Chapter 12: Boss Battle

Standing up from his throne, Crota began to walk forward grabbing his sword along the way.

Crota: "I'm Crota, son of Oryx the Taken King, heir to the Fallen. I've seen civilization rise and fall because of me and you think with your measly bodies that you can stop me"

Standing 10ft (3.048m) away, he looks down on the guardians with contempt. Seeing this the guardians put all of their sense on high alert and prime their skin at any of his movements that might catch them with surprise.

Tigra looking At Corta with no ounce of fear says: "Well aren't you a big boy, what's your Diet". With A smile on her face, lowering the tension in the Air.

Dante hearing this almost couldn't contain his laughter, while Corta Looks in confusion. Seeing this Tigra said: "It's a human thing you won't get it".

Seeing as they are making fun of him, Corta with an angry tone Says: "YOU DARE MAKE FUN OF THE GREAT CORTA, YOU WILL PAY WITH THIS INSOLENCE WITH YOUR LIFE". After saying that he unleashes his aura on full display, weakening the guardians.

The Guardians seeing this began to use their buffs on each other, Tigra using Empowering rift to buff damage dealt, Dante using lighting armor to increase speed and shield attacks, and Artemis boosting their senses, with sun beast sense, boating their ability to predict incoming attacks for a short while.

They immediately got to action, firing at all over Crota's body, however Crota won't just sit still and watch them shoot him, so he began charging toward. Seeing their weapons not having an effect and watching Crota charge at them they realized they needed to break the shield before they could do any damage.

Dante, seeing Crota charging at them, began to charge at him drawing the Aggression of Crota: "You Puny Guardian you think you can stop the charge of The Great Crota".

Hearing this Dante smiles thinking: { I don't know if I can handle it but I have to try, I have a feeling that we'll face stronger enemies in the future and if I want to keep up with my leader I can't continue to slack off}. All of this happened in a millisecond as Dante charged forward picked up speed that enabled him to collect enough momentum to make a shield.

As they both clashed, kicking up wind and dust Tigra and Artemis eliminated the Boomers that Crota summoned during his charge. After eliminating them they began to close in on Crota.

As Artemis gave Tigra the Swordbearer's sword she began to support Dante shooting at the Kneecaps trying to make Crota fall as even if she can't hurt him, she can definitely annoy him.

Seeing this Crota started to summon his minions: "Hive get rid of these annoying pests". With the influx of enemies coming in Artemis had to eliminate them before they could be a bigger problem. 

Throwing and Incendiary grenade to eliminate the cannon fodder, she began to deal with the knights and Ogres throwing her Knifes that damages them before killing them with her bow.

Seeing his minions get quickly eliminated, He angrily said: "If you want to get something done you gotta do it yourself". Kicking away dante slamming him into the wall. He began to charge towards Artemins.

Tigra Seeing this Blink towards Dante, healing him before blink in front of Corta using pocket singularity to cover his vision she immediately started hacking away at the shield. Noticing that, it's what the sword is used for.

Seeing another pest in his way Crota, began to use his sword trying to eliminate Tigra but due to her blinking everywhere he could hit her saying: "STAND STILL!!".

Hearing this Tigra laughed saying: "WHY WOULD I".