Chapter 2: The Moon

{Dangerous things (The Wizards) said obey the strong kill the weak, the others died because they were weak and the thing that killed them was strong.} 

It said with a revelation it began to feel something not knowing it's an emotion, pride swell with due to his deduction, after the commotion the knight began to order its acolyte to begin forming groups around. After which will be sent to be stationed under the Three Great Gods Oryx, Savathun, and Xivu Arath.

Our thrall is sent under the command of Corta son of Oryx, the Taken King. After Being sent there via Ship the thralls land on the moon, they don't know where they are, so they look around though not too long due to a new emotion appearing in fear. Fear of what would happen to them if they took too long looking around.

{Where are we? It's been a long scene. We say this bright thing, it was dark in the rock too} 

After they were sent to various stations on the moon. Well not stations, mostly groups of thralls and some acolytes being told to stay put in various parts on the moon mostly in caves. However, our thrall was lucky to be put next to a space station from the golden age (Courtesy of the Author XD ahem, anyways) after being station here, he looks around after no one was watching of course as he did not want to die, after a look around he finds something shiny to his left.

Seeing this the thrall wanted to almost immediately go to it but remember seeing the other thralls being killed in the past hours he didn't want to risk it.

Testing the waters he pushed the thrall in front after see it not die to be extra sure The thrall did it again, this time with more force seeing it no die it did one more text, to be extra sure (XD) it told its fellow thrall to roam around, as the others either sleep or stand still are seeing the thrall not die walk around the others did the same they explored their surroundings.

However, when one got too close to the exit they immediately died, telling and letting everyone know you can roam around but you can't leave. However, our smart little thrall notices that they can roam around in the tunnels after seeing a few going through there so after thinking it went down into the caves. Highlighting its Caution, cunning and knowledge seeking mind.

  1. He Is talking like this because he's like a newborn baby out of the whom he may be smart, but he doesn't know anything even inside his head he can only pice things together.