CH : 20 Relationship andExchangeg

Guess what? It's Moddy Monday, and we've got a bonus chapter! Time to celebrate with virtual confetti! 🎉


"Eighteenth Stacks."

I couldn't help but feel a little emotional.

Counting the sleeping time for magic awakening, it has been nearly two years since I came to this world.

There is still one year and a few months left before the three-year hatchling period is really over.

But can I really still be considered a young dragon now?

In a simple dragon's lair, a giant black dragon with a majestic physique, muscle dimensions that would put red dragons of my age to shame, and a size comparable to a truck, was lost in thought.

The average juvenile black dragon is between eight and twelve meters long.

Because my neck is thicker and shorter, although my current body length is only 7.90 meters, the pressure on my body is no less than that of the 89-meter black dragon.

A juvenile black dragon's creature order ranges from seventh to tenth.

Although I have reached the threshold of a teenage black dragon in terms of size, my biological order is still only level five, which is more than two levels behind the latter.

However, although the biological order is only fifth, I estimate that my strength should not be worse than the seventh-order monsters of ordinary races.

As for whether I can beat the seventh order black dragon, I was not sure, but even if I can beat him, it is probably the kind where both sides of us will suffer life threatening injuries.

After sleeping for a day, with my mind spinning, I broke through the water pool and flew at low altitude in the Black Blood Valley.

As the Black Dragon Lord, I began to inspect the people of my territory at regular intervals.

After some inspection, I had an idea in my mind.

The number of members of the Black Blood Tribe and the Green Forest Tribe each increased by dozens.

There are newly born babies and wandering goblin kobolds joining in.

Suddenly, I thought of something I forgot to ask about.

I contacted Danyla through a spiritual connection and asked the other party to come to me.

Although spiritual contact can also be used to inquire and communicate, this requires mental energy, and if it is not an emergency, I generally will not use this to communicate with my dependents In the valley, under a forest of wild fruit trees.

I lay leisurely under the tree, looking at Danyla who was hurriedly coming with a strange look.

After not seeing each other for nearly a month, Danylan's entire appearance has completely changed.

Originally, Danyla's appearance was that she was 1.8 meters tall and thin, but now?

She is nearly 2 meters tall, with dark blue skin that is quite tight, and strong muscles under the skin appear from time to time as she moves flaunty elegant ways like a noble lady around. On its forehead, there are more than a dozen neno blackish blue dragon scales growing. 

If a few more months pass, will she become a Muscle Goblin Mage? A mussel mummy if you will? 

The power of the ordinary black dragon's dragon veins will definitely change the body, but usually the changes will not be so drastic.

Obviously, this is the feast talent that I carried that works in mysterious ways. .

"Do you feel a strong hunger during this time?"

Just as Danylan stopped in front of her master, she heard a low voice above her head.

"Master did asked if I had a strong sense of hunger?" Danylan thought for a while, organized her words and said,

"It happens occasionally, but it shouldn't be considered particularly strong. But compared to before, my appetite can be said to have improved a lot."

"Oh, really." I grinned and smiled ferociously. I didn't say much on this topic. I turned the topic to what I originally wanted to ask about.

"I had a question before and I forgot to ask you. I'm quite curious."

"Excuse me." Danylan said respectfully.

"Where did your Green Forest tribe get their iron weapons and armor?" I asked.

Iron weapons and armor, especially the latter, cannot be made with iron ore. They also need to know how to smelt iron, make steel and forge skills.

If even a tribe of goblins in the wild can casually make iron weapons and armor, then what kind of weapon blacksmiths are among humans?

What about the dwarves?

Although dwarves and humans have more superb forging skills, as well as the rune weapons and magic weapons used by professionals.

Hearing that the master asked this question, Danylan was stunned for a moment, looking a little strange.

"It's a long story. Three years ago, my subordinate had just broken through the fifth level and entered the threshold of an intermediate mage. In order to create a staff suitable for my own use, I hid my body and sneaked into Kas in the south. Principality"

"In the Principality of Kas, I met a human spell caster. The other person recognized my aura, but did not attack me. Instead, after talking, he hoped to cooperate with me.

Our Green Forest tribe provides them with a large amount of monster materials and medicinal herbs, while the other party provides us with iron weapons and armor. Of course, it is not just these, the other party can also provide some human food and spells. "

After speaking, Danylan added, "The third-tier magic fireball and the first-tier weakness low-tier group madness were traded from that human being."

