CH : 22 begin the journey of top of the food chain

Here's another hostage that you made free!

You know what to do for the next hostage.



After distributing benefits to the army of servants, I told my three dragon-veined followers to watch over the army of monsters and wait for their transformation to be completed.

Then I flapped my dragon wings and disappeared into the humble dragon nest of the waterfall pool.

In the dragon's lair in the water pool, I took out the wooden box from the space bag and took out the piece of animal skin that exuded a faint magic aura.

This piece of animal skin is the carrier of the zero-tier trick and secret mark.

Although it is the lowest level of magic among spells, some spells cannot be completely judged by their level, but by their effects and functions.

If used properly, zero-tier magic can also have better effects than five- and six-tier magic.

The secret mark is such a special spell.

[Zero Tier: Secret Mark]

Spell effect: A mark spell mark on items (including living things), which can create a certain connection with the owner even if the distance is far away.

Although this spell can be easily broken by spellcasters whose spell attainments are higher than the caster, it is still an extremely useful spell.

This is a spell that many mages will often use after reaching Legend.

Although I planned to specialize in water spells, I would definitely learn such useful spells if I could.

Unfolding the animal skin, I stared at the key mental nodes that needed to be constructed for the secret mark.

A first-tier spell consists of at least five mental nodes, but this zero-tier magic requires four mental nodes.

The learning difficulty is already close to those of the lowest level spells.

"Huh~" I took a deep breath and forced myself to work hard to learn this spell.

Except for the law-loving dragon's, (the law created by them), other dragons really don't like learning spells.

This is true even if you can enhance your own strength after learning spells.

This is the same as studying in previous lives. Everyone knows that studying can make you stronger, improve your starting point and income in the future, your position in society, and change your life path. But how many people can devote themselves to studying like crazy?

Very little!

As for spells, even if they are only zero-tier or first-tier spells, the difficulty of learning them is quite advanced compared to the book knowledge in previous lives, let alone higher-level spells. It is really not something that ordinary beings can study and learn. .

If I was not a giant dragon, he was born with extremely strong mental power and quick thinking, and additionally had a lot of Mets Knowledge and would continue to improve his mental strength through practice and natural growth, thereby making his thinking more agile and powerful. It is estimated that he also can't stand the difficult task of learning spells.

Make the faucet bigger!

After studying for a while and barely understanding the outline of the secret magic mark, I chose to take a break.

I focused on other aspects and immediately sensed the slowly rising auras of a large number of individuals in the outside world who were weakly related to me.

"The dragon blood transformation is almost over." I said to myself.

Speaking of this dragon blood transformation, in fact, in addition to enhancing productivity, I also had a research and observation mentality.

Dragonborn are roughly divided into three levels, from the most effective essence-blood contract, to the second-level scale-blood contract, and the least effective breath immersion.

The first two have the best effects. The growth of the dragon itself can also affect the bloodline of the dragonborn to a certain extent through the contract, thereby driving the growth of the dragonborn under its command. Moreover, with the perfect contract, the dragon also has strong constraints on them. Ability makes betrayal extremely costly.

The last kind of 'breath immersion' is just contaminated with the dragon's breath, dragon blood, and dragon scales, thereby gaining the power of dragon veins. As for the effect of the dragon vein power obtained, it depends on the strength of the dragon from the source of the dragon vein and the number of dragon blood and dragon scales obtained. The dragon is weak, so the power of the dragon veins it obtains will naturally not be much stronger. However, if one obtains a large amount of dragon blood and dragon scales, one can increase the power of the dragon veins to a very high level, even It can exceed the benefits brought to the Dragonborn by the first two high-standard dependent contracts.

This kind of dragonborn has a very low limit, and the upper limit all depends on whether the 'resources' are available.

The last method is usually used by dragons to create dragon-born lesions on a large scale.

After all, the dragon's use of the Familiar Contract requires a large amount of magic power in the body. The stronger the object, the more magic power is consumed. If the physical magic power is lacking for a long time, the dragon's growth rate will naturally slow down a lot, and even It stops growing. In addition to this, if the dragon's spirit is not strong enough, it cannot accept too many spiritual connections, otherwise the dragon's brain will become confused.

