CH : 21 Exchange, Next Order

"Given the slow pace of updates, I've decided to revise the schedule. From now on, new chapters will be released on Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Saturday. This means you'll receive five chapters a week instead of the usual three to four. What do you think of this new arrangement?"


He knew that this place was not far from the Dragon Nest of the Queen of Darkness, and with the Queen of Darkness' domineering character, it was obviously impossible to allow other powerful evil dragons to appear near her territory to develop their dependents!

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that Danylan was very lucky to obtain a bottle of black dragon blood, and then used it to actively transform into a dragonborn.

But Witt glanced at Mondo, who was sitting boredly on the ground not far away, and saw the dragon-like characteristics on his body. This speculation was directly eliminated by him.

If there is only Danylan as a dragonborn half goblin spellcaster, it still cannot be 100% proven. The appearance of a fourth order dragonborn troll means that it is certain!

For a moment, Witt had a lot of thoughts in his mind.

'The Queen of Darkness is an adult black dragon. She is extremely powerful. Even a team of four well-equipped master-level professionals cannot be said to be able to do much to her. Not mention she could alone shake the whole kingdom'

There are only a handful of master-level professionals in the Principality of Cass where Wit is located, and each of them is a strong man who combines wealth and power.

Even in the neighbouring Kingdom of Cass, the powerful Albeit Kingdom, any master-level professional would be a respected figure with a very very high status.

A warrior professional who has just entered the master level can easily slaughter thousands of fully armed ordinary human warriors, and the fighting energy slashing light emitted by his full strength can even forcibly split open a building that is more than ten or twenty meters high. of hills.

The strongest person in Witt's family is just a ninth-level spellcaster. The power of the entire family combined is far less than that of a lone master-level professional.

When Witt thought of this, he no longer hesitated in his heart. As the saying goes, the bold die of gluttony, while the meek starve Dare to see the courage to starve to death!

"Priestess Danylan, I wonder if our Siglinde family will have a chance to get in touch with your master?"

Witt looked at Danylan nervously, even the name and tone changed greatly.

Danylan glanced at Witte, pondered for a while and then shook her head, "I can't make a decision on this. I'm just a servant of the master. How can I make such a decision? It's just that."

As she spoke, Danylan gestured to the large pile of basket materials over there.

Witte understood, coughed, and said with a smile, "If the great black dragon has any need for resources among us humans, then our Siglinde family will fully support this matter, and the price will also be reduced a lot."

"Oh? If that's the case, then I think the master will be interested." Danylan also smiled.

Afterwards, the two foxes began to discuss their respective needs.

The Sieglinde family hopes that in the future, if their family team appears within the scope of the Dark Queen's influence, they can be taken care of by the forces under the Dark Queen.

In layman's terms, it's a pass.

In addition, the trade demand and frequency of both parties have also increased a lot. It used to be done once every three months, but now it's done once a month under Witte's strong request.

The reason for the previous three months was because the Green Forest tribe where Danylan was located was limited in strength and could not obtain so many monster materials. Naturally, there was no need to conduct transactions once a month. Wouldn't that be a waste of their energy and time?

But now, Danylan has become a dragon-born kinswoma under the Queen of Darkness. With the monster power under the Queen of Darkness, isn't it easy to obtain some monster materials?

Even materials from intermediate monsters and even high-level monsters can be included in the transaction!

Witt got a little excited thinking about it.

Although Danylan has was going to increase the price of monster materials, this is still a hugely profitable industry.

This time, there will be at least a profit between one hundred and two hundred percent!

The deal ends quickly.

With a wave of his hand, Witt put all the valuable materials on the ground into the space bag, and then a wooden box appeared in his hand.

"Inside are the Zero tier Trick-Arcane Seal Spell Carrier and Nine lower-order magic crystals. Priestess Danylan, do you want to take a look?"

Danylan took the wooden box, opened it, inspected it carefully, nodded slightly, and then put the wooden box into the space bag.

"The item is correct."

In this transaction, Babatos specifically lent the space bag to Danylan to use in order to cope with the unexpected.

"What's the next trading time?" Witte asked with a smile.

"Of course once a month." Danylan nodded.

The transaction closed very amicably.

Both parties returned to their respective homes, satisfied with their profits. However, one party secured a significantly larger share than the other. This individual was particularly pleased, knowing that his connections included someone with direct access to the Queen of Draknee. He anticipated that his father would be thrilled by this advantageous alliance.