I listened carefully to Danylan's narration. The more I listened, the brighter my dragon eyes became.

"Can you still contact each other now?"

Danylan nodded affirmatively and said, "Of course. Does the master have any needs that he needs to obtain from humans?"

"Yes, I need water spells and earth spells, first-tier, second-tier, third-tier or even higher and much more."  I did not deny my need.

I am a black dragon, and my spell talent is probably at the normal level among black dragons. It is better to learn other types of spells randomly than to learn water spells with bloodline talent bonus.

I can't cheat on magic, so it's better to specialize in one skill than to learn miscellaneous skills.

I may learn spells from other departments, such as teleportation time, sapce, but you only learn them in small amounts and use them as support.

A true water dragon must learn water spells the right way! Not to mention the Earth spells. Additionally I am sure I'm future I would be able to gain affinity for other elements. 

"This is not a problem. The other party is quite strong, but those humans are very greedy. The monster materials required to redeem a spell are relatively high-end and require a lot of quantity." Danylan reminded.

In the past three years, with the concerted cooperation of the Green Forest Tribe, it has exchanged one first tier spell and one third tier spell.

"It's good to be greedy, but I'm afraid they won't be greedy." I grinned and said with a ferocious smile,

"Then I will leave this matter to you. I will let Skye and Mundo assist you. I hope to get the spell as soon as possible. As for what type of auxiliary spells, individual strengthening spells are the best. "

Water spells are also a big category.

It is divided into four main categories: offensive spells, defensive spells, auxiliary spells, and special spells.

Among them, attack spells can be subdivided into range attack spells and single target attack spells, and auxiliary spells can be divided into individual strengthening spells, group strengthening spells, healing spells, etc.

And this is just one path of the bare minimum mage profession.

It has to be said that in terms of prosperity and profoundness, the mage profession is more prominent than other professions.

Danylan bowed, accepting the task.

I gestured for her to leave, as I noticed she hesitated whenever I mentioned the past. A few more days wouldn't make a difference.

A few hours after Danylan left, I, who enjoyed the gentle breeze and sunny weather, also slowly stood up.

The dragon's wings unfolded, and with a slight vibration, I glided back to the pool waterfall at low altitude, and then plunged straight into the dragon's nest below.

I began to intensively study the first-tier spell, Weakness, which I had just started.

When I get tired of studying, I would direct my mana to wash away my dragon body.

Then practice spiritual power.

Time passed by day by day, and I was tired and satisfied.

Another month has passed, and the my Feast has accumulated to nineteen levels. The dragon's body length has officially exceeded eight meters, and its physical strength has been improved again.

The blue magical organ in the body, which is like a heart, and the quality of mental power are slowly but surely improving during practice.

After some time, there was finally good news from Caladan.

In the dragon's lair, I withdrew his mind from studying magic. With a thought, his vision suddenly changed to Caladan's first perspective.


3rd Person POV :

At the same time, under a secluded rock wall about dozens of kilometers away from the Black Blood Valley.

Danylan, Skye, Mundo, and seven heavily armed goblin warriors stood under the rock wall as if waiting for something.

Behind them, dozens of goblin coolies each carried a rattan basket.

Some of the rattan baskets are piled with monster furs, some with herbs, and some with monster teeth.

The most conspicuous thing among them is a basket of glass bottles filled with the blood of colorful monsters.

Time gradually passed, and there was still no figure of the person who should be waiting in the distance.

"It's so slow, Mondo is so unhappy!"

Two months have passed, and Mondo has developed a lot of the power of the dragon veins in his body. Now he has grown from four meters to four and half meters tall. There are also pieces of black scales covering his arms and thighs, and his aura is stronger. Quite a few.

The specific division is that the biological order has been upgraded from the fourth low-order to the fourth high-order.

Danylan glanced at this stupid big man and felt a little uncomfortable all over.

At such a close range, if this big guy suddenly hits it with a stick...hiss, it will feel like she will die and she will not be able to react at all.

Although two months have passed since the tribal battle, Danylan still has some psychological shadow on her physic from this stupid big man Mundo.

"Huh? The people are here." Danylan's dark yellow pupils locked onto the jungle ahead.

The sound of footsteps gradually approached.

