Chapter 3: Hunger

After separating from the group, it immediately started going towards the shiny object, on the way there began to be a commotion due to them not eating after their evolution and the whole time they have just been moving around. So as the hunger starts to settle in so did their aggression

Immediately like a pack of starved wolves they began to eat each other. Our thrall also began to feel the hunger, but he was able to keep his mind intact and not lose to the aggression.

{So hungry…}

As he began to fall deep and deeper into its hunger and aggression it remembered something that the wizard once said.

{obey the strong kill the weak, if your strong you won't go hungry and if your weak you die}

After coming to this revelation, it took note of where the shiny thing was and began to go towards the carnage. Not long after it was attacked.

After getting hit by a pair of claws our thrall was scared

{It hurts, it hurts, it hurts!!!)

After having a minor panic attack and almost passing out, it sees another pair of claws attacking him again he dodges but not perfectly as he was injured on his leg, upon realizing that it will die if it does not do anything it goes into flight or fight mode, either escaping to the tunnel or fight.

However, due to its ever-growing hunger escaping was not an option so in light of his pain he slashed out with his claws wounding the thrall that injured his leg.

After wounding it, our thrall immediately began to back up in order not to get surprised from the back. Having its back faced the wall it began to lash out on anyone that came near it killing and wounding them

Over a period of time the attacks became less and less however due to the hunger the thrall had to feast on its fellow thralls due to his limited stamina and hunger.

When that was over it finally had the chance to observe its surroundings noting that it was less than half of them since the landing on the moon.

While eating and watching others eat, it was finally able to observe the bright light noticing upon closer look that it was helium filaments not that he knew.

When its hunger calmed down it began to build a shelter for his food by digging a tunnel near the light. After building its little cave it left to explore down into the tunnels.