CH : 6 Future Plans and Next Big Hunt?

Go on now I'm hungry I sigh as I look at the empty layer.

Then Emilia and Hannah more mindlessly hopping and popping while chewing bones as well as the Black Dragon Lady that were slowly undulating in the depths of the lair.

I bowed my head and I bit the bone that Hanna was holding. Hannah unconsciously let go of her mouth.

"Darn it! You're not even leaving us the bones? These are the only ones we had" Emilia on the side exploded directly. And I ignored it.

I directly bit through the bone. Revealing the marrow inside, handed it to Hannah and spok

"Eat this part, it's delicious and beneficial"

Then I walked towards the remaining bones in the distance. All though the feast is on cooldown.

But after all, I am a real true dragon. Normal development can also lead to growth. It's just much slower compared to the Feast's speed.

And the growth of the true dragon has its limits.

Even the mighty ancient Dragon cannot escape the limits of life just by lazing around. But the feast is different.

I can infinitely stack my life value. Which includes life. Maybe I'd be invincible after stacking a few thousand layers.

Hannah still stared blankly at my back. Then she looked at the bone I bitten open.

Suddenly she felt that having a big brother wasn't that bad. So she started to lower her head and suxk the marrow.

Emilia looked at Hannah eating with relish. And I was already eating the remaining bones.

She looked again at the bone in her palm. Suddenly felt annoyed.

'This is despicable!

How dare they treat the future Black Dragon Queen like this. They didn't even leave the bones. And why didn't he bit open bone in my hand.'

It's enraging the Dragon. And I was still busy eating the remaining bones.

My gaze again turned towards the depths of the cave. Why hasn't the Dragon Mother come out yet?

"Glup? I am hungry"

Although I never had help with the Black Dragoness, when I really saw how lazy she was, I couldn't help but feel a little speechless in my heart.

Even eating was not active. Moreover, from the news obtained from the Dog headed man Skye, the Black Dragon lady of the house would descend to the dog headed man camp every few days to eat a large number of magical creatures they had hunted in one gulp.

Not only the dog had a camp, but also the other small forest troll tribe and the large goblin tribe in a triangular position.

The Black Dragon Lady would also go to receive feeding every once in a while.

Originally I thought that Dragon Lady was hunting by herself every time she went out. I didn't expect all the fucking feeding, even the food that was brought back to me and the three of them was all from the three monster tribes that were hunted.

No wonder, every time you go out and come back so quickly. I also thought that my own Black Dragon Lady is strong hunting efficiency is extremely high the Black dragon lady's year round.

It is estimated that the vast majority of it is spent on the flight path to eat. In this regard, although I had some envy, it was not much.

I envied the fact that the Black Dragon Lady could be so leisurely and could keep getting stronger after eating and sleeping every day.

Although the goals that I had for myself were roughly similar, I hoped that I would be able to enjoy massages from different types of maids, wives and girlfriends from various races inside the most luxurious and atmospheric places.

As well as opening the mouth of the Dragon can eat all kinds of delicious food when bored, go to kidnap the kidnapped beautiful Princess and Queens, and occasionally run over the incoming dragon slaying brave one's.

And after becoming strong enough, I might even think about traveling to the upper realms, which from what I got had infinite and countless realms.

The Tal realm that I was in now was just an ordinary medium sized material realm.

To put it simply, my goal is the ultra high quality version of the current black dragon lady living condition. In order to achieve this goal, I must at least have legendary strength.

'The road is still long'

But for me, True Evil Black Dragon Babatos Caesar Volaric had the talent of feasting. As long as I took one step at a time, it wouldn't take too long to reach it.

I again glanced at the deeper cave, As dragon Mother it's time to go on hunting.

But she hasn't shown up even after so many days. I suddenly felt a little uneasy. But I dare not go look for the Dragon mother myself.

After thinking for a moment I looked at the two dragon sisters.

"Do you think the mother would bring back a ferocious species or a magic creature this time?"

"It should be a magical creature. After all, the other is an adult black dragon" Hanna said thoughtfully.

"No need to think about it, it must be a powerful magical creature."

Spoke Emilia while getting closer.

'Oo these poor little girls have no idea of our mother's laziness, they still believe that mother hunts herself.'

"But it seems like mother doesn't intend to go hunting again" Hannah weakly said a word.

"Mother may have forgotten I remember seeing her lying on her treasure mountain before." I spoke calmly.

"Treasure mountain."

Hearing this. Emilia and Hannah's eyes seem to be shining. As a true dragon not having treasure is simply torture.

'It would be nice to go and see others.'

I watched the two take the bait. I shook my head secretly. It seems that true dragons really have no resistance to treasure.

Emilia and Hannah walked unsteadily towards the depths of the cave. I then lay down in place. Playing close attenstion to the moment inside.

Only a few minutes passed. With a ferocious roar Emilia flew out directly. And havely landed on the ground.

Some scales on her body were shattered. Then peniked Hannah also ran out. Seeing the situation. I feel a bit stranger.

'Isn't just asking for a meal?' 'How did it end up like this?'

Emilia stood up grumbling. Pitifully found a corner and lay down. We can't wake up mother.

"Emilia thought her mother was asleep. Then she wanted to steal only a coin."

Beside her, Hannah stuttered and said. At this I looked at Emilia a bit speechless.

'Isn't just looking for trouble on purpose?'

Who gave her courage to steal under the noise of the adult evil dragon?

Even if it's just a gold coin. I don't even dare to do such a thing.

I sigh deeply and it looks like I have to catch food myself.

'Fine I will do it myself'

Because the cave is located in a huge swamp, So to get out, I have to go underwater.

But black dragon's are natural swimming experts. They can breathe underwater.