Having said all that, I actually want to see if these Dragonborn, who have only undergone the lowest level of transformation, can also receive the blessing of the 'Feast' skill. I decided to name their variant 'Overeat' because they share some similarities but aren't identical. just like Skye, Mundo, and Danylan…

If it's possible for them, perhaps I could also assemble a formidable army of monsters. In my army, every General would be a 'Legend', and even the weakest soldier would be at least '15th Order'.

If they can't, that's okay. Their strength has improved, and at least they can hunt more and better quality prey for me.

"I hope you can give me good news." my eyes were deep, as if I could see through the rock walls and pools the monster dependents on the ground who were suffering from the transformation of dragon veins.

Shaking my head, my thoughts quickly returned to studying magic.

Let's construct the secret mark runes first.

Time passed quickly during the painful and happy days when I studied magic.

On the fifth day, I successfully mastered the zero-tier trick [Secret Mark].

Above the spiritual ocean, there are now two grey transparent runes suspended.

On the fifteenth day, I finally stopped my boring spell practice. I planned to give myself a half-day vacation to calm down my brain, which had been spinning for a long time.

As soon as the thought came to my mind, my eyes fell on Skye through the spiritual connection.

My vision changed and I came to the forest.

From Skye's first point of view, it was leading the tribe on a hunt.

The hunting object is a group of velociraptors. Although Velociraptors have the title of dragon, they are actually just a group of slightly stronger first-level beasts.

Velociraptor are not big, and its long and strong tail is only about two meters. The second toes of its feet have huge toe claws that are like large sickles, and the pair of skinny palms in front also have knives. The same sharp claws look extremely dangerous.

In fact, for many beasts, velociraptors, which are grouped in groups and are fast and agile beasts, are indeed powerful natural enemies.


My expression suddenly changed as I peered into the battle.

I found that the twenty-odd kobolds led by Skye seemed to have changed a bit.

Only half a month has passed. These kobolds who have been transformed by dragon blood have grown from being less than one metre tall to a height of at least one metre and two metres.

Moreover, the strong muscles all over the body are vaguely visible under the scales, and the aura revealed has become much stronger.

Obviously, this is not normal.

"The Overeat is also useful for the dependents transformed by dragon blood?" I grinned.

Twenty or so kobolds wearing vine armor and holding spears surrounded nine raptors in the middle of the open space.

Underneath these velociraptors is a beast that has been bitten horribly.

The beast is the bait, the trap that draws these raptors into the encirclement.

The raptors made a sharp neighbouring sound and were anxious.

After the kobolds steadily approached, the velociraptors couldn't bear it any longer. Under the leadership of the strongest velociraptor leader, they launched a charge against the kobold warriors in one direction.

The velociraptor's sharp claws, as sharp as a knife, clawed hard at the kobold warrior standing at the front, but the latter just indifferently pulled out a small vine shield from behind to block it in front of him.

The sharp claws ripped across the surface of the vine shield, leaving several deep marks. At the same time, the huge impact also knocked these kobolds back several steps before stopping.

However, the reaction force also slowed down the bodies of these raptors, temporarily losing their speed and flexibility.

The kobold warriors from the other three directions seized the opportunity, holding spears in both hands, bulging their arms and thigh muscles, and stabbed at the weak points such as the abdomen and head of these raptors.

The screams and screams resounded loudly.

During this period, a raptor that was not seriously injured rushed towards the kobold warrior crazily, waving its claws and opening its mouth to bite and attack.

But under the steady siege and siege of more than two dozen kobold warriors, in the end, no raptor could escape this death circle.

The body fell to the ground, and blood slowly flowed and soaked the ground.

This is the end of a hunting battle.

A kobold warrior picked up the bone whistle from his chest and blew it to his mouth. The crisp sound of a bone whistle spread all around.

After a while, there was a rustling sound coming from the jungle in the south.

About twenty or thirty kobolds rushed out of the jungle with a bundle of vine drag ropes in their hands and baskets on their backs.