Black Blood Valley, beside the waterfall and pool.

I took the space bag given by Danylan.

The mark of Danylan on it had long been obliterated, so it easily penetrated my spirit.

I had witnessed the entire transaction, or in other words, I made the impromptu decision to have Danylan pretend to be a descendant of the Black Dragon Lady.

"If you can have sex for free, you must have sex for free." I grinned.

As soon as I had an idea, I took out the wooden box from the space bag and opened it.

A piece of animal skin exuding magical light, and nine transparent crystal stones.

Zero Tier Trick, Arcane Mark, and Lower order Magic Crystal.

This time, because it was the first time to formulate new trading rules, the Sieglinde family represented by Witte did not prepare suitable trading items, so after communication and conversation, these items were exchanged for monster materials and medicinal materials.

Danylan communicated with me through the spiritual connection of the descendants at that time, and said that the other party was indeed sincere this time.

The monster materials prepared by their side are all lower-order monster materials, and there are also many powerful beast materials. The materials are not particularly precious and high-order, which means there are a lot of them.

According to the past price, Wit would at most give Danylan a secret mark spell as a trade item.

But this time it involves a big dragon skin, so it is naturally different.

The status suddenly changed, becoming the Siglind family where Witt belonged, licking their shoes and begging to Danylan.

"Master, the quality of these low-ordee magic crystals is pretty good. Each one should be worth no less than fifty gold coins." Danylan interjected from the side.

It has been to the human world for a while, so I know a little bit about some of the items it cares about.

Magic crystals are a good thing. If it is embedded in a staff, it can be used as one of the main materials for making low-level staffs. If you wear it on your body, the speed of absorbing and refining magic power will also be accelerated.

I stretched out my dragon finger and rubbed the magic crystal, salivating in my mouth.

It looks delicious.

I took out a magic crystal and threw it into my ferocious mouth.


Because it was too small, I was too lazy to chew and chose to swallow it.

In front of the dragon's powerful digestion ability, after a while, the low-level magic crystal that was swallowed into the belly began to be dissolved and digested.

A large amount of magic power was released, and was then greedily devoured by my body.

My dragon body can swallow as much magic power as it is dissolved and released from the magic crystal.


Somewhat comfortable.

I squinted my eyes and felt warm all over my body, as if there were countless pairs of small hands massaging me just right.

After a while, I slowly opened my eyes and broke away from the comfortable state.

Subconsciously, I looked at my current panel data.



Name : Babatos Caesar Volaric."

Race : True Dragon

Biological Order : 6th

Occupation Level : Mage LVL 2/50 [91%]

Body Length : 8.13M

Vitality (VIT) : 13.02

Current Feast Tier : 19

Feast Cool down Time : 25 Days

Spell-like Abilities:

Darkness, Low-Light Vision, Identification

[Spell Rune:

First Tier : Weakness (Introduction)]


Earth Mana Affinity (LV 1), Water Mana Affinity (LV 1), Dragon Scales (LV 8), True Dragon Breath (LV 6), Draconic Vitality (LV 9), Draconic Might (LV 1), Draconic Magic (LV 1), Fly (LV 6), Dragon Eyes (LV 1), Bite (LV 7), Claw (LV 7)


"The biological order has finally reached the sixth order." I felt happy after seeing the panel data again.

Originally, I was only a little bit away from sixth order, but now with the help of a lower-level magic crystal, I easily break through it.

I looked at the eight lower-level magic crystals remaining in the small box and was a little ready to move, but in the end I endured it.

I plans to use these magic crystals as one of the main ingredients for my next feast.

Compared to directly swallowing and digesting it, using it for a feast may ultimately bring about a greater improvement in effect.

As soon as the idea came to mind, I put the wooden box into the space bag, and then put the space bag into the reverse scale sandwich on my chest and put it away.

During this period, Danylan had been standing by with a respectful expression.

I looked at it, pondered for a while, and then said, "Danylan, with the monthly transaction amount with the Siglinde family, plus providing me with food, can you complete this task?"

After Danylan was silent for two seconds, she shook her head and said, "Please forgive my subordinate's incompetence."

That means it can't be finished.

I am not surprised by this. After all, the food I need every month puts a lot of pressure on the Black Blood Tribe and the Green Forest Tribe, not to mention the large number of monsters that have been ordered with the Siglinde family. Material trade.

My own requirements for food are not low, and at least they must be monsters or powerful beasts of level one or above. For creatures below level one, it would be better to eat iron ore to improve them.