Soon, a team slowly walked out of the jungle. These people were alert and paying attention to all directions.

There are nine people in the team. The two leaders are wearing exquisite purple mage robes and holding a staff in their hands. The two of them have a special temperament, which is a sign of strong spiritual power.

The seven people behind were wearing gray full-body armor and carrying a matte sword on their backs. There were faint magic fluctuations on the armor and the sword, which was obviously not ordinary equipment.

The human team immediately stopped after seeing Danylan and the others, and the atmosphere became more solemn and depressing.

Mondo felt the atmosphere and couldn't help scratching his butt.

Before this action was prepared, nine pairs of eyes in the human team were attracted to them. They looked so nervous that they drew out the matte sword from behind with a snap. The movements were uniform, but when they saw the troll, they just scratched it. After the buttocks, his face twitched and he was speechless, but he slowly took back the weapon.

Several soldiers spat and cursed quietly.


I wonder if this could be a misunderstanding? Grandma's!

Although I knew this was a transaction, after all, I was facing a group of wild monsters, so I had to brace myself to deal with them.

After all, no one can say whether these monsters will suddenly choose to take advantage of others.


"Witt, you don't trust me too much." Danylan said with narrowed eyes.

After seeing the opponent suddenly pull out the big sword, it instantly became vigilant. It thought the opponent wanted to take advantage of them, so it chose to get rid of them directly.

Fortunately, this was a minor misunderstanding.

The human being called Wit was the middle-aged man with a hooked nose among the two first casters. He smiled after hearing what Danylan said and said indifferently,

"Danylan, my old friend, we have been working together for three years. How can we not have trust? It's just that the Dark Forest is too dangerous. Our warriors traveled hundreds of kilometers to get here. We are nervous. They are all very nervous. I hope my old friend can forgive me."

"Haha, Witte, I was just talking casually." Danylan said with a smile, and then waved her hand, motioning for the goblin coolies behind her who were carrying various materials to come forward.

"Witt, let your men check it out."

Wit didn't care when he saw this, and patted the shoulder of the younger spellcaster next to him.

The 20-year-old spellcaster nodded slightly, then led five soldiers forward and began to examine the materials in the baskets, while silently estimating the value in his mind.

"Kuros magic rabbit fur, a third-order ordinary monster, worth about three gold coins. Velociraptor leather, a first-order beast, worth about three gold coins."

The young spellcaster's eyes flashed and he quickly performed mental calculations.

As a spellcaster with strong mental power, simple mental arithmetic at this level is easy to do.

On the other side, Witt and Danylan communicated.

"Calradan, your appearance has changed." Witte squinted his eyes and looked at Danylan's current appearance.

When they met just now, if he hadn't sensed Danylan's familiar aura, Witte might not have recognized her.

Today, Danylan is nearly 2 meters tall, not much different from an ordinary human. Her muscles are strong and thin, and there are black scales on her arms and legs.

As a sixth-level spellcaster, one who has been systematically studied at the Albit Kingdom Mage Academy, Witt has quite a lot of knowledge.

With such an obvious change in Danylan, as well as the faint special pressure coming from her body, it is obvious that she has become a dragon-veined creature! 

Even the most noble families could only dream of such a thing. It is exceptionally rare for a dragon to turn a human into its dependent. This typically occurs in two cases: either the dragon is part of the 'White Faction' or the human has slain a dragon and absorbed its blood. In the latter case, the human becomes similar to a dragon-vein creature, gaining some dragon-like traits but without the continuous strength increase that comes from being linked to a living dragon master who is always growing stronger.

"As you think, Wit." Danylan's expression suddenly moved slightly, and then she responded to Wit with a faint arrogant smile.

After receiving the affirmative answer, Witt's pupils shrank and he became a little uneasy. He said with a little excitement in his tone,

"Is it really that one?!"

"How can my obvious dragon-like characteristics be fake?" Danylan asked with a rather dissatisfied look on her face, the corners of her mouth raised slightly.

Witte swallowed.

He knew that this place was not far from the Dragon Nest of the Queen of Darkness, and with the Queen of Darkness' domineering character, it was obviously impossible to allow other powerful evil dragons to appear near her territory to develop their dependents!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Danylan was very lucky to obtain a bottle of black dragon blood, and then used it to actively transform into a dragonborn.