After they arrived at the venue, they quickly took off the basket without any nonsense, took out a glass bottle from it, and placed it on the bleeding wounds of the raptors to soak up the blood.

One after another, glass bottles filled with blood were put back into the basket.

These glass bottles were prepared by the Sieglinde family, and there is a lot of inventory in the Green Forest Tribe's warehouse. Because the production process of this glass bottle contains a special mineral powder that can delay decay and keep blood fresh, it can last for at least half a year, so it is an excellent storage container.

After taking the blood of the velociraptor, this team of kobolds who specialize in handling prey began skinning it.

Velociraptor leather is the best raw material for making leather armor, and it is particularly popular among low-level mercenaries, adventurers and even monster tribes.

The Sieglinde family primarily consists of merchants who earned their noble status through their significant contributions during the last war against the southern kingdom.

However, this newfound nobility garnered them considerable disdain from established noble families. As a merchant family, their military power is limited to locally recruited soldiers, and they frequently rely on hired mercenaries and adventurers, which is a costly endeavor. Consequently, their profits are meager, and the heavy taxes imposed by the new king further strain their finances.

The Chamber of Commerce established by the Sieglinde family sells many items, the main ones being weapons, equipment and potions, so the demand for monster beast materials and blood is very high.

After the skinning work was completed, the kobold team skillfully tied the drag rope made of vines to the claws and feet of the bloody raptor. After inserting the arm-thick wooden sticks, they carried it away in teams of two and headed towards the Black Blood Valley. go.

This entire process is already extremely proficient.

The team of kobold warriors responsible for combat hunting stood up from the ground after seeing the team that handled the corpses of the prey returning.

They stay aside not only to rest, but also to protect the safety of the kobold troops handling the prey.

"Let's go and continue hunting!"

On the side, Skye, who had been silent from the beginning of the battle until the corpse of the prey was processed, spoke.

Although its expression was indifferent, a trace of satisfaction flashed in its eyes.

Since the master issued the order, both the Green Forest Tribe and the Black Blood Tribe have been organizing large numbers of hunting teams to go hunting.

In order to reduce the motality rate of these hunting teams, Skye, Danylan, Mundo, and two trolls and seven big goblins were dispersed to join these hunting teams to act as security for these hunting teams.

When encountering danger that exceeds the strength of the hunting team, they will take action to solve it. In areas near valleys where traces of intermediate monsters are hard to find, these 'safeguards' can at least push back the danger as long as they take action. This greatly reduces the motality rate of Goblin warriors and Kobold warriors in the hunting team. .

If they encounter dangers and battles that are within the range that the hunting team can handle, these 'safety guarantees' will watch with cold eyes, in order to exercise and tap the power of the dragon veins in these warriors.

There will definitely be casualties in this process, which is inevitable, but due to the influence of the Overeat skill, this casualty rate is decreasing at an extremely fast rate.

It is normal for a hunting team to suffer a few casualties on a day when they first go hunting. As time goes by, the casualties of the hunting team become lower and lower.

Until the past two days, the twelve hunting teams combined had only suffered five casualties. All of them were only injured and could continue to join the hunting team to fight after recovering for a period of time.

"Master's bloodline is really too strong." Skye couldn't help but secretly sigh at times.

Skye has been following his master for a while. He has watched his master grow from less than five meters tall to more than eight meters tall now, and his overall size has more than doubled!

No matter how ignorant Skye was about such a terrifying growth rate, he knew that this was not the growth rate that an ordinary giant true dragon should have.

His master is a particularly powerful dragon with endless potential, and by following such a dragon master, Skye might also have the opportunity to see a wider landscape.

I withdrew the first-person perspective that fell on Skye, and a trace of satisfaction flashed in my eyes.

It seems that it won't have to worry about not having enough food for a long time in the future.

"The next feast will start in less than ten days." I exhaled slowly, and a strong wind blew in the dragon's nest.

The ability to exhale like an arrow, as I strengthen my body with feasts again and again, is expected to be successfully obtained soon and become a reality.

Perhaps later on, after hundreds or thousands of layers of feasts have been superimposed, I can create a huge storm with just the breathing of my body. Or even have frost breath.