Chapter 13: Boss Battle Part 2

After a while of them playing cat and mouse, we can see Dante recovering, stepping out of the pit and holding his head he says: "WOW that kicked hurt, it felt worse than Commander Zavala punches". 

Shaking his head to get rid of the dust, He began to enter combat again. Charging towards Crota, hitting him, knocking him off balance. He said: "You missed me, well we're just getting started".

Lunching into the air on the stomach of Crota using a ballistic slam to know the wind out of Crota. However, he still wasn't injured he just got angrier, but it gave enough time to bring down the shield.

After bringing down the shield Tigra said: "SHIELD DOWN, LET HIM HAVE IT". Immediately after she throwed three different Nova Bombs. Vortex that creates a singularity which continually damages enemies trapped inside. Cataclysm a Nova Bomb that travels slowly and seeks targets. Detonating into smaller seeker projectiles. And Lance a Nova Bomb travels faster and farther, with a more direct impact.

Dante Hearing this Smiled evilly, launching into the air again he crashes down like a missile with the air tearing as he descended, using Cataclysmic Meteor: Jump into the sky and like a meteor descending on earth smash the ground and create a shockwave that disorients and damages enemies.

Hearing this Artemis summed a flaming golden bow, charging for a few minutes before releasing, using Helios Chariot: Shoot a flaming arrow that hits any target no matter where they are, deals high precision damage and massive damage to enemies.

After unleashing their ultimate's, they are visually tired, with their light running low and fighting their way to here on their last leg. However, as the dust clears, we can see Corta standing, not without damage his right arm and left leg is completely gone.

Seeing this the Guardians are smiling happily noticing that their attacks have some affects, however that quickly goes away as they notice a large glowing spherical construct, appearing next to Corta.

Their Gost giving a warning: *! Warning! ! Warning! High amount of darkness inside the sphere. Recommends eliminating it before anything else. I repeat very High amount of darkness inside the sphere, eliminate it before moving on*

Hearing this they immediately went back on high alert, seeing as the sphere continues to grow in size. Crota looking at them with revalidation says: "No one has ever pushed me to this state, making me unleash my Oversoul. I command you to hold your head up high for you have pushed me to this state. However, this is the end, goodbye".

After Saying that. The guardians began to scramble to stop the Oversoul before it's too late. Seeing that they won't make it as they're too far, Dante began to draw upon his almost non-existent energy to create the strongest barrier he has ever made.

Upon seeing Dante do this they began to do something similar. With Tigra calling upon the void to create the most powerful prison that will be able to absorb and imprison the Oversoul.

And Artemis Creating a Mini Sun that's buffing and healing everyone inside the barrier. As they get close to completion, Crota seeing this hurriedly tries to summon his minions in order to stop them however they were too late.

As the Oversoul Exploded we can see space break and time stop. During this we can observe the Traveler shining, on earth, without anyone noticing, except the speaker. 

Opening his eyes and telling Commander Zavala to head to the moon as it's important. Hearing this Commander Zavala began to order some of the guardians to head to the moon, saying:" It's time to finish the raid and defeat Crota.