Chapter 34 – A Trouble With a Deity

Tom sweated. He didn't know how to react when the tanned woman approached him menacingly.

'How did she notice my ? Is it because she's not human?'

The screen from earlier hadn't disappeared yet. He glanced at it for a second to remember her information.


─Appraisal Result

Name: Mireya Detty

Age: 109 years old

Race: Deity(Imprisoned In Human Form)

Condition: Fatigued, Energetic

Personality: Optimistic, Eager, Sorrowful

Title: Martyr, Suffering Sinner

Mireya Detty's Secret: She's trying to repent for her sin, punished by having her power sealed, but despite that, the only thing she hopes to receive is happiness and love

Reading her entire result, other than being too long for some reason, he concluded this woman was actually a kind deity. Yet, someone had to seal her somehow. And the rest was a story he didn't know.

"You..." Mireya stopped in front of him and swept her silver hair back, "Young man. Did you just do something to me?"

Her question was simple. Tom debated whether he should tell her honestly or lie. Either way, this was his first time meeting with someone who wasn't a human. He had to be careful with his words.

"I didn't do anything."

"Lie." She immediately said, her purple eyes bore through him. "You definitely did something." She was sure of it.

Wondering what made her believe he was lying, Tom decided to stay silent for a while and lowered his gaze. Because they were the same height, what appeared when he lowered his gaze was a valley covered with a thin white one-piece.

He restrained himself to sneak a peek when she moved and faced him closely. Too close for his preference.

"Tell me what you did to me. Are you sent by the Association to spy on me?"

Association, a new word.

Tom felt like he just discovered a big secret the world tried to hide. And the most important thing was the name of an organization.

In a light novel or game, the first move every hero character would always do was finding and directly confronting an organization responsible for one thing or another. He hoped he wouldn't have to clash against anyone.

Peaceful life with vacation and sex was what he sought.

"I... just imagined you being naughty and think that you have a great body." Tom immediately made an excuse, using his to control his voice.

Mireya probably heard a crack in his voice earlier and found that he was lying. But now, he was 100% honest. He did look at her body and imagined something naughty.

It was just a normal reaction a boy had when they found someone so beautiful and sexy.

'Please believe me.' He begged mentally.

Facing a human aside, he felt nervous in front of a deity. A mysterious woman whom he didn't know the reason behind her imprisonment. Although she had the look of a teenage girl with a sexy body, her real age was much older than him.

Mireya still stared at him. Then, she opened her lips to speak.

"Again, LIE. Not a total lie, but that wouldn't make me react. Tell me the real reason..." Her gaze fell on the people passing by, some students and young adults eating at the restaurant.

They were looking at them.

Right. Both he and she were currently in front of a restaurant with busy traffic.

Realizing that, Mireya grabbed Tom's hand and pulled him.

"Follow me for a second. I won't allow you to run before you answer me."

"H-Hey, I have a job there!"

Tom tried to shake her, but her grip was too strong. His shoulder sank in pain as she walked. Their journey ended at a rocky area next to their restaurant, far enough to have no one near, but not so far to reach a shady area.

Suddenly, without any warning, the tanned woman pushed him, slammed him into the wall, and wrapped her limbs around him.

"Wait! Stop! No, seriously." Despite the loud shock of his back hitting the ground, he smiled awkwardly and signaled stop as he realized she didn't plan to stop. "I did imagine this would happen to me, but this is so sudden. Miss, you shouldn't attack me even if I am handsome."

Being shameless usually worked in such a situation. He was scared but a bit excited. If she was a normal pushy girl, he would accept her advances without a second thought. But...

'She's a freaking sealed Deity. What the heck should I do?!'

"Dirty minded... I just wanted you to confess. What did you do to me? That tingling sensation isn't just my imagination, isn't it? Did someone give you an artifact to capture deity?"

Mireya pressed her fingers around his nape, glaring at him with a hint of murderous intent.

'Damn it! No matter what I say, she won't believe it. I can't think of any more excuses. Should I just? No, her strength is unbelievable. Wait, why is she even straddling me?'

"Did you finish? If you did, answer me." She declared.

Tom inhaled a short breath. What was there left for him to say?


"Hey, son! Where are you! I never told you to leave your post!"

At that moment, David's voice rang in his ear. His father's call, the exact timing to solve his situation.

Mireya also heard him and clicked her tongue. She stepped away and glared at him.

"I will find you again tonight."

Tom nodded, feeling thankful but also terrified at the same time. Her beautiful, perfect, doll face looked exactly the same as those terrifying anime characters who hid their violent nature and unleashed their anger on a single person.

'How unreasonable.' He thought as he watched her walk away.

Naturally, the first thing he did was to activate his and hid the bruises away. This skill was really convenient. As long as the appearance set was healthy, he could return to that condition, including fixing all his past bad injuries. It was like an instant regeneration.

Tom immediately ran back and saw his father peeking with a smirk.

"Whoa, I saw you making up there. Not to mention, with a tourist, nice! That's my son! But I am a bit disappointed you ditched your work, though. If you're already done, get back right now. You promised to help, remember? Today, the restaurant is packed."

Being completely forgiven, Tom nodded slowly.

"And before you misunderstood, dad. I am not making out. She just dragged me here."

"Whatever. You can be honest with me, you know? I will always be on your side. I was like you when I was in my 20's too, hahaha. Being naughty and loved and fucked so many sexy gals, but come on. Get back to work."

Tom could do nothing but sigh and didn't expect much from his father.

"Yes, yes. Should I be a poster boy again?"

"Yeah, you should. Not gonna lie, the sale already passed what we made yesterday because so many young girls stopped by. Like me, give those girls some dreams!" He slapped Tom's back.

"Ah! Ow, ow. Alright, dad. I'll get to it."

While he had to work now, and worried about Mireya's visit tonight, at least he got a chance to draw a new skill.

'I hope it's something I can use to defend myself against that unreasonable Deity!'

With that in mind, he activated his

And then...

'This skill is...'