CH : 19 First Spell, Eighteenth Feast

Hmmmm, I'll release ONE hostage.

But for the rest, you know what to do.


This thing is not particularly precious to the dragon. Basically, the dragon has enough ability to obtain the career book through various means after reaching adulthood.

Only those special professions that are powerful and rare can be said to be valuable and difficult to obtain.

But this is only not difficult for adult dragons. For the current me, it is obviously a good treasure.

For many intelligent tribes and even human families, this animal skin that carries the knowledge of the mage's professional training can even be regarded as a family heirloom that has been passed down for hundreds of years.

"Okay, Danyla, please step back." I began to chase people away. Although I was curious about her story, I sensed that she might not feel at ease sharing it. Therefore, I'll give her some time. After all, with the dependent contract, she now belongs to me. After all, how can I say she looked like Medea and not smash. Given that I have thousands of years to get to know her, this took precedence.

Danyla bowed respectfully and left here.

She still has unfinished tasks assigned by her owner.

This task is naturally to return to the Green Forest Tribe to persuade his people to surrender.

Although the stubborn resistance of the Green Forest Tribe has been shattered, and Skye is also in the process of recruiting, it will definitely be several times easier with the addition of Danyla, the high priestess and leader of the Green Forest Tribe.

There will be no surprises.

After Danyla left, I used the space bag donated to him by Danyla to put away the copper box, then dived into the pool and returned to my humble dragon's nest.

Taking out the animal skin that recorded the mage's professional knowledge, I began to read it carefully.

When I came into contact with magic spells for the first time, I was very unfamiliar just reading them.

However, as time went by, with the dragon's talent and serious study, I became more and more familiar with magic spells.

"The cultivation of magic power, the cultivation and guidance of spiritual power. The imprinting of spells. The principle of releasing spells."

The mysterious knowledge recorded in the [Mage·Professional Book] is not very advanced, it is just some of the most basic caster knowledge and basic cultivation knowledge.

But what I need is the most basic knowledge. I can't understand anything that is too advanced.

A few hours later, when I felt that his reading comprehension was almost complete, I began to try to practice magic.

Slowly closing my eyes and calmly sensing the elements around me.

Relying on the elemental vision that came with my magic awakening, I clearly perceived the power of the elements around me.

Affected by environmental factors, the most numerous elements around me are blue and yellow, which correspond to the power of the water element and the power of the earth element respectively.

I tried to use the mysterious knowledge of absorbing magic power recorded in the professional book.

Suddenly, a large number of blue glittering light spots poured into my huge dragon body, and under my concentrated operation, washed away my body, and finally gathered into a blue light ball in the body.


I, who was in the process of guiding and absorbing elements, noticed something strange about my dragon body.

In the elemental vision, a large amount of water-attribute magic power hidden in my body was guided out, and then gathered in the body together with the water-attribute magic power pouring in from the outside world.

In a short period of time, a special bright blue magic organ appeared in my body below my heart, which was completely composed of mana power.

This magic organ is the size of a baby's fist.

After a spellcaster crosses the professional threshold, and with years of practice, the accumulation of magic power in the body will give birth to special magic organs.

However, for a new spell caster who has just entered the mage profession, a magic organ the size of a baby's fist is somewhat exaggerated.

"As expected of a true dragon." I stopped practising and slowly opened my eyes.

The ability to generate such a huge magical organ in a short period of time is inseparable from the fact that the dragon is a top-level magical creature.

During the natural growth process of the giant dragon, even if it does not actively practise and guide magic power, it will naturally store a large amount of magic power in my body.

Perhaps it was because of my strong physical body. Although I was born only a short time ago, my physical body had accumulated quite a lot of magic power.

However, although the magic organ is condensed, I was still not yet a spellcaster.

Only when the first spell is imprinted in the spiritual sea can one be called a spell caster.

"Generally speaking, you start with zero-level magic, but I don't have any magic in my hand. The lowest one is also a first order magic." I pondered.

Among the four spells contributed by Danyla, the lowest level is one and the highest level is three.

There are two in the first level, namely the weakness technique and the group madness technique.

"Learn the weakness technique first." I pondered for a moment before making a decision.