In no time I easily left the cave. Looking around the place was filled with miasma everywhere. Ordinary people can't stay here. And the surroundings were filled with dragon power.

So Beasts and magical creatures do not dare to approach so just like always so I can only go to the distant forest on the bank to hunt.

I slowly swam to the shore, then I restrained my dragon power, quietly sensing everything around me. The black scales covered in mud blended perfectly with the surrounding land.

The reason why my hunting session was so successful. The perception of a true dragon is exceptionally sharp.

And because my vitality is very high, I have a perception far superior to that of a jungle dragon.

Soon I sensed a sound coming from afar. And a faint smell of blood, I slowly walked towards the depths of the jungle while minding my surroundings.

Then I saw a dense jungle, where five dire wolves feasting on the carcass of a stag.

I hid behind the bushes and watched the scene. Dire wolves are known for their ferocity. Even though they don't have magic, the dire wolves in front of me are not to be underestimated…

The sharp teeth of terror wolves kept tearing at the corpse. I weighed the combat power of both sides.

I feel like there's no big issue. With that in mind I slowly began to approach. I fixed my gaze on the largest of terror wolves. Looks like it's the leader…..

Just as the terror wolf leader stuffed it's head into the corner's belly. I laughed at an attack on the terror wolf closest to me.

I directly bit off it's neck. The remaining terror wolves, including the leader. Were suddenly shocked by my sneak attack.

The leader didn't attack right away. He kept howling at me. While also weighting the combat power of both sides.

As the leader he immediately recognized me as a young black dragon.

The moment he determined the difference between both sides. He commanded the other three wolves to surround me. At this moment I still had a dead wolf in my mouth.

The warm blood flowed into my stomach. I finally felt some relief not eating for five days after forcefully using my magic.

I could feel the excitement of this slaughter. It seemed like something inside me was awakening.

Looking at the wolves surrounding me, without the slightest fear, I let go of the corpse in my mouth, I faced them head on.

Except for the leader, the other three all attacked at once, and were knocked down by the force of their claws. At this moment, the leader tried to take advantage and launch a sneak attack.

And punched directly at my throat,I anticipated this moment, and to get closer to the leader, I feigned a fall. The three wolves didn't have enough strength to unsteady me. I coldly raised my head, a stream of acid spread from my mouth. Directly covering the entire face of the leader.

In an instant, it was corroded and smoke rose. Even the eyes weren't saved, corrosion got to them even when eyelids were closed.

I took the opportunity of the wolf leader losing his mind in pain and killed it.

Watching I was directly excited about the results of the battle in front of me.

Although they were relatively lower order dinosaurs. But I was able to deal with this by using the body of the dragon, which was very powerful. In this two sisters would only end up being torn apart.

Afterwards, I started directly devouring the body of the terror wolf. Unfortunately the Feast cooling time hasn't ended yet. But I also reckon the food in front of me is not enough to complete the seventh feast, not even 10%.

After all, compared to the meat of beasts. The energy of these terror wolf meats is too low. Just as I was eating. But then a deep roar came from behind.

Can't believe there's still a foolish Flower Leopard trying to get a piece of the action. I was so annoyed that I gave him a slap in the face. The flower leopard scampered away in fear. I couldn't be bothered to chase after it.

I turned back to continue enjoying my wolf meat feast. But I didn't finish eating all the dire wolves.

Instead, I grabbed the rest away. In preparation for the seventh feast and maybe share some with sisters as both got a good beating and need someone to share their pain. As I returned to the dragon's lair, Hannah and Emilia both looked listless.

They didn't even acknowledge me when I returned. Occasionally glancing towards the depths of the cave…

It seems that the dragon mother really didn't go out to pick up food. I had originally thought of coming back to eat some level monster meat secretly.

After all, the prey hunted by the Dragon Lady's depends is a higher order then even me.

Brining in more energy as well. But fortunately, I started to hunt early for food. So I wasn't going hungry.

At this moment, Hannah walked over to me.

"Did you go out hunting again?" Excitement gleamed in her eyes. Looking at Hannah's appearance, I immediately knew what she was scheming.

"So what"

If Hannah wants to beg for food, it's right at her fingertips. But I forcefully pushed it back.

"After watching you hunt successfully so many times, Actually, I also went out quietly yesterday." Then Hannah hesitated for a moment. And said, "I also found a good place. There are many hunts there, I want to open a temporary nest there with you" Hannah explained she also knows there is no future staying here…

After all there is no love between evil dragons. Only him, they still need the protection of the Dragon mother…

"I am not interested in prey, I am interested…" I looked at Hannah timidly,

"Don't you want to eat magical monster meat either" Hannah said in astonishment, "What?"

The mention of monsters piqued my interest immediately. After all, the Dragon mother should ha e lived here for a long time, so there are hardly any monsters daring to approach.

I reckon most of it must have been eaten by her.

"I was following your scent and accidentally lost track, then I unexpectedly came across a fierce demon beast, the Liedi Earth Bear." Hannah stammered.

Goodness. She actually dared to track me, Hannah, look at the look in my eyes, it's not right.

"You'd better explain quietly, I can't catch up with you because of the cave."

I don't want to argue with her. But the Demon Bear I hunted last time was only a 4th order creature.

Our young dragon couldn't handle it and now she is saying he had control over the earth element. Which also meant it's higher than 5th Order Beast.

Seeing my hesitation, Hannah continued to pursue. "But that female bear was injured, I clearly saw it had lost a lot of blood and it looked like it hadn't reached 6th Order yet."

Hannah cleared her throat and said.

I listened and pondered for a while. After all, I just reached the fourth order of life after the sixth feast.

This means I must prepare in advance. So this wounded Earth Bear is obviously a good opportunity.