily on his way out meanwhile Undertow comes in in his shark form he says that sucks she looks at him angrily.

He says hey i'm not here to hurt you i'm here to help plus we know each other she eyes him suspiciously he transforms into his merman form she looks at him shocked at first then hugs him he hugs back she asks could you always shift between shark and merman he says no i was always a shark but learned how to become a merman and other sharks she nods he says i heard everything he said but i have a solution my friend taught me magic she can do the same to you provided you do something for her Ariel nods in agreement.

Undertow goes back to his shark form then takes her to Ursula he protects her from all of the other predators even manipulates the other sharks to help when they get there they see what looks like a huge sea creature that's all bones surrounded by flowers coral with a rainbow of lights surrounding it he shrinks himself to Flounder's size then escorts her inside she sees the polyps gets nervous he says don't worry those are her enemies or those that tried to hurt her or those that broke a deal with her because they got greedy or got power hungry.

They entered near the roof of the cave mouth, swimming above Ursula's Garden of Souls. Ariel squinted down at the creatures, no idea what they truly were, her plump, ruby lips pulling back in disgust. One of the things grabbed her arm as a second one tried to wrap about her tail, but with a cry Ariel yanked herself free before they could get firmer holds on her body. From within the hollow a voice could be heard, the deep, melodic tone carrying an undeniable air of authority.

"Come in, come in child. We mustn't lurk in doorways; it's rude."

Ariel was guided through the last part of the cave mouth, the eels leading her as they entered what was once the beast's belly. Ursula had plunked herself down at a vanity, tilting the mirror so that she could gaze at Triton's innocent, delectable little daughter.

Ariel gasped, placing her hands over her mouth. She had been told a dozen tales about the octopus-bodied Ursula, the only remaining Sea Witch, and each story was more terrifying than the last. The cecaelian sorceress could make anyone's dream come true, that much was certain, but beyond that the details of how she was able to perform such feats became vague Ariel shook her head again, harder this time, as if she were trying to drive away any temptation to look the infamous magic-user in the eyes her hands fell to her sides, fingers absentmindedly stroking her scales.

"One might question your upbringing! Now, then: you're here because you have a thing for this human. This, er, prince fellow. Not that I blame you...he is quite a catch, isn't he!? Well, Angel Fish, the solution to your problem is simple."

Ariel says "no i'm not here for him i came here to escape my father Undertow says that you might be able to help me do that i only looked at him for 10 seconds besides he gave me a very bad feeling when i looked at him"

Ursula is taken back by that statement but is intrigued with Ariel even more than before so she puts on her best comforting seductive smile then asks if not the prince what do you want Ariel says" i wanna become human the same way that Undertow became a merman so i can come and go from the land and sea"

Ursula is intrigued yet again as she knows that it's possible even for her to do it but she's not going to do this for free so she will make a deal with Ariel she draws up a contract giving her everything she wants in exchange Ariel will agree to belong to her as her wife and help her take over Atlantica if she doesn't she will become a polyp Ursula shows her the contract Ariel says "i can't read this or even sign my own name".

Ursula growls in a rage then adds it to the contract she guides Ariel's hand helping her sign her name and says don't worry if you hold up your end of the deal i'll teach you how to read and write i'll teach you magic i'll teach you everything that the humans know if you agree to eventually be mine and overthrow your father Ariel asks are you going to hurt me like he does Ursula asks what do you mean angelfish?

Ariel wants to trust her but she realizes that they just met so she keeps quiet Ursula sees that Ariel doesn't quite trust her yet but she will so Ursula shows her where to sleep while asleep Ariel's head is filled with erotic dreams of Ursula and some romantic ones the next day despite the dreams making her feel a little interested in women she still doesn't have feelings for Ursula.

Ursula begins teaching her how to read and write not just their language but every language ever written and spoken it takes 20 years for her to learn them all and Ursula teaches her mermaid magic and combat she even puts her through the same training as Undertow by the time she is done Ariel as learned how to become every creature in the sea including what Ursula is she also learned how to become human who could surprisingly enough to both Ariel and Ursula breathe underwater and still talk to fish.

It's Ariel's 18th birthday Ursula takes her deep into her lair towards the very back to give her a present and show her a surprise Ursula opens a chest and reveals every book that Ariel ever found under the sea but they look brand new she looks at Ursula and asks how did you do this Ursula says with help from some enemies life force she grabs the box takes it to the library then they start grabbing books to read there's every subject in this box except magic or the supernatural.

They read every book in the box then add them to the library they go to bed then the next day Ursula shows up with a box that has Ariel's mother's family crest on it she says your mother gave me this box to give to you when you were old enough as she didn't trust your stepmother or your father with it but she and i always trusted each other a tear of Ursula's falls on the box and a letter addressed to Ariel appears from it in her hands she sees it's her mother's handwriting.

Ariel goes to her room closes the door then opens the letter she sees something fall out of the envelope it's a piece of paper she unfolds it and it's a map of the royal vault as well as how to get in and out without being seen also it's the guard patrols of the entire kingdom and it's not old it's current information she sends it to Ursula not really caring what she does with it all she cares about is the letter from her mother.

Dear Ariel,

My darling daughter if you're reading this letter than not only am i dead but i've been murdered by your stepmother and your father did nothing to stop it also it means that if the vision i had about your life and Ursula's life came true then she's about to go down a very dark path and she will try to take you with her don't do it is what i would say but life isn't fair and the only out of the darkness is through my only advice is trust her like i did love her like i did in case you are wondering we weren't just friends but lovers your father saw my title and beauty and his witch of a wife got jealous that i had a better body than her so when i got pregnant with you they poisoned me hoping that you would die but you survived i didn't at the end of this letter is a spell so that you can should you decide to have Ursula's children the reason for this spell is because your stepmother made you unable to have kids with men at all i hope everything works out .

Love Your Mother,


Ariel leaves her room hugging herself crying Ursula who was wondering where the map came from sees Ariel crying then sees the letter on the floor she reads it and understands everything that Alana set things in motion so that they would meet and that she would get the map knowing this she puts Ariel asleep then puts her in her bed then transforms into her mermaid form then puts everyone in the ocean asleep for a month including Ariel.

Ursula sneaks into the royal vault steals her siren song as well as her sisters back she also steals her family's grimoire back as well as tons of shells that contain magic she also steals Alana's family belongings then goes around stealing an empty book then copies down every law all over the ocean she does the same above the surface except no one can see her she also steals information from every country and every form of currency so Ariel won't be bothered.

Next she copies every type of combat there is into a book then travels back down to her lair once she is done with that she mixes her sisters siren song and her own until hers overpowers her sisters thus becoming hers and she gets hers back but with some major improvements also her magic and her entire family's magic comes back to her making her the most powerful person in the ocean.