The weakness technique tends to assist individual combat, while the group madness technique is more inclined to group combat.

Picking up the animal skin that carried the magic spell of weakness, I began to study it carefully.

The difficulty of learning a spell depends on the number of nodes.

A first-level spell requires at least five nodes, while a weakness spell requires seven nodes, which is a medium-difficulty first-level spell.


*Information is currently available to the public.

Zero ring as a trick

The first and second tier are lower level spells

The third and fourth tier are mid-level spells.

The fifth and sixth tier are high-level spells.

The seventh and eighth tier are the highest level spells

Nineth tier are super level spells

Tenth tier and above are forbidden spells then there are few more tier.


*3rd Person POV*

After the Green Forest Tribe (Goblin Tribe) battle.

The Goblin High Priestess and the fifth-level spellcaster 'Danyla' became the third dragon-veined kinsman under Babatos, and also the most powerful kinsman to come from behind.

In that battle, if Babatos hadn't appeared at the end and ended the battle with a swift and fierce attack, the goblins would have won in the end, and the kobolds led by Skye would have ended in defeat.

Now, the defeated Green Forest Tribe, led by High Priestess Danyla, migrated their tribe to the Blackblood Valley.

According to statistics, during the Battle of Green Forest, sixty-one kobold warriors of the Black Blood Tribe were killed, and one hundred and forty-two Goblin warriors of the Green Forest Tribe were killed.

Both sides actually suffered heavy losses.

After all, there were less than two hundred young kobolds in the Black Blood Tribe, and nearly one-third of their warriors were lost in one battle.

On the other hand, the Green Forest Tribe has a total population of more than 750, but female goblins and baby goblins account for half of them, and there are only more than 300 adult goblin warriors.

It can be said that in this battle, the Green Forest Tribe lost nearly half of its young combat strength at one time.

But the only consolation for the two tribes is that the true core combat capabilities of the tribes were ultimately retained.

The core fighting force of the Black Blood Tribe, the leader Skye and the three forest trolls Mundo, Zaku, and Zha Meng, totaled four. Mundo, the most seriously injured, was finally pulled back from the brink of death.

The core fighting force of the Green Forest tribe is the high priestess Danyla and the seven giant goblin warriors. The biological orders of the seven giant goblin warriors have all reached order two, and coupled with their strong physical fitness as monsters, although several of them were severely beaten, they can regain their fighting strength after a dozen days of rest.

To sum up, it seems that each of the battles suffered heavy losses, but in fact they were innocuous.

After all, whether they are kobolds or goblins, although they don't have many advantages, they are very specialized in reproduction.

Among them, kobolds are slightly less fertile, but they can usually give birth to one litter a month.

Goblins with almost full reproductive capacity can give birth to a litter in half a month.

However, the above reproduction rate must be met by sufficient food as the first prerequisite. Without enough food, it is inevitable that the reproduction rate will decrease.


Babatos POV :

Time passes slowly.

In the blink of an eye, more than half a month has passed.

Under the pool waterfall, in a simple dragon nest.

I opened my eyes.

I muttered a magic spell silently, and three seconds later, a black light shot out from my fingertips and hit the piranha wandering in the pool of the dragon's nest.

The piranha, which was still swimming full of energy, became motionless for a moment after being hit by the black light. It turned its belly and slowly emerged from the water.


Although the effect of the Weakness Technique is to extract energy and put the victim's body into a weak state, there is a prerequisite here.

That is, the creatures affected by the weakness spell should not have too weak vitality.

If it is too weak, the energy will be drained directly, and when the energy returns to zero, death will naturally occur.

The piranha looks ferocious, but it doesn't even have a level in the biological hierarchy, and is a subpar creature.

The Weakness spell is a first-tier spell, and if it hits zero-level creatures such as kobolds and goblins, it can be said to be fatal. Even if it hits a second-level creature like the Big Goblin, it will make the opponent weak and its strength will be reduced to freezing point.

"In twenty days, the first ring of weakness was finally completed." I slowly lowered the dragon finger pointed at the pool, his expression silent and silent.

Spells are indeed difficult to learn.

The spellcaster profession also really requires a lot of energy.

As a black dragon, I am still a cheater. He has a huge magic power storage that ordinary creatures do not have. This innate advantage will be a great help for Oudi once he chooses to embark on the profession of spellcaster.