"I understand" I did a mini nod.

I made a decision in my mind.

As soon as he had an idea, I contacted Mundo and Skye through the spiritual connection of the contract, and asked them to bring all the people here.

Then, I looked at Danylan and said, "Danylan, go and gather all your tribesmen here."

Danylan was stunned for a moment. The smart girl suddenly thought of something. Her expression moved, and she immediately nodded respectfully and said yes, and then hurried away.

This clearly demonstrated her deep understanding of me, as she could discern my intentions from my simple words, despite our limited interactions during my free moments. Being a former or chatty dragon, I naturally enjoy conversing from time to time. I am acutely aware of the detrimental effects that loneliness and isolation can have on a person.

A moment later, a group of humanoid monsters came from the east and west.

I stood up slowly and flew to a short slope in an open space not far from the pool waterfall. I looked indifferently at the goblins, kobolds and three extremely conspicuous trolls that were gathering quickly.

The three dragon dependents who led many monsters stood at the front of all the monsters, waiting for the true dragon master to speak.

I looked down at the monster servants who belonged to me below, and my heart moved slightly.

The Green Forest Tribe now has eight to nine hundred Goblins, and the Black Blood Tribe has more than three hundred Kobolds. When the number of these monsters exceeds a thousand, it is a little shocking to see them.

Unfortunately, except for my three dragon-veined followers, the two trolls of Zakuza and the seven big goblin warriors, the others were just a ragtag group of people, and even ordinary human soldiers could fight several of them at a time.

"The productivity is too low. If this continues for a long time, these servants will not even be able to provide me with enough food, let alone trade for me to gain spells and wealth." I shook my head as I spoke my thoughts out loud.

I opened my huge dragon wings with a wingspan of seventeen meters, and with a slight shake, I came to the center of the monster army and floated at low altitude.

Below, the kobolds and goblins facing him at close range were agitated.

Excitement, anxiety, admiration, and desire. I could clearly feel the unabashed emotions of these low-level monsters.

That's fine, I like the directness.

A domineering and ferocious dragon roar echoed in the ears of the monster army. After shaking the place with the dragon roar, I, suspended in the low sky, opened his ferocious dragon mouth.

"Lucky servants, your kind True Dragon Master will give you a chance to be reborn today!"

After the words fell, I stopped talking nonsense and stretched out my dragon claws. Drops of thick scarlet dragon blood were quickly forced out of my body under my powerful body control.

After twenty drops of blood were forced out, I stopped.

Below, the eyes of goblins, kobolds, and trolls were all attracted by the twenty drops of dragon blood that looked extremely dazzling under the sunlight.

Each drop of dragon blood is about the size of a human fist. It looks extremely thick, round and suspended in the air, exuding a faint pressure.

Fanatical emotions permeated the area. My words and actions directly ignited the enthusiasm of the monster army. The excited and ugly barking of the kobolds, the chirping shouts of the goblins, and the thumping of the trolls' chests A dull clang echoed through half of the Black Blood Valley.

In mid-air, I used magic power to control the twenty drops of blood, turning eleven drops of dragon blood into a large number of slender blood threads.

Then, these tiny dragon blood threads fell towards the monster army below who opened their mouths to greet them.

The seven big goblin warriors and the two trolls opened their mouths stupidly, but they found that no thread of dragon's blood fell into their mouths. The weak kobolds and goblins next to them all received at least one thread of dragon's blood. suddenly they became very anxious, their eyes were wide open, but they didn't dare to speak, still they were holding it in too much.

Fortunately, I didn't let these 'monster elites' wait long, and the remaining nine fist-sized drops of dragon's blood fell down in the air.

One drop per person.

Although it is just ordinary dragon blood, not essence blood, a drop of dragon blood that is as big as a human fist is considered extremely precious. If some spell casters with average strength saw it, they would probably be heartbroken to death.

Such precious magic materials are actually used by some low-level monsters?

What a waste of natural resources! !

However, this ordinary dragon blood is actually nothing to me, it can easily be recovered by eating a few monsters.

After distributing benefits to the army of servants, I told my three dragon-veined followers to watch over the army of monsters and wait for their transformation to be completed.

Then I flapped my dragon wings and disappeared into the humble dragon nest of the waterfall pool.

In the dragon's lair in the water pool, I took out the wooden box from the space bag and took out the piece of animal skin that exuded a faint magic aura.