Assuming that the magic power reserve of a first-tier spellcaster among humans is 100 points, then I may have 10,000 points.

Human spellcasters need to save a little bit of magic power during the battle so that they can release one more spell, while I only need to consider which spell is more effective and more powerful.

But apart from the powerful advantage of the innate race in terms of magic power, the dragon's advantage in terms of speed in learning spells and talent in comprehending the truth of spells is really not that great.

Take the black dragon as an example. As a true water dragon, if you learn water attribute spells, there will indeed be certain bonuses. For example, the learning speed will be faster, and the water spells will be stronger than other spellcasters.

But it's only limited to the water and sometimes acid systems. Additionally, having an affinity for certain elements does the same.

The same is true for other dragons, red dragons, blue dragons, and green dragons. Learning spells that fit your own attributes will get twice the result with half the effort. Learning spells that don't fit your own attributes will not make you any stronger than an ordinary spellcaster races, and there will be no power bonus to the spellcasting effect.

"Unfortunately, among the four spells that Danyla knows, none of them are water-based or earth based. Instead, the most powerful spell is fire-based." I shook my head and closed my eyes.

I returned my attention to my spiritual world.

A gray transparent rune is suspended in the sky above the huge spiritual ocean, emitting a faint glimmer. Under the shimmer of the rune, the surrounding spiritual power seems to be more active.

This gray transparent rune is exactly [First Tier : Weakness Technique].

In addition to years of refining external elements to allow one to control more magic power, the core of a spell caster's practice is the cultivation of mental and mana power.

The improvement of mental power is one of the necessary prerequisites for the improvement of the caster's professional level.

Although there are many ways to cultivate spiritual power, the mainstream is to practice by obtaining spell runes.

Every time a spell rune is condensed into one's own spiritual world, it can continuously hone the caster's mental power. The more spell runes you condense and the higher the level, the faster you can hone and improve your mental power.

In addition, spell runes of the same level are also different.

The rune of the weakness spell that Wudigang mastered was still transparent, indicating that he was just getting started with this spell.

When the runes change from transparent to substantial, they will be proficient in this spell. The mastery-level debility rune can sharpen mental power several times as much as the entry-level debility rune.

And if the substantive runes can be sunk into the spiritual sea, it means that the caster's mastery of this spell has reached the highest level of returning to nature. Which could be explained in a simple way is that it's become a mussels memory and the caster only needs to think.

The casting of returning to nature-level spells usually has a characteristic, that is, it can be cast instantly.

In addition to instant spells, the effect of tempering mental power has been improved again, the power of this spell will also be greatly enhanced, and the magic power consumption of casting this spell will also be greatly reduced.

After the construction of the weakness technique was completed, the cooldown time of the feast came within a few days.

The ingredients for this feast are third order four monsters and a large amount of iron ore.

Intermediate monsters are hard to find, and I myself don't want to waste a lot of time on hunting, so when his subordinate tribe cannot hunt for me intermediate monsters, they will naturally not be able to eat them.

However, although the quality of the ingredients is a bit poor, the improvement effect brought by the stacking of layers of this feast is still barely adequate. The quality is not enough, and the quantity was just enough for me to survive.



Name : Babatos Caesar Volaric."

Race : True Dragon

Biological Order : 5th

Occupation Level : Mage LVL 2/50 [7%]

Body Length : 7.68M

Vitality (VIT) : 12.52

Current Feast Tier : 18

Feast Cool down Time : 30 Days

Spell-like Abilities:

Darkness, Low-Light Vision, Identification

[Spell Rune:

First Tier : Weakness (Introduction)]


Earth Mana Affinity (LV 1), Water Mana Affinity (LV 1), Dragon Scales (LV 8), True Dragon Breath (LV 6), Draconic Vitality (LV 9), Draconic Might (LV 1), Draconic Magic (LV 1), Fly (LV 6), Dragon Eyes (LV 1), Bite (LV 7), Claw (LV 7)


"Eighteenth Stacks."

I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Counting the sleeping time for magic awakening, it has been nearly two years since I came to this world.

There is still one year and a few months left before the three-year hatchling period is